Thursday, May 31, 2018

●● Weaponry, Vehicles

Vickers Light Tank MKV1 B > .
Weapons, Weaponology WW2 - tb >> .

Aegis Combat System ..
ArtilleryR-U War ..
Boat vs Ship 
EMP Attack ..
Kamikazes ..  
Manhattan Project ..
Panzerjäger, WW2 ..
Paveway - Laser-Guided Bomb ..
SpW - Space Weaponry ..
Submarines, U-Boats, UUVs

Weaponry - Defensive/Offensive

● Military/Services - Hand Weapons ..

Agriculture | Air | Atrocities | Blitz | Campaigns | Characters | Cold War | Defence | Espionage| Government | Home Front | Industry | Infrastructure | Intelligence | Land | Locations | Logistics| Propaganda, Publications | Sea | Services | Society | Tactics | Technology | Timelines | Theatres | Volunteers | War | Weaponry | WW1 |

Monday, May 28, 2018

Artillery - Ammo, Accuracy

24-12-6 Artillery Rounds Go Shorter at Night - nwyt > .
24-12-2 Caseless Ammunition & Future of Warfare - Mega > .
23-10-6 ATACMS & Importance to Ukraine - Ryan McBeth > .
22-6-24 How artillery works - Featuring the M777 Howitzer - Ryan McBeth > .

Comment [edited]: "We trained literally daily back in the united states. Some of it was in the field, but most of it was in an office doing math and etc.. Some of the training was a bit tedious for sure, but it wasn't a bad job at all. We used laptops to calculate firing data of course, but we had to know how to do everything manually. When calculating firing data you gotta take into account so many factors. More than just the target coordinates. There's gun coordinates, gun altitude, target coordinates, target altitude, MVV (muzzle velocity variation) which is the wear and tear of the tube over time (these numbers come from routine tests done on the cannon). We also took into account meteorological data (temperature, wind speed, etc) for every thousand feet. We'd get that info every hour from a weather team at another location. We had to take into account the temperature of the propellant, which we got from the gunline every so often. We would literally take into account the rotation of the earth. We'd also take into account things like time detonation for the rounds. We would tell the gunline what time to set their rounds to, to ensure it explodes just above the ground. We had to calculate the time from shooting until impact. We would tell the forward observers (infantry) 10 seconds before rounds hit the target. If infantry wanted to do a correction ("up 50 meters, down 100"), we would calculate all of the new data and tell the gunline the new deflection (left/right) and quadrant (up/down). Every round shot is manually recorded onto a record of fire sheet. For illumination rounds, we would have to calculate the exact coordinates of where the cannister would land after the illum round ignites in the sky, to ensure the cannister doesn't land on anything important.. This is necessary to ensure the cannisters of the illum rounds don't fall on people / homes / etc.." 

Artillery ↷ R-U War

Artillery - Ammo, Accuracy ..

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Big Guns


Bikini Atom Bomb


On September 25, 1946, 75 ships were quarantined for radioactive contamination tests after the second nuclear bomb was dropped at Bikini Atoll. 

Operation Crossroads is completed with the dropping of an atomic bomb on Bikini Atoll. Tests of many kinds were put in place on ships surrounding the Atoll and special goggles issued to protect the eyes of those watching. A Superfortress took off from Kwajalein and dropped just one missile.

KS LS Bikini Atoll. 5 /73 target ships sunk. Superstructure wrecked on Aircraft carrier USS "Independent" . USS "Pensacola", badly damaged. 


Inside The US Government's Top-Secret Bioweapons Lab - Dugway > .
24-11-11 USAMRIID: Where the US Military Experiments with Diseases - Mega > .
23-11-20 New nerve agent antidote autoinjector for British troops - Forces > .
22-12-26 Soviet Biological Weapons Program - Asianometry > .
1915-4-22 Chlorine gas, 2nd Battle of Ypres ..
WW2 - German development of chemical weapons > .Unit 731: Imperial Japan’s Malicious Biological and Chemical Testing Unit - Shadow > .
Chemical, Biological Weapons - Knarr >> .

Bio-Risks - Chinese Competition 

The Dugway Proving Ground is a US government facility that tests some of the deadliest chemical and biological agents on earth. Despite the dangerous experimentation, the facility has had some major slip ups.

What You Should Know About Biological Warfare | 1950s Educational Film > .
Dr. Bruce Edwards Ivins: America's Unsolved Anthrax Mystery - Biog > .

Engineered Viruses Are the New Biological Weapons > .

In the world of synthetic biology, a microbe is seen as a structural frame on which to add genes & DNA. The microbe will be tested and have its performance improved, so it can hopefully do something useful for the world.

But this potential to modify living organisms and steer them toward global problems is often met with a dark side.

The National Academies of Science released a major report titled Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology with a ranked list of threat concerns. High on the list is recreating known pathogenic viruses and making existing bacteria more dangerous, lowest is modifying the human genome with gene drives

Often when people think about bioweapons, some kind of organism being weaponized comes to mind, like anthrax bacteria or the smallpox virus.

The NAS synthetic biology report includes some suggestions that involve developing detection tools and computational approaches that can better screen for any rogue engineered organisms. And this is exactly what Ginkgo Bioworks, a synthetic organism factory, is working on.

Synthetic biology—including DNA synthesis and gene editing—has increased severity of threats from potential bioterrorists.

How Dangerous Are Chemical Weapons? > .

Black Submarines



23-2-27 Fritz X - WW2 German Smart Bomb - mfp > .

V-1 to V-2 > .

The German ‘glider bomb’ was a true innovation for the time, a remote control missile, guided onto its target by radio control from the releasing aircraft.

One of the earliest attacks, although unsuccessful, was most probably upon HMS Scylla, although they were not aware of what they had been attacked by at the time.

The first successful attack with the glider bomb was made in the Bay of Biscay on the 25th August, when HMS Bideford was hit. - See more at:

Most Dangerous Job || UXBs to IEDs Bomb Disposal - e1 > .

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Cluster Munitions

23-7-18 Controversial Cluster Munitions Are [Important] For Ukraine - Kyiv > .

Comparisons - air, land, sea

Ship Classes WW2 - 101 - mhv > .
Military - AmVi >> .

Aircraft Size Comparison -AmVi >> . 
Helicopters - Mats >> .

Covert Weapons . . . . . . . . . .
https://warehouse-13-artifact-databas... . .
https://bennington.pastperfectonline.... . . . .​ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Crocodiles, Donald Duck, Landing Craft

D-Day innovations ..
Lies and Deceptions that made D-Day possible - IWM > .

Donald Duck tank
Flame-throwing Churchill Crocodile tank
Landing craft

Friday, May 25, 2018

Depth charges - ASW

Sub Chasers of the Civil Air Patrol > .
Why Aircraft Patrols Were a Source of Fear for Nazi U-Boats > .
Why Depth Charges Don't Have to Touch a Submarine to Sink It > .

Detonator - Pencil detonator

Pencil detonator

"It is generally understood that the glass ampoule contains acid and that it is the thickness of the steel wire that causes the various delays available. This is however not the case the ampoule contains Copper Chloride and the steel wire has the same thickness regardless of the delay and it is the concentration of the Copper Chloride that gives the various delays.

The period of delay is indicated by the colour of the safety strip. The timings given are for 59° Fahrenheit (15°celsius).

BLACK: 10 Min.,
RED: 30 Min.,
WHITE: 2 Hrs.,
GREEN: 5½ Hrs.,
YELLOW: 12 Hrs.,
BLUE: 24 Hrs.

The delay varies according to temperature. At high temperature the delays are considerably shortened and visa versa. Each tin was packed with 5 pencils all with the same colour code. It was then sealed with a coloured strip of duct tape corresponding to the colour on the safety strips.

The pencil is composed of three different sections. The copper tube contains a clear glass ampoule filled with a green liquid being copper chloride and the brass or aluminum tube is housing the striker, coil spring and a primer. Also aluminium tubes can be found as a substitute for the common brass tube depending on who manufactured the pencils.

The “Signal Relay” or Switch No.10 commonly known as the “time-pencil” is a small and compact delayed-ignition device that could set off a detonator or a Bickford safety fuse. The “Signal Relay” was secretly invented by Cdr. A.G. Langley before the Second World War and he further developed and improved it ending up with the product that we know today as the Switch No.10. After the war Cdr. A.G. Langley was credited for the invention by the British Royal Commission on Awards."

Bombs, Detonators, Guns, Mines - tb >> .  

Auxilliary unit

Dirty tricks - chemical weapons

Poison Gas Warfare - WW1 > .

DM Kineton

Defence Munitions Kineton since 1942 > .

Defence Munitions (DM) Kineton occupies the site officially known as MOD Kineton, and is a Ministry of Defence property located close to the village of Kineton, Warwickshire, England.

Developed from 1941 onwards between Kineton and the neighbouring village of Temple Herdewyke, it is approximately 10 miles (16 km) from both Banbury and Leamington Spa. Developed as a Central Ammunition Depot, it also served during the Second World War as a transit camp, with Polish and Czechoslovakian troops stationed there.

Dora - Schwerer Gustav

Heavy Gustav - The World's Biggest Artillery Gun > .


The "Dora" also known as the "Schwerer Gustav" was the largest gun ever built in terms of weight (not caliber). It was originally designed to be used against the French Maginot-Line, but was not ready in May 1940. As such it was used in the Siege of Sevastopol by General Manstein. Yet, later on, it was not used again.

DUKW - amphibious truck

18-8-18 Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: DUKW > .

DUKW "Duck" amphibious truck
Country of origin: US

A modification of the 2-ton "deuce", the DUKW amphibious truck was designed in 1942 by a team that included a British sailor, an American yacht builder and an MIT engineer. Its official name was the DUKW Amphibious Vehicle but to the American G.I.s in World War Two, it was the "Duck". Over 21,000 DUKWs were built during WWII.

Briefing: Like the original Willys/Ford jeep, the gargantuan, six-wheel-drive DUKW dates to World War II. The designation is an amalgam of internal letter codes – D: built in 1942; U: utility truck; K: front-wheel drive; W: rear-wheel drive – but the amphibious DUKW is better known by a friendlier name: the Duck. Built on GMC's heavy-duty CCKW military truck chassis, the Duck featured a slab-sided boat hull for a body and a single 25in propeller behind its rearmost axle. Powered by a 92-horsepower in-line six-cylinder engine, it tipped the scales at close to 15,000lbs (6,804kg). What it lacked in speed, however, the Duck made up for in indefatigability. Like the wartime jeep, the DUKW proved (figuratively as well as literally) bulletproof. Of the roughly 21,000 Ducks built between 1942 and 1945, a surprising number are still road- and seaworthy. Many have found a second calling as tourist conveyances in cities such as Boston and London, but a few serve as adventure toys for private collectors. (The pristine example shown here was part of Auction America's Littlefield Collection sale in 2014.) Several companies, including the US-based Chicago DUKWs, offer Duck-specific sales and restoration services, as well as parts and tech support to keep the 80-year-old machines on the road – and on the water.

*Price:* Varies, though the restored example pictured here sold at auction in July 2014 for $78,775

"Battle Stations: Duck - The Truck That Went To Sea (War History Documentary)"


"A DUKW in London Emerging from the Thames" .

Tanks, Armoured Vehicles - tb >> .
Bombs, Detonators, Guns, Mines - tb >> .  

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

German Guided Weapons 

Bombs, Detonators, Guns, Mines - tb >> .  


23-9-1 All Types of Grenades Explained - nwyt > .



"The SMLE was a shortened and modernized version of the Lee Metford and Lee Enfield MLE. Its size was beneficial to the military providing one service rifle instead of a mixture of rifles and carbines. It would serve Britain throughout both World Wars and for the commonwealth throughout the 20th century. "

Ordnance QF 25-pounder

Six Pounder

2 Pounder anti-tank gun
Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC) training film. Directed by Netheravon Wing, Small Arms School. Photographed and Produced by Army Cinema Centre, Aldershot. This film illustrates the description and operation of the 2-pounder anti-tank gun MkII.

D-Day - playlist

Sten gun

British STEN Gun .
Dismantling, Reassembling Sten gun > .

●● Weaponry .. Bombs .. Guns .. Hand Weapons .. Hobart's Funnies .. Manufacturing .. Mines .. Tanks ..

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...