Showing posts with label X-R. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X-R. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

China-Russia Alliance?

2017 A Chinese-Russian alliance: tRUMP's Nightmare? - VisPol > .

Monday, March 31, 2014

1991 "New World Order"

Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..

"Russia has been in the process of reclaiming its buffer zones – the areas in its periphery such as the Caucasus, the Baltics, Central Asia and Eastern Europe that give Moscow strategic depth from potential enemies – for some time.
At the end of World War II, the Russians occupied the Baltic states, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and the eastern half of Germany. None of them had been occupied by the Soviet Union before the war. The conquest of this area was the result of defeating Germany and dividing Europe with the West based essentially on the areas each held at the end of the war.

With this, Russia expanded its strategic depth dramatically. The distance it would take from the Fulda Gap to Moscow was so great that a NATO offensive designed to break Russia was impossible. As important, it reduced the strategic depth of the Anglo-Americans to just a few hundred miles. Forward deployed Soviet forces were, for example, 200 miles (320 kilometers) from Hamburg, a major German port. It was accepted that Western Europe could be defended only by massive reinforcement and resupply from the United States. With the western ports under attack or captured, the ability to support forces trying to hold the west would collapse.

The Anglo-Americans, and later NATO, faced a massive Soviet force occupying Eastern Europe and the eastern part of Germany without strategic depth and with fewer troops. The West had air and naval forces, well-trained troops and, most important, nuclear weapons. The U.S. had a massive bomber force that could deliver a nuclear strike to the Soviet Union, but the Soviets had no equivalent ability to strike the United States until much later in the Cold War. Thus, the Soviets’ strategic force and American nuclear bombers canceled each other out.

Even so, Soviet control of Eastern Europe provided a degree of defense Moscow never had previously. It was a profound problem for the U.S. and NATO. Washington had never intended a nuclear exchange for Europe, and it had what was likely a sufficient air-land capability to break the first wave of a Soviet attack and threaten the next. But for leaders in Western Europe, Eastern Europe was a geographic nightmare that facilitated a Soviet attack on a line from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.

For this reason, the collapse of the Soviet Union relaxed the West. Until 1991, NATO had been a formidable force. After Eastern Europe broke from the Russians, the West had gained strategic depth. This meant that the ready-alert status of NATO and the U.S. nuclear arsenal was no longer relevant. The added distance of a Soviet attack, ignoring the shambles of the former Soviet Union, made conventional attack impossible. Of all the reasons offered for NATO’s operational decline, this is the most persuasive: that the strategic reality of the Continent had simply changed, and that the threat from the Soviet Union was no longer there. This was later consummated by the integration of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania into Western institutions.

This, in turn, created the problem Russia faces today. From Moscow’s point of view, the expansion of NATO eastward might eventually ensnare countries like Belarus and Ukraine, and even Georgia in the Caucasus. The Maidan revolution of 2014 only worried Moscow more. If NATO integrated Ukraine, it is reasonable to believe that Moscow would be indefensible. For Russia, hoping for the extended restraint of the United States is not a good bet.

At the same time, if Russia were to control both Belarus and Ukraine, an assault on Eastern Europe, coupled with subversion operations, could recreate in Russia’s favor the geography of the Cold War. NATO is a shadow of what it once was. The U.S. no longer guards the Fulda Gap. If Ukraine is taken, then conventional and even advanced technology might not be able to limit a Russian advance to the east.

In that sense, one of the West’s greatest problems is that the former Soviet satellites, especially those in Eastern Europe, lack the strength to deter a Russian advance. Size is not the issue. Russia’s population is about 145 million. The population of the countries above is about 84 million. Given that they would be in defensive positions, and if properly armed and organized, they do not have to be a negligible force. The problem is twofold. First, most have taken NATO membership too seriously, not considering that NATO is hollowed out. They see themselves as too weak to defend themselves and expect an American miracle. The miracle could come, but not without a united, armed and motivated Intermarium, a term I have used for the alliance of the states between the Black and the Baltic seas. Ultimately, this group of countries was unable to envision the force it could bring to bear, and therefore psychologically was incapable of united action, but always waited for another country to protect it." - George Friedman

Friday, June 22, 2012

Great Power Relations

22-4-21 Russia–Ukraine war, US–China rivalry, Thucydides’s Trap > .

2021 - Russia - Bal Pow >> .
>> Bal Pow >>

Friday, June 8, 2012


23-4-8 US Grand Strategy: NATO, Alliances, & Ukraine - Perun > .
22-3-23 Polish citizens join army b/o Russian invasion of Ukraine - BBC > .
22-3-20 Europe's Rearming to defend itself against Russia: New era for EU? - VisPol > .
2021 True Goals of NATO? - Mad Mac > .
Geostrategic Projection - Europe - Compass >> .

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

> Xina ⇔ Ruscia 2023 >

Unlikely bedfellows; almost certainly a temporary dickomance

> X-Mil Threat >

> Australia >>
23-12-2 RNDF 2023: Deepening Defense Cooperation through AUKUS > .
23-10-25 US & [I-P-CW] vs Xina: Preparations to Fight War - Real > .
23-9-6 AoD | Succeeding [in Hybrid War vs] PRC (feat. John Lee) - Hudson > .
22-3-25 A2/AD: A Strategy for Defence of Australia in 21st Century - hypo > .

Ċold Ŵar 2 

Enemies of Axis of Evil 

Indian Ocean

Indo-Pacific Militaries > AntiX >>

> JDF - Japan's Military >>
23-4-23 Japanese Defence Strategy & Rearmament - ambitious plans - Perun > .


NDMPST National Defense Mobilization Professional Support Teams

North Pacific

> PLA - X Bellicosity 2025 >>

23-9-29 Xinese ramping up J-20 fighter production - Binkov > .
> PLA > PLAGF - Ground Force w 
> PLA > PLAN > X-Mil Threat >> 🔸Xina-Threat🔸 

> PLA > PLARF Rocket Force w

> PLA > PLASSF NSD - Network Systems Department w

South Pacific 
22-9-24 Xina's and Australia’s power plays in the Pacific - Caspian > .
22-8-26 How Xina wages an unseen war for strategic influence | FT > .
22-4-28 Almost 60% of Australians want Australia to be tougher on Xina > .
22-4-27 Solomon Islands: Can Xina afford a base? Taiwan safer > .
22-4-21 Xina Trying to Build a Military Base Near Australia - Unscripted > .

Space Competition & Ċold Ŵar 2 .



> X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

X weaponry 
24-3-22 Xinese Fighting Vehicles - Types & Numbers - S&A > .

> X-Mil Threat >> 🔸Xina-Threat🔸> PLA > > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

Xina's BRI mercenaries  > PLA > > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

Xina's militaristic threats  > PLA > > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>
22-2-20 China's military shockingly corrupt - Can Xi jinping control army? - Insight > .

Xina & missiles  > PLA >  > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

Xina's hybrid war on West  > PLA >  > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>
23-3-1 House Panel Lays Out Xina Threats | Focus > .

Xina's nuclear weaponry  > PLA >  > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>
22-13-8 China's Nuclear Weapons are Garbage! - serpentza > .

Xina's war preparations  > PLA >  > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

XiXiPee's Imperialist Ambitions  > PLA > > X Bellicosity 2025 - PLA >>

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...