Thursday, June 22, 2006

> G20 2023 >


G20 2023 


> Germany Geoeconomics >

military budgets

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

> Industry >

AI, Automation, Productivity 



South Korea 


USA vs X


> Invasion by Unwanted >

"Migrant crisis is the intense difficulty, trouble, or danger situation in the receiving state (destination country) due to the movements of large groups of [economic] immigrants (displaced people, refugee or asylum seeker)" invading without invitation.

[Every population, including immigrant populations, comprises a majority whose contributions are benign or beneficial, and a minority who inadvertently elicit or deliberately invoke civil distress. Of late, adversarial states view spontaneous migration as an opportunity to insert criminals, spies, terrorists, and state-sponsored troublemakers into unsuspecting host populations. Despite being a minority of arrivals, these individuals cause disproportionate trouble.

When the immigrants are predominantly young males, economic migration is the likeliest stimulus for most who, honestly or dishonestly, claim "asylum". Unfortunately, young males are the likeliest to cause social disruption, particularly since some/many unattached males continue to hold and manifest unacceptable attitudes and behaviors towards the host culture's women and female children [e.g. Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal]. 

In many Western nations, these young males also continue to exhibit the learned violence endemic in their nations of origin -- both an inducement to emigrate, and a cause of cultural aversion in host populations. The negative feelings elicited by antisocial behavior further contribute to the failure of individuals from markedly different cultures to assimilate satisfactorily.

Hypersensitive mass protests [Satanic Verses and fatwā] and vocal demands for preferential treatment [weekly anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian protests] further alienate host majorities against intrusive minorities who are perceived as demanding imposition of minority tyranny>.] 

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...