24-3-5 Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran - IDF > .
24-2-4 Iran would lose a war with the United States | Michael Clarke - Times > .
24-1-26 Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem - Hindsight > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military, Proxies, Power Projection - Perun > .
23-10-14 [Nefarious Hybrid XIR "want to destroy America" Plot] - Versed > .
23-10-12 Killing Civilians: The New Normal | Wonder Land: WSJ > .
23-5-31 Promise (and Pitfalls) of Wargames for Policy | Hoover > .
23-5-2 Why Iran is Helping Ruscia’s Invasion of Ukraine - Real > .
23-3-13 Iran, Xina, Saudi Arabia - Influence Wangling - Update > .
22-12-15 Mahsa Amini protests - Islamic Republic of Iran Fights to Live On - gtbt > .
Military Wargaming: A wargame, generally, is a type of strategy game which realistically simulates warfare. A military wargame, specifically, is a wargame that is used by military organizations to train officers in tactical and strategic decision-making, to test new tactics and strategies, or to predict trends in future conflicts.
24-9-6 Wargaming in NATO 2024 - NATO ACT > .