24-5-10 Why Kazakhstan is Insanely Empty - Real > .
2:58 Arctic Border
3:23 Arctic chokepoints
3:47 Eastern chokepoints, barriers
4:40 Eastern Europe
5:49 European Plain
6:42 Volgograd Gap
7:23 Baltic Nations
8:29 Carpathian mountains in Western Ukraine
9:07 Poland
10:03 Divide & Conquer - separatist agitation
10:23 Caucasus
12:23 Central Asia
13:21 China's Belt & Road initiative
24-7-16 (Failed) Race For The Arctic - gtbt > .
24-7-1 P00ti lost Ruscia's Arctic dominance to Xina & Baltic NATO forces | Forces > .Black Sea blockade
22-12-30 Suwalki Gap: NATO's Weakest Point? | BFBS > .
Proxy War
23-8-19 Art of War: Proxy Warfare - Warographics > . skip > .
Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..Ruscism ..