Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bikini Atom Bomb


On September 25, 1946, 75 ships were quarantined for radioactive contamination tests after the second nuclear bomb was dropped at Bikini Atoll. 

Operation Crossroads is completed with the dropping of an atomic bomb on Bikini Atoll. Tests of many kinds were put in place on ships surrounding the Atoll and special goggles issued to protect the eyes of those watching. A Superfortress took off from Kwajalein and dropped just one missile.

KS LS Bikini Atoll. 5 /73 target ships sunk. Superstructure wrecked on Aircraft carrier USS "Independent" . USS "Pensacola", badly damaged. 


Inside The US Government's Top-Secret Bioweapons Lab - Dugway > .
24-11-11 USAMRIID: Where the US Military Experiments with Diseases - Mega > .
23-11-20 New nerve agent antidote autoinjector for British troops - Forces > .
22-12-26 Soviet Biological Weapons Program - Asianometry > .
1915-4-22 Chlorine gas, 2nd Battle of Ypres ..
WW2 - German development of chemical weapons > .Unit 731: Imperial Japan’s Malicious Biological and Chemical Testing Unit - Shadow > .
Chemical, Biological Weapons - Knarr >> .

Bio-Risks - Chinese Competition 

The Dugway Proving Ground is a US government facility that tests some of the deadliest chemical and biological agents on earth. Despite the dangerous experimentation, the facility has had some major slip ups.

What You Should Know About Biological Warfare | 1950s Educational Film > .
Dr. Bruce Edwards Ivins: America's Unsolved Anthrax Mystery - Biog > .

Engineered Viruses Are the New Biological Weapons > .

In the world of synthetic biology, a microbe is seen as a structural frame on which to add genes & DNA. The microbe will be tested and have its performance improved, so it can hopefully do something useful for the world.

But this potential to modify living organisms and steer them toward global problems is often met with a dark side.

The National Academies of Science released a major report titled Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology with a ranked list of threat concerns. High on the list is recreating known pathogenic viruses and making existing bacteria more dangerous, lowest is modifying the human genome with gene drives

Often when people think about bioweapons, some kind of organism being weaponized comes to mind, like anthrax bacteria or the smallpox virus.

The NAS synthetic biology report includes some suggestions that involve developing detection tools and computational approaches that can better screen for any rogue engineered organisms. And this is exactly what Ginkgo Bioworks, a synthetic organism factory, is working on.

Synthetic biology—including DNA synthesis and gene editing—has increased severity of threats from potential bioterrorists.

How Dangerous Are Chemical Weapons? > .

Black Submarines



23-2-27 Fritz X - WW2 German Smart Bomb - mfp > .

V-1 to V-2 > .

The German ‘glider bomb’ was a true innovation for the time, a remote control missile, guided onto its target by radio control from the releasing aircraft.

One of the earliest attacks, although unsuccessful, was most probably upon HMS Scylla, although they were not aware of what they had been attacked by at the time.

The first successful attack with the glider bomb was made in the Bay of Biscay on the 25th August, when HMS Bideford was hit. - See more at:

Most Dangerous Job || UXBs to IEDs Bomb Disposal - e1 > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...