1849-1-23 Elizabeth Blackwell, USA →
Timeline of medicine and medical technology
1675 – Leeuwenhoek & Microscopy (1675) ↠
1700s – Apothecary - 18th C ➼
1800 – Humphry Davy announces the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide.
1803–1805 – Morphine was first isolated by Friedrich Sertürner, this is generally believed to be the first isolation of an active ingredient from a plant.
1813–1883 – James Marion Sims vesico-vaganial surgery Father of surgical gynecology.
1816 – Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope.
1827–1912 – Joseph Lister antiseptic surgery Father of modern surgery
1818 – James Blundell performs the first successful human transfusion.
1842 – Crawford Long performs the first surgical operation using anesthesia with ether.
1845 – John Hughes Bennett first describes leukemia as a blood disorder.
1846 – First painless surgery with general anesthetic.
1846 – Synthesis of GTN - Glyceryl Trinitrate by Ascanio Sobrero.
1847 – Ignaz Semmelweis discovers how to prevent puerperal fever.
1849 – Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree in the United States.
1850 – Female Medical College of Pennsylvania (later Woman's Medical College), the first medical college in the world to grant degrees to women, is founded in Philadelphia.
1858 – Rudolf Carl Virchow 13 October 1821 – 5 September 1902 his theories of cellular pathology spelled the end of Humoral medicine.
1867 – Lister publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, based partly on Pasteur's work.
1870 – Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease.
1878 – Ellis Reynolds Shipp graduates from the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania and begins practice in Utah.
1849 – Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree in the United States.
1850 – Female Medical College of Pennsylvania (later Woman's Medical College), the first medical college in the world to grant degrees to women, is founded in Philadelphia.
1858 – Rudolf Carl Virchow 13 October 1821 – 5 September 1902 his theories of cellular pathology spelled the end of Humoral medicine.
1867 – Lister publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, based partly on Pasteur's work.
1870 – Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease.
1878 – Ellis Reynolds Shipp graduates from the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania and begins practice in Utah.
1878 – GTN - Glyceryl Trinitrate used by William Murrell to alleviate angina pectoris and reduce blood pressure.
1879 – First vaccine for cholera.
1879 – William Murrell publishes (Lancet) findings on efficacy of GTN - Glyceryl Trinitrate in treatment of angina pectoris and hypertension.
1881 – Louis Pasteur develops an anthrax vaccine.
1882 – Louis Pasteur develops a rabies vaccine.
1890 – Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.
1895 – Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers medical use of X-rays in medical imaging .
1901 – Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types
1901 – Alois Alzheimer identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer's disease
1903 – Willem Einthoven invents electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
1906 – Frederick Hopkins suggests the existence of vitamins and suggests that a lack of vitamins causes scurvy and rickets
1907 – Paul Ehrlich develops a chemotherapeutic cure for sleeping sickness
1907 – Henry Stanley Plummer develops the first structured patient record and clinical number (Mayo clinic)
1908 – Victor Horsley and R. Clarke invents the stereotactic method
1909 – First intrauterine device described by Richard Richter.
1910 – Hans Christian Jacobaeus performs the first laparoscopy on humans
1917 – Julius Wagner-Jauregg discovers the malarial fever shock therapy for general paresis of the insane
1921 – Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets
1921 – Frederick Banting and Charles Best discover insulin – important for the treatment of diabetes
1921 – Fidel Pagés pioneers epidural anesthesia
1882 – Louis Pasteur develops a rabies vaccine.
1890 – Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.
1895 – Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers medical use of X-rays in medical imaging .
1901 – Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types
1901 – Alois Alzheimer identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer's disease
1903 – Willem Einthoven invents electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
1906 – Frederick Hopkins suggests the existence of vitamins and suggests that a lack of vitamins causes scurvy and rickets
1907 – Paul Ehrlich develops a chemotherapeutic cure for sleeping sickness
1907 – Henry Stanley Plummer develops the first structured patient record and clinical number (Mayo clinic)
1908 – Victor Horsley and R. Clarke invents the stereotactic method
1909 – First intrauterine device described by Richard Richter.
1910 – Hans Christian Jacobaeus performs the first laparoscopy on humans
1917 – Julius Wagner-Jauregg discovers the malarial fever shock therapy for general paresis of the insane
1921 – Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets
1921 – Frederick Banting and Charles Best discover insulin – important for the treatment of diabetes
1921 – Fidel Pagés pioneers epidural anesthesia
1922 - McCollum uses vitamin D against rickets > .
1923 – First vaccine for diphtheria
1926 – First vaccine for pertussis
1927 – First vaccine for tuberculosis
1927 – First vaccine for tetanus
1928 – Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
1929 – Hans Berger discovers human electroencephalography
1930 - first successful sex reassignment surgery performed on lili Elbe in Dresden, Germany.
1932 – Gerhard Domagk develops a chemotherapeutic cure for streptococcus
1933 – Manfred Sakel discovers insulin shock therapy
1935 – Ladislas J. Meduna discovers metrazol shock therapy
1935 – First vaccine for yellow fever
1936 – Egas Moniz discovers prefrontal lobotomy for treating mental diseases; Enrique Finochietto develops the now ubiquitous self-retaining thoracic retractor
1938 – Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini discover electroconvulsive therapy
1938 – Howard Florey and Ernst Chain investigate Penicillin and attempted to mass produce it and tested it on the policeman Albert Alexander (police officer) who improved but died due to a lack of Penicillin
1943 – Willem J. Kolff build the first dialysis machine
1944 – Disposable catheter – David S. Sheridan .
1923 – First vaccine for diphtheria
1926 – First vaccine for pertussis
1927 – First vaccine for tuberculosis
1927 – First vaccine for tetanus
1928 – Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
1929 – Hans Berger discovers human electroencephalography
1930 - first successful sex reassignment surgery performed on lili Elbe in Dresden, Germany.
1932 – Gerhard Domagk develops a chemotherapeutic cure for streptococcus
1933 – Manfred Sakel discovers insulin shock therapy
1935 – Ladislas J. Meduna discovers metrazol shock therapy
1935 – First vaccine for yellow fever
1936 – Egas Moniz discovers prefrontal lobotomy for treating mental diseases; Enrique Finochietto develops the now ubiquitous self-retaining thoracic retractor
1938 – Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini discover electroconvulsive therapy
1938 – Howard Florey and Ernst Chain investigate Penicillin and attempted to mass produce it and tested it on the policeman Albert Alexander (police officer) who improved but died due to a lack of Penicillin
1943 – Willem J. Kolff build the first dialysis machine
1944 – Disposable catheter – David S. Sheridan .
1950s – 1950s - Antidepressants →
1953 – Polio - Salk (killed vaccine) 1953 →
1959 – Melrose heart-lung machine, artificial cardiac pace maker > .