Aircraft Carriers - From Kite Carriers to Conversions (1800-1928) > .
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21-9-27 Royal Navy Ships And Subs Explained > .
Axis logistical weakness
The German Navy had no aircraft carriers, which made air supremacy during naval battles impossible. (In total, the Axis fielded only sixteen carriers; the Allies, a hundred and fifty-five.)
Lindbergh and many others were “hypnotized by Nazi braggadocio and pageantry.” The Nazis were apparently hypnotized, too. As a land-based power with a small navy, they needed the Luftwaffe to perform miracles (for instance, bombing Britain into submission). They did not see the Luftwaffe realistically; they deluded themselves into believing it could do the impossible.
Operation Odysseus
How Warships Changed The Tide of Battle: (WW1 Documentary) | Timeline
Jutland: Clash of the Dreadnoughts