Public Buildings, Law Courts, Parks, Banks, Cinemas, Swimming Baths, Churches and Pubs
Civic and Commercial Life
Public Buildings, Shops, Traders and Tradesmen
Public Buildings, Law Courts, Parks, Banks, Cinemas, Swimming Baths, Churches and Pubs
Covers the design and characteristic features of various kinds of civic buildings (town halls, libraries (including mobile libraries) etc), churches and public houses) as well as parks and commercial buildings such as swimming pools.
Parks Playgrounds and Allotments
Covers public parks and amenities such as bowling greens, tennis courts, children's playgrounds and allotments.
Games and pastimes
Covers Games and pastimes that would be visible on a model railway, includes chalk games such as hopscotch, kite flying and various ball games. This section is currently being fully revised.
Shops and Shopping
Covers the design and characteristic features of various kinds of shop, the unofficial 'uniforms' of shopkeepers and the appearance shoppers over time.
Street traders, hawkers and buskers
Covers the people selling goods in the streets and people busking for a living.
Traders delivery vehicles and mobile shops
Covers the hand carts, horse drawn and motor or electrically powered delivery vehicles and mobile shops.
This section also covers the milk delivery rounds.
Tradesmen and women
Covers the trades that one might see evidence of in the streets, knife grinders, chimney sweeps etc.
Advertising Practice, Product Introduction Dates and Parades and Demonstrations
Discusses the methods used for advertising and how these influenced the general scene. Also lists a range of products with their dates of introduction.
Packaging Materials & Containers
A discussion on the methods used for shipping goods from the paper bag to the ISO container.
Common cargo and standard packages
Some of the more common (and unusual) cargo handled by the railways with details of the methods of packaging used.
General Information
Outline History (Non railway history)
General historical narrative.
Social-sub groups and youth movements
Discusses various groups who, by dressing in distinctive styles, can be used to identify a location or period in history.
British Politics and Trades Unions
Outline history of British politics and Trades Unions
Time and Money
Outline history of the British standard time system and the evolution of the financial system.
British motor manufacturers
Outline history of British motor manufacturers.
Notable British Commercial Vehicles Manufacturers
Outline history of some British commercial vehicle manufacturers.
Canals, Rivers and Coastal Shipping
Discussion on the development of waterborne transport systems.
Fishing boats and ports
Discussion on the development of British fishing fleets and associated ports.
Fuels (Coal, Gas, Oil and Electricity)
Outlines the various fuels used including coal, coke, gas of various kinds, oils and electricity.
Significant engineers and Inventors
Brief biographical details and a summary of the more significant developments made.
Engines and prime movers
Describes the basics of the engines and prime movers that powered the industrial revolution.
Pre-railways inventions
A brief summary of the inventions that pre-date the arrival of the railways.
Museums and Heritage Sites
A list of British industrial heritage sites and museums of possible interest to the modeller.