Friday, March 26, 2021

Challenges - Geography of USA, Russia

22-1-23 US Geography Weaknesses - Kamome > .
24-12-3 Mississippi Floods & Droughts - America's Geographic Flaw - Map Pack > .
24-4-20 Canadian Defense Spending is a Joke | Solutions? - Waro > .
24-2-16 Why Russia is Invading the Arctic (why it matters) - Icarus > .
23-7-21 Canada’s Arctic Patrol Ships Will Secure the Northern Frontier - USNI > .
22-11-25 Race for the Arctic is ramping up - DW Planet A > .
22-11-22 Why [the Ruscian Federation] cannot become a democracy - Caspian > .
Canada & Arctic - Graydations >> .
Geography +/- ~ Chink in Armor >> .

"The United States benefits from ideal geographical conditions. However, the changing environment in the Arctic and the Caribbean offers two main threat to the US security. On one hand the melting ice in the Arctic is making Russia's port more accessible during winter months, whilst this is still a potential threat, Cuba is a far more direct menace. The Caribbean island is America's biggest strategic threat given its proximity to US mainland and as it creates two chokepoints into the Gulf of Mexico."

00:00 US Geopolitical Power
01:45 US Reliance on Sea Trade
03:42 US first Geography weakness: Melting of Arctic Ice
05:45 Russia's Warm Water Ports in the Pacific
07:07 US Power in the Arctic
08:34 US biggest Geography Weakness: Cuba
09:52 The importance of the Mississippi River to US economy
10:40 The trade through the Gulf of Mexico
13:21 Cuba Role in US Strategic Weakness

Alaska ..

Monday, March 22, 2021

GCA - Geography - Central Asia, Stans

19-9-18 Why Iran's Geography Sucks - Real > .

21-11-30 Why Iraq is Dying - Real > .


Geostrategy ~ Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, Military Projection

2021 What would happen if Russia collapsed? - CaRe > .
24-2-16 Why Russia is Invading the Arctic (why it matters) - Icarus > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military & Power Projection - Perun > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...