Friday, September 30, 2005

> > Krumblin > >

The Invasion of Ukraine was Geostrategic Suicide
> Expats >>

   > Anti-XIR >>
   > XIR >>

Monday, September 26, 2005

> Corruption - R >

Economic/Political Corruption 
22-4-17 Силовики / Siloviki - Men Who Own Россия - CaspianReport > .
22-5-26 Corruption in Russia and Ukraine | Stephen Kotkin - Lex > .
Pariah States 
P00pagandistic corruption 
Soviet Insanity 
Strange Bedfellows 
War Crimes 
Zociopolitical Violence 

Thursday, September 22, 2005

> geostrategic failures - K >

civil discontent

geopolitical failures 

geostrategic failures 

23-3-4 R's Potential Collapse | P00's Balkanization Warnings (subs) - Katz > .


23-8-17 [Twisted] History Book | [Lying] High School P00paganda (subs) - Katz > .

Sunday, September 18, 2005

> Krumblin 2025 >

> > Krumblin > >    > Krumblin 2025 >>    Krumblin 2025 - αλλο >> .
25-2-17 Ruscia's Economy Starting to Crack - Warfronts > .

> Krumblin 2024 >

Krumblin 2 - 2024 ..
24-9-20 How Ruscia [RT] funded US far-wing influencers | ABC Aus > .24-2-10 Путин у Карлсона | [P00ti & Zucker | Demented Dicktator] (subs) > .

> Krumblin 2023 >>

> Krumblin 2023 >

P00 & Cronies: Decadent Entitlement  
23-12-7 How Ukraine Plans To Stop Speaking Russian - Versed > .23-10-3 [1 Rubble = 1 US cent | Ztupidity] Behind Continued Slump (subs) - Katz > .23-10-2 [Ztupidity: Mobiks' Forever Fight, Convicts' Unleashed Terror] (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-14 How P00ti Eliminates His Enemies - OBF > .23-8-12 Fear & Loathing Towards the '90s | Leadership Change (subs) - Katz > .23-7-31 Ruscia Cannibalizing Its Economy - Still Not Enough - gtbt > . skip > .
23-6-10 Wagner Took Senior Army Officer Hostage | P00 Silent (subs) - Katz > .23-5-18 Has Ruscia Really Lost 200,000 Fighters? - Jake Broe > . 201,100 ⍗
22-3-10 April 2021 Uncanny Predictions of R-U disaster - R MP Nevzorov (subs) > .> Krumblin 2024 >>Krumblin - αλλο >> .
P00paganda, Krumblin Ruscism - Alētheiai >> .Propaganda, Fake News, Cyberpolitics - Armor >> .

CIA recruits spies within Ruscia 
23-5-16 CIA recruits Russian spies on social media and the darknet | DW > .
Compare with 2019 = Still Arrogantly Self-Congratulatory 
19-5-9 2019 Парад Победы = I see now-dead people > .
Compare with pre-Ruscist nationalist arrogance 

23-11-26 OPINION: Why Ukraine Can and Will Win KYIV POST

23-6-10 Opposition leaders have begun to plan for the end of the regime – and some believe it is now inevitable: "Nearly 300 exiled Russian opposition politicians and activists gathered to discuss these questions in the European parliament earlier this week, the congress coming as news broke of the Nova Kakhovka dam destruction, the latest grim episode in Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. ... The Brussels forum, convened by four MEPs, was the first such gathering to be given official status by a European parliamentary body, as some in Europe start thinking about how the contours of a post-Putin Russia would look.

Pobedobesie (победобесие, 'victory frenzy, victory mania or obsession with victory') is a pejorative term used to describe the "hyperbolic celebrations" of Victory Day in Russia. This has been dubbed the Victory Cult. The term has been extended to refer to the weaponization of the legacy of World War II to justify Russia's aggressive policies and an increase of militarism, using the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany for p00paganda purposes.

"Timothy Snyder, Professor of History at Yale University, pointed out that the term “Russophobia” is an attempt [by the Krumblin] to justify the Russian Federation’s war crimes in Ukraine. The harm being done to Russians and Russian Federation culture is primarily due to Moscow’s own policies and actions, he countered, spotlighting the emigration of creative Russians due to its invasion of Ukraine; destruction of independent Russian journalismattacks on culture, books, museums and other landmarksmass killings [by orcs] of Russian speakers and citizens; and Russian Federation State television proclamations. The claim that Ukrainians are sick with a disease called “Russophobia” is simply colonial rhetoric and part of a larger strategy of hate speech, he stressed."

23-3-17 ICC - P00 Arrest Warrant ..

> geostrategic failures - K >>> Ruscist Invasion >>
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >>
> Z p00paganda >>

Inept Military 
P00's desperation
Untrustworthy "Allies" 

23-6-23 Orcine Ructions ..

P00tin "was hella mad at the Ukrainians for this song. Since then we all call this prick as "huilo" (dickhead) and some even call russia as Huilostan."

African leaders seek assurances? South Africa, Zambia, the Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Egypt, Senegal, and Uganda.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...