Tuesday, October 31, 2006

> > Histories > >

> WW2 > >

> HAf - Africa >>
> HCau - Caucasus >>
> HIs - Israel >>> HLe - Lebanon >>> HOc - Oceans >>> HTur - Turkmenistan >>

Thursday, October 26, 2006

> HCau - Caucasus >

23-9-26 Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan [denies] ethnic cleansing | DW > .

Caucasus Mountains

> HCh - China >

China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized] - Rick > .

Century of Humiliation (1839-1945) w
Mindset of Xina - Century of Humiliation & Recovery -  Cold War Doc > .
Was China's "Century of Humiliation" Inevitable? Hx China 1839-1895 - 2/10 - Jab > .

Cinematic Depictions 

Deng Xiaoping w

> HuángXi >>

Complete History of China | Compilation - Suibhne > .

21-11-1 Chinese vs American Political Philosophy - Ryan Chapman > .

24-12-28 [Macao] How China Built Acquired the Las Vegas of Asia - Versed > .
24-6-21 How Macau Became Insanely Rich - AltSimp > .20-5-7 Money Laundering: How-To Guide For Modern Global Billionaires - EcEx > .
Gambling, Money Laundering - Weighs 'n Means >> .

Mythical History of China 
24-5-29 [14th C BCE, NOT 5,800 years; Local Imperialism; Policy Mistakes] - gtbt >> .

XJ conflict

XJK conflicts  

Chinese History - Kings and Generals >> .

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

> HEE - Eastern Europe >

Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Bi-Confederal State - K&G > .
> Mindsets >>
Complete History of Poland | Compilation - Suibhne > .

> HEu - Europe, EU >

[Hx European Alliances] Federal European State - Future or Utopia? - gtbt > . skip > .


Friday, October 20, 2006

> HIno - Indonesia >

24-7-23 How the Dutch Colonized Indonesia - K&G > .

> HIn - India >

24-4-12 India | [Modious's] Dying Democracy? - Prof J K-L > .

> HIq - Iraq >

24-11-13 [20-1-3 Assassination of Qasem Soleimani in Iraq] - AiTelly > .

> HIr - Iran >

25-1-8 Histories of Conflict | Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88 - Prof J K-L > .24-9-4 Iran and Israel's Long and Complicated History | Quillette > .

> HIs - Israel >

24-5-18 Canaan+ Israeli-Palestinian Conflict mapped (biased) - Geo History > .

> Hamiganda >>    

>> Jabzy >>
>> Unpacked >>

Monday, October 16, 2006

> HME - MENA >

17-7-6 History of the Middle East: Every Year 2500 BCE to 2017 CE - Tigerstar > .

> Afghanistan >>  >> Afghanistan >>>

24-3-16 History of the Middle East from the 17th to the 20th Century - Jabzy > .
23-12-8 How WW1 Created the Middle East Conflicts (Doc) - The Great War > .
23-7-2 How The Middle East Became So Chaotic | History Doc | Hikma > .

> Mindsets >>

> Iraq >>


> Israel >>  Islamism w  > Terrorism >>

Sunday, October 8, 2006

> HUk - Ukraine >

1917-1921 Soviet-Ukrainian War: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom - Waro > .Kievan Rus to 2024: History of the Ukrainians - K&G > .22-3-10 P00’s Twisted History : Hx Russian-Ukrainian Relations - Laser > .

"Eastern Europe"

The Ukrainian–Soviet War (Ukrainian: радянсько-українська війна, radiansko-ukrainska viina) is the term commonly used in post-Soviet Ukraine for the events taking place between 1917–21, nowadays regarded essentially as a war between the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Bolsheviks (Russian SFSR and Ukrainian SSR). The war ensued soon after the October Revolution when Lenin dispatched Antonov's expeditionary group to Ukraine and Southern Russia.

Soviet historiography viewed the Bolshevik victory as the liberation of Ukraine from occupation by the armies of Western and Central Europe (including that of Poland). Conversely, modern Ukrainian historians consider it a failed war of independence by the Ukrainian People's Republic against the Bolsheviks. The conflict was complicated by the involvement of the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine, non-Bolshevik Russians of the White Army, and the armies of the Second Polish Republic, Austria-Hungary, and the German Empire, among others.

> HUS - History of USA >

24-7-4 How US Became Independent - American Revolution Doc - K&G > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...