Thursday, November 11, 2004

> RWA - Right Wing Authoritarianism >

Right Wing Authoritarianism - SDO-thugs & fawning-RWAs .

Islamist Extremism 

Political Violence 

Parents, religion, and early education affect the development of authoritarian attitudes in young adults -- impacting rightwing movements, the interplay of personality and political party affiliation, and the way liberal and conservative forces in society are represented in legislatures. Altemeyer defines rightwing authoritarianism as the combination of three attitudinal clusters in a person: submission, aggression, and conventionalism. Altemeyer considers how authoritarianism develops in a person, authoritarian aggression, and the connection between religion and rightwing authoritarianism. Evidence suggests that authoritarianism is increasingly associated with political party preference as interest in politics rises.

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

> Terrorism >

24-3-2 Israel Braces for Ramadan Violence; Iran Fueling Al-Aqsa Tensions | TBN > .24-2-17 Truth About Al-Aqsa Mosque vs LIES & Misconceptions | TBN > .
21-9-12 "Afghan Withdrawal Will Inspire Terrorism" - Kemp  - Trigger > .

24-12-25 Horror Under the Black Flag: ISIS' Crimes Against Humanity - Shadows > .

> P00paganda >>
24-6-16 How P00tin's P00paganda Corrupts the West - Vlad Vexler > .
24-5-18 [Ruscian P00paganda Controls Narrative & Manipulates West] - Waro > .
24-5-7 [P00ti's P00pagandistic Stratagems] | Теории заговора по-путински | Katz > .
23-8-29 Dictatorships: From Spin to Fear | Ruscist Regression (subs) - Katz > .

Pre-Ruscist atrocities in Ukraine, most modern terrorist attacks occured in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria. 

Sunday, October 31, 2004

> > Econopolitics > >

> Capitalism >>
> Chaos (in complex systems) >>

> Dutch Disease - Extractive Folly >>

Monday, October 25, 2004

> Dutch Disease - Extractive Folly >

> ρ - Dutch Disease >>   > Dutch Disease - Extractive Folly >>  

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...