Friday, December 6, 2019

Western treaties, post-WW2 timeline

57-3-25: Treaty of Rome; European Economic Community - HiPo > .
24-9-6 How the Atlantic Ocean made the modern world - Caspian > .
23-8-15 Oppenheimer's nuclear warnings more relevant than ever - Caspian > .
22-7-21 Why Every NATO Member Joined (Why Others Haven't) - Spaniel > .

On the 25th of march 1957 the Treaty of Rome which laid the foundations for the European Economic Community was signed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, The
Netherlands, and West Germany.

The EEC, sometimes referred to as the Common Market, was formally established on 1 January 1958. It survived, with some changes under the Maastricht Treaty, until 2009 when it was absorbed into the European Union.

The aim of the EEC was to establish economic integration between its members, such as a common market and customs union. However in reality the EEC operated beyond purely economic issues since it included organisations such as the European Atomic Energy Community that sought to generate and distribute nuclear energy to its member states.

The EEC was preceded by the European Coal and Steel Community, which came into force in 1952. The ECSC sought to amalgamate European coal and steel production in order to reconstruct Europe after the devastation of the Second World War. The hope was that this would reduce the threat of a future conflict by establishing mutual economic reliance. Within just three years the idea of a customs union was being discussed, and the 1956 Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and Euratom established the parameters for the Treaty of Rome.

Over time the EEC expanded its membership. Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom joined in 1973 while the 1980s saw the addition of Greece, Spain and Portugal. With the creation of the European Union in 1993 and its absorption of the EEC in 2009 the union expanded to contains 28 states.

Treaty of Dunkirk, between Britain and France ⇒ guard against German or Soviet aggression.

48-3-17 Treaty of BrusselsWestern Union (WU, to 1954).

48-4-16Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OECE).

49-4-4 North Atlantic Treaty (49-4-4) ⇒ military alliance to guard against German or Soviet aggression.

49-4-4 onward North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (implementation of North Atlantic Treaty ⇒ military alliance (Germany joined in May 1955) to guard against Soviet aggression.

49-5-5Council of Europe.

51-4-18 Treaty of Paris (1951) ⇒ establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

52-5-26 General Treaty, Generalvertrag ⇒ ended Germany's status as an occupied territory

54-10-23 Modified Brussels Treaty (MTB) at 1954 Paris ConferenceWestern European Union (WEU, to 2010) = Germany and Italy admitted.

57-3-25 Treaty of Rome (1957–92) ⇒ European Economic Community (EEC) .

57-3-25 Euratom TreatyEuropean Atomic Energy Community .

1965 - 1967 Merger Treaty .
1975 - 1976 Council Agreement on TREVI .
1986 - 1987 Single European Act .
1985/90 - 1995 Schengen TreatyConvention .
1992 - 1993 Maastricht Treaty (Treaty on European Union) .
1997 - 1999 Amsterdam Treaty
2001 - 2003 Nice Treaty .
2007 - 2009 Lisbon Treaty .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

●● Warfare

CoG - Continuity of Government ..
Female Spoils of War ..

Anocracy, Autocracy, Authoritarianism

Asymmetric Warfare

China, CCP / Xina, XiXiP

Civil War
Civil Wars ..

Cold War Defense 

Cold War 2 Defense
Conflicts & Tensions 2024 ..


Economic Sanctions

Electrical Grid 

Future Weaponry


Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..


Military Costs
Budgets (Military) ..


Moral, PsyOps 
Morale ..

Mutually Assured Destruction

Nuclear Powers


Political Warfare 

Post-Soviet Tensions

21st Century

Impact of War
Russia's Aviation Industry - Beleaguered  

Logistics, Modeling, Strategy

Military Plans

Military Theory
Mahan & Naval Strategy ..


Ukraine 2022+

Urban Combat 

War Museums

Weaponry - Defensive/Offensive



>>> Warfare

>> WW1 Troops >>>
>> WW2 >>>

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Amphibious Challenges


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Civil Wars

Preconditions for civil war:
1:19 Intense polarization
1:53 Fear, mistrust, hatred
2:23 Falling standard of living 
2:31 Violence
6:13 Columbia's "La Violencia" civil war 

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...