Saturday, August 31, 2024

Krumblin 2 - 2024

24-6-9 Bill Browder: how Ruscia really works & surviving P00tin | iai > .
24-5-12 Shoigu Replaced: Belousov, Shoigu, Patrushev - Mark Galeotti > .24-5-8 Новый срок Путина | [Tsar Runt's Despotic Reign of Horror] | Katz > .
24-5-2 Stephen Kotkin: Russia’s Murky Future | Foreign Affairs Interview > .24-4-21 Путин vs СССР | P00tin vs USSR | Relative Stability? (subs) - Katz > .
24-4-19 Age of Wars:[Karaganov's Bellicose Ode to Axis of Envious Resentment - gtbt > .
24-3-21 'Late P00tinism' - R-U failure as Krumblin 'clings to power' | Galeotti > .
24-3-17 Collapse of R's Arms Exports - Competitors, Ukraine, Future - Perun > .24-3-7 Захват власти силой | Violent Takeover | Odds & Consequences (subs) > .24-3-1 Mikhail Khodorkovsky's advice for Western leaders - CBC > .24-2-29 Why Russia’s Economy is Pathetic - Icarus > .
24-2-27 Opinion Poll | 82% за окончание войны | 82% Against War (subs) - Katz > .
24-2-17 P00’s regime ‘fragile’; risks ‘toppling over’ | Christopher Steele > .24-2-10 Путин у Карлсона | [P00ti & Zucker | Demented Dicktator] (subs) > .
24-1-28 Pillars of Russia. On What Does Russian Success or Failure Rest? - gtbt > .22-8-22 P00ti’s Secret Neo-Nazi Armies | Decade of Hate | VICE > .
"Election" March 15-17, 2024  
24-3-31 Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers, trends in race to rearm - Perun > .> Drones >> >> Drones >>>
Sudan & Syria 
24-2-4 Zaluzhny Article - New Warfare Doctrine to Beat Ruscia - Ukraine Matters > .
> Krumblin 2023 >>
> Krumblin 2024 >>Krumblin - αλλο >> .
P00paganda, Krumblin Ruscism - Alētheiai >> .Propaganda, Fake News, Cyberpolitics - Armor >> .
R-U Winter 2023-4 - αλλο >> .

23-11-26 OPINION: Why Ukraine Can and Will Win KYIV POST

23-6-10 Opposition leaders have begun to plan for the end of the regime – and some believe it is now inevitable: "Nearly 300 exiled Russian opposition politicians and activists gathered to discuss these questions in the European parliament earlier this week, the congress coming as news broke of the Nova Kakhovka dam destruction, the latest grim episode in Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. ... The Brussels forum, convened by four MEPs, was the first such gathering to be given official status by a European parliamentary body, as some in Europe start thinking about how the contours of a post-Putin Russia would look.

Pobedobesie (победобесие, 'victory frenzy, victory mania or obsession with victory') is a pejorative term used to describe the "hyperbolic celebrations" of Victory Day in Russia. This has been dubbed the Victory Cult. The term has been extended to refer to the weaponization of the legacy of World War II to justify Russia's aggressive policies and an increase of militarism, using the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany for p00paganda purposes.

"Timothy Snyder, Professor of History at Yale University, pointed out that the term “Russophobia” is an attempt [by the Krumblin] to justify the Russian Federation’s war crimes in Ukraine. The harm being done to Russians and Russian Federation culture is primarily due to Moscow’s own policies and actions, he countered, spotlighting the emigration of creative Russians due to its invasion of Ukraine; destruction of independent Russian journalism; attacks on culture, books, museums and other landmarks; mass killings [by orcs] of Russian speakers and citizens; and Russian Federation State television proclamations. The claim that Ukrainians are sick with a disease called “Russophobia” is simply colonial rhetoric and part of a larger strategy of hate speech, he stressed."

P00tin "was hella mad at the Ukrainians for this song. Since then we all call this prick as "huilo" (dickhead) and some even call russia as Huilostan."

24-7-22 Comment
A few things about the Russian economy that are largely ignored: 
1. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia have stopped buying Russian electricity. 
2. Gazprom (the Russian state energy supplier) went bankrupt 3 months ago and needed to be bailed out by the Russian government. 
3. Ukraine has continually been targeting Russian oil infrastructure since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. The Russians have described some oil refineries as "total losses" with "irreparable damage." 
4. Russia has made its oil output a state secret, so that economists can't work out its GDP with any accuracy. 
5. 45 European nations have agreed to tackle Russia's "shadow fleet" (used to skirt around sanctions) of old uninsured, unregistered and questionably seaworthy oil tankers, with a proposal currently sitting on the desk of the White House. 
6. Russian civilians in the Krasnodar region are currently protesting at electricity rationing, with many arrests taking place. The atmosphere on the streets is described by locals, as "like an unstable artillery shell, ready to explode at any moment." 
7. The Russian Ruble exchange rate to USD has tripled since 2014 (meaning the value of the Ruble has plunged ~66% in that time). 

Russia is slowly being starved of its oil production capacity, oil refining capacity, and the ability to export oil to foreign countries. Over 30% of Russian GDP is currently used to fund its military. 30% of GDP to fund the military is untenable for any economy to sustain, especially considering Russia's economic losses and sanctions since its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Ukraine just needs to continue destroying Russia's military-industrial complex, while Europe and the US slowly strangle the Russian economy. 

8. Russia has lost over 3 million people, mostly young and educated, who have fled Russia, since it invaded Ukraine in February 2022. 
9. The Russian army has suffered over half a million dead, or severely wounded men (lost limbs, permanently paralyzed, or hospitalized long-term). These severely wounded soldiers will be a long-term burden to the Russian state, as they will never be able to work again, and will instead drain the economy through drawing disability pensions. These injured men will also depend on long-term medication and care. Family dependents such as young children may also have to be looked after by the Russian state, as they no longer have anyone to provide for them. 

Ukraine Forever!

MENA 2024

24-3-16 History of the Middle East from the 17th to the 19th Century - Jabzy > .
24-8-29 Detailed Analysis: Why Arabs Lose Wars - Magical > .
24-3-31 Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers, trends in race to rearm - Perun > .24-8-30 [Potential Impacts of Iraq-Turkey 'Development Road'] - Caspian > .

02:14 - Oct. 7th intelligence failure
05:55 - Strategic goal of Hamas
07:22 - Hamas arrogance
10:15 - Full-scale war in Gaza
14:09 - American support for Israel
18:09 - Russia and the war in Gaza
20:48 - Political gridlock in the U.S.
23:15 - How to rescue the hostages
26:06 - Iranian support for Hamas
28:32 - Hamas and Islamist terrorism
31:52 - Fighting against an ideology
34:44 - Hamas expansion in West Bank?
36:08 - Israel and the Arab Peninsula
38:28 - US vs the Houthis


  • Egypt-UAE Alliance includes: Bahrain, Libyan National Army under Khalifa Haftar, the South Yemeni Coalition Forces, Sudanese Rapid Support Forces.
  • Turkey, Azerbaijan, Northern Cyprus, Qatar, Syrian opposition, internationally- recognized government of Libya. 
  • Saudi Arabia: official Yemeni government, ethnic militants in Iran and Iraq, Bahrain. 
  • Iran: proxies in Syria, Hezbollah, Houthis in Yemen, Hamas, Iraqi militias, elements of Iraqi government.

Militaries 2024

24-9-6 [Military Doctrine: U.S Army's Radical Upgrade for WW3] - T&P > .
24-2-19 AI Played Wargames - Result Not Reassuring - Sabine > .
British Forces 
23-12-23 Future of EU Defense: NATO or the EU? (ft. UEF) - Simple > .
> France Military >>  > France >>
24-7-30 Europe creating EU military-industrial complex [too slowly] - Caspian > .
> Logistics, Costs of Warfare >>
24-5-14 USA+NATO: MIC & Strategic Power vs XIR - OBF > . 
24-2-9 Is North Korea Seeking Conflict With SK [XIR vs West]? - gtbt > .
24-4-4 MAD Nuclear Triad: Always Prepared to End the World - Mega > .
24-2-29 Are "Meat Wave" Attacks Real? Orcine Battalion Tactical Groups - McBeth > .24-4-9 Aquilino - USN, Philippines, AUKUS, SXS, Indo-Pacific Security - Lowy > .
Ukraine - AFU 
24-6-19 Ukrainian SF Fighting Wagner Mercenaries in Syria & Sudan | T&P > .24-5-16 Artillery Commander, SFO, Sniper, Helicopter Pilot, Tanker - U24 > .
24-4-28 New U$ Military Aid for Ukraine - content & impact? - Perun > .
24-3-31 Syrskyi Discusses Goals, Personnel and Why Ukrainians Fight - Preston > .
23-2-9 Who could be conscripted to fight in Ukraine? | BBC > .
West vs XIR 
>> Armaments Industries >>>
>> Defense >>>

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...