Sunday, September 1, 2024

Kharkiv Front 2024

22-11-27 Kharkiv is the most important location in Eastern Ukraine - Eastory > .
24-5-11 Ruscia begins offensive against Ukraine's Kharkiv region | ABC Aus > .24-5-13 THE KHARKIV GAMBLE: Russians Meet Fierce Resistance - Matters > .

Kursk Front 2024

Northern Front 2024

23-1-16 Why Belarus Might Invade Ukraine Too - Real > .
24-8-15 How Ukraine surprised Russia in Kursk [& Spooked P00ti]| DiD > .
24-8-9 Ukraine Invades Russia Back [Mapped] - gtbt > .
24-7-8 [Kyiv] Children’s hospital comes under [targeted] attack - Kyiv I > .
24-5-18 R's Kharkhive offensive (tactical, operational, strategic) - Anders > .

   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..
   Northern Front 2024 ..
   Southern Front 2024 ..
   Western Front 2024 ..

Southern Front 2024

23-9-29 Ukraine is destroying Ruscian military in Crimea | Kyiv Independent > .
24-3-30 Ben Hodges - Siege of Crimea Begins: Black Sea and Coastline - Silicon > .
24-3-8 Group 13: Ukraine's ship killer specialists vs R's Black Sea Fleet - Forces > .
24-3-3 Ukraine War 2024: Military & Economic Balance of the Long War - Perun > .

   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..
   Northern Front 2024 ..
   Southern Front 2024 ..
   Western Front 2024 ..

Western Front 2024

23-10-6 Poland-Ukraine Grain Dispute - gtbt > .
R-U Summer 2024 - αλλο >> .
> Bundeswehr - German Military >>

➾ 2023 .. 

   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..
   Western Front 2024 ..   

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...