Saturday, August 31, 2024

Militaries 2024

24-9-6 [Military Doctrine: U.S Army's Radical Upgrade for WW3] - T&P > .
24-2-19 AI Played Wargames - Result Not Reassuring - Sabine > .
British Forces 
23-12-23 Future of EU Defense: NATO or the EU? (ft. UEF) - Simple > .
> France Military >>  > France >>
24-7-30 Europe creating EU military-industrial complex [too slowly] - Caspian > .
> Logistics, Costs of Warfare >>
24-5-14 USA+NATO: MIC & Strategic Power vs XIR - OBF > . 
24-2-9 Is North Korea Seeking Conflict With SK [XIR vs West]? - gtbt > .
24-4-4 MAD Nuclear Triad: Always Prepared to End the World - Mega > .
24-2-29 Are "Meat Wave" Attacks Real? Orcine Battalion Tactical Groups - McBeth > .24-4-9 Aquilino - USN, Philippines, AUKUS, SXS, Indo-Pacific Security - Lowy > .
Ukraine - AFU 
24-6-19 Ukrainian SF Fighting Wagner Mercenaries in Syria & Sudan | T&P > .24-5-16 Artillery Commander, SFO, Sniper, Helicopter Pilot, Tanker - U24 > .
24-4-28 New U$ Military Aid for Ukraine - content & impact? - Perun > .
24-3-31 Syrskyi Discusses Goals, Personnel and Why Ukrainians Fight - Preston > .
23-2-9 Who could be conscripted to fight in Ukraine? | BBC > .
West vs XIR 
>> Armaments Industries >>>
>> Defense >>>

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sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...