Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2022

NATO ➾ 2022

22-1-15 Finland and Sweden consider NATO membership - Caspian > .
23-8-20 NATO's Rearmament & Spending - NATO's R-U Response - Perun > .
23-7-6 What’s Blocking Sweden’s NATO Membership? | WSJ > .
23-6-18 Procurement vs Efficacy - Requirements, R&D pitfalls - Perun > .
23-2-3 Fiona Hill - NATO = Barrier to Pooti's Imperial Ambitions - SC > .
23-1-30 Inside Polish Armored Infantry (Squad to Division) - Battle > .
23-1-26 Germany's military in dire state. Fix? | DW > .
23-1-8 War Economies - Russia and Ukraine won't collapse tomorrow - Perun > .
22-12-10 Sweden's joining NATO would crush Russian power - Caspian > .
22-11-27 Polish military modernisation & buying Korean kit - Perun > .
22-11-25 US Military's Biggest Crisis = Recruitment, Retention, Training - nwyt > .
22-10-21 Response if Russia uses a nuclear weapon in Ukraine? - J K-L > .
22-10-19 How NATO Solves Its Abandonment Problem - Spaniel > .
22-10-1 America's Missile Defense Problem - Poly > .
22-8-6 Kaliningrad: russian thorn in NATO's side - Nova Lectio > .
22-8-6 How Many BCTs can the US Army Form for a Large Scale War? - CoCa > .
22-7-22 Poland could become strongest land force in the EU - Binkov > .
22-7-21 How the economy of Russia is dying (English subtitles) - Максим Кац > .
22-7-5 Kaliningrad Stand-Off - Lithuania vs Russia - gtbt > .
22-12-29 German Rearmament: Is it going wrong? - mah > .
22-6-30 Russia's Cyberattack on Lithuania ~ NATO's Deeper Problems - Spaniel > .
22-6-29 2022 adjusted MoD's Military Budget - UK > .
22-6-28 Jacek Bartosiak - Kaliningrad, Suwalki Gap - Ruscia, Poland, Ukraine - S&F > .
22-6-24 Russia's Kaliningrad Problem with Lithuania = Ukraine 2.0-ish - Spaniel > .
22-6-21 Kaliningrad at center of dispute between Russia and Lithuania | DW > .
22-6-21 Lithuania enforces sanctions on Ruscist shipments to Kaliningrad - Denys > .
22-12-30 Suwalki Gap: NATO's Weakest Point? | BFBS > .
22-4-1 Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Sparking NATO Defense Spending Spree? > .
22-3-31 The weapons Ukraine uses against Russia - CaspianReport > .
22-3-30 How will Germany spend its massive €100 billion military budget? | DW > .
22-3-23 Polish citizens join army b/o Russian invasion of Ukraine - BBC > .
22-3-20 Europe's Rearming to defend itself against Russia: New era for EU? - VisPol > .
22-3-12 No-Fly Zone Ukraine - Can it be done? Is it smart? - CoCa > . 
22-3-11 Sanctions, Tech-Denial, Psychology of Isolated Russia | Kotkin | New Yorker > .
22-3-10 Sweden's pro-NATO reaction to Russian aggression - Force Tech > .
22-2-19 Why Germany [daren't] help Ukraine (against Russia) - CaspianReport > .
22-2-11 High Resolution - Russia's Gamble in Ukraine - CSIS > .
22-2-11 Why Is it Not in Russia's Interest to Invade Ukraine? - VisPol > .

Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..

Comment 22-4-18 Finnish defenses, possibility of joining NATO.

Comment 1 - 22-4-14.
Finland has made the thought of invading it incredibly costly. Finland can mobilize more than half a million trained soldiers from a population of 5,5 million. Every building above a certain size has a bomb shelter. Every bridge is designed with slots that make destroying them with explosives easy. Finland has prepared for an invasion since the second world war and has enough guns to hand every willing person a East-German AK and tell them to camp in the forest.

And what would Russia gain from invading Finland? Finland has little natural resources, there are only a few million people and Finland's location is not that strategically useful all things considered. The main philosophy behind Finnish deference is a cost benefit analysis. What would a potential invader gain and what would it cost?

The reason behind the move towards NATO is partly fear yes, but also the benefit of remaining neutral is not that great to Finland anymore. During the cold war Finland benefited from being able to trade with both east and west but now that Finland is in the EU Finland has to follow the EU sanctions. It is impossible to sit on the fence anymore.

Comment 2 - 22-4-14.
I'm a Finnish person myself, and I have from the very moment Russia started rattling its saber against Finland that now would be the time to join the NATO. The only real consequences they could impose right now are economic ones, as they are preoccupied with killing Ukrainian civvies and could not realistically attack Finland. And so, between being threatened by Kremlin on a semi-weekly basis and seeing what happened to other countries attempting to remain neutral (although not a part of the EU), I believe that NATO membership's gotta be now or never.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Cold Tensions - Baltic, Nordic


Monday, April 3, 2017

45-9-4 Forgotten German Unit Surrenders

A small group of German soldiers deployed on Svalbard in Operation Haudegen to establish and man a weather station there lost radio contact in May 1945; they surrendered to some Norwegian seal hunters on 4 September , 1945, two days after the Surrender of Japan.

The Forgotten Wehrmacht Unit | Last Germans to Surrender after WW2 > .

On the 7th of May 1945, the German General Alfred Jodl signed the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany at the Allied headquarters in Reims, France. It meant the Second World War had come to an end, at least, in the European theatre of war.

But… the war didn’t end for a small Wehrmacht unit consisting of 11 men that were housed at Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The Wehrmacht unit was tasked with a secret mission named Operation Haudegen. They had to establish meteorological stations on Svalbard. In the chaos following the German capitulation, this Wehrmacht unit was forgotten… And these men would eventually, stuck on an island in the freezing cold, far from civilization, months after Germany’s capitulation. They would become the last German soldiers to surrender after the Second World War.

Hitler’s Holdouts – Meet the Last German Troops to Surrender in WW2
VE Plus 119 - The very last German troops of the Second World War to call it quits turned themselves in to a band of Norwegian seal hunters on the remote Bear Island in the Barents Sea on Sept. 4, 1945 – nearly four months after VE Day! The small detachment had been sent to the distant Arctic outpost to establish a weather station sometime late in the war. Having lost radio contact with headquarters in May. They gave up without a fight.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

40-12-18 Directive 21 - Barbarossa

Führer Directive 21 .
Translation of Directive #21 as written by Adolf Hitler, ordering German forces to prepare an attack on Soviet Russia in 1941, designated Operation Barbarossa. The orders also outline the overall operational goals and considerations in the coming operation for each branch of the armed forces of Germany, as well as those of their allies (primarily Finland and Romania). Launched by Hitler's order on June 22, 1941, Operation Barbarossa became the single largest land battle in history, and the stalemate and eventual defeat that resulted for Germany signalled the beginning of the end for the Third Reich.

Operation Barbarossa (Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, which started on Sunday, 22 June 1941, during WW2. The operation put into action Nazi Germany's ideological goal of conquering the western Soviet Union so as to repopulate it with Germans. The German Generalplan Ost aimed to use some of the conquered as slave labour for the Axis war effort, to acquire the oil reserves of the Caucasus and the agricultural resources of Soviet territories, and eventually to annihilate the Slavic peoples and create Lebensraum for Germany. .

Pre-Barbarossa invasion:
During WW2, the Barbarossa decree was one of the Wehrmacht criminal orders given on 13 May 1941, shortly before Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. The decree was laid out by Adolf Hitler during a high level meeting with military officials on March 30, 1941, where he declared that war against Soviet Russia would be a war of extermination, in which both the political and intellectual elites of Russia would be eradicated by German forces, in order to ensure a long-lasting German victory. Hitler underlined that executions would not be a matter for military courts, but for the organised action of the military. The decree, issued by Field Marshal Keitel a few weeks before Operation Barbarossa, exempted punishable offenses committed by enemy civilians (in Russia) from the jurisdiction of military justice. Suspects were to be brought before an officer who would decide if they were to be shot. Prosecution of offenses against civilians by members of the Wehrmacht was decreed to be "not required" unless necessary for the maintenance of discipline. .

40-12-18 Directive 21 - Barbarossa ..
41-6-22 Operation Barbarossa 41-12-5 ..
41-6-22 Unternehmen Barbarossa ..

Friday, April 24, 2015

Economic Interests - Arctic

Arctic, Antarctic - Polar Competition - Compass Rose >> .

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Russia vs Baltics (NATO)

What if Russia invaded the Baltics? > .
Collapse, Economic Recovery of Baltic Tigers - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - VisPol > .

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

● Geopolitics: Global

Anocracy, Autocracy, Authoritarianism

Political Economics ..
Politics of Interdependence ..
Politisizing Adam Smith ..

Food - Importing vs Exporting Nations ..
Ruscism ..

Declining Populations ..
Geostrategy ..Realism - Descendent of Realpolitik ..
Sand - Future Conflict ..
Berlin Wall, Walls, Political Divisions 
Exhaust Alternatives (quote) ..Geopolitics to Geostrategy ..
Mahan & Naval Strategy ..

Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..

Logistics, Modeling, Strategy

Military Costs
Budgets (Military) ..

Mutually Assured Destruction

● Geopolitics: Europe .
● Geopolitics: Global .
● Geopolitics: Indo-Pacific
● Geopolitics: Middle East .
● Geopolitics: Pacific .
● Geopolitics: Russia .

● Balance of Power
BoP - Africa ..
BoP - Americas (Arctic) ..
BoP - Arctic ..
BoP - Asia ..

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...