Showing posts with label CoV-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CoV-19. Show all posts

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Protests Spreading - X+

Pogrom - Погром
23-3-23 Macron refuses to retract as pension protests escalate – BBC > .
23-3-17 France’s Pension Reforms: Why So Much Opposition? | WSJ > .
French banlieu riots 
23-7-8 Has France Reached a Tipping Point? - Into Europe > .
22-10-27 How Iran's Protests Engulfed the Country: A Timeline | WSJ > .
> Islamist Threat >>  
Islamoreactivity  > Islamist Threat >>  
Military Coups 
Orcine Military Ineptitude 
23-6-4 Poland: Thousands protest over new law - BBC > .
23-6-4 Half a million protesters join Polish pro-democracy rally - Times > .
Tunisia Protests 
23-3-4 What are Tunisians protesting against? | DW > .
23-10-31 [Hatemongering Spin: Ruscist Government Eroding Society] (subs) - MK > .
23-6-4 At least 15 people die in violent protests in Senegal > .
>> Sociopolitical Dysfunction >>>  Sociopolitical Conflict
23-9-8 'Wage Hunting': Unpaid Workers Protest Across China | Focus > .
White Hair (Medical Benefits) Protests 
23-2-16 Retiree protests worse nightmare for Beijing than student protests - Lei > .
23-2-16 “White/Grey Hair Revolution”; COVID Situation in PLA - Zeng > .
Xi will almost certainly increase oppressive measures ... [he did]
"Zero" COVID protests
23-1-9 Chongqing Protest - China Update > .
23-1-3 Thousands Protest on New Year's Eve & Day in Xina - Focus > .
22-12-7 Stories of Chinese leader Jiang Zemin - known not discussed - Lei > .
22-12-5 Xina brings in emergency level censorship over protests. | Digging > .
22-12-5 Xina Steps Up Internet Censorship in Response to Protests | WSJ > .
22-12-2 Jiang Zemin Dies - Evil Legacy | Xina’s Protest Crackdown - Uncensored > .
22-12-1 Protests erupt across China over zero-covid policy | ABC Aus > .
22-12-1 serpentza is being BLAMED for the Riots and Protests in China > . skip > .
22-11-30 5-Day Timeline of Xina’s Biggest Protests in Decades | WSJ > .
22-11-30 Protests in major Xinese cities ~ Blank white sheet defiance - Digging > .
22-11-30 End of Xina - PZ > .
22-11-29 Xina’s Totalitarian Gridlock, Woke “Mind Virus” - Hoover > .
22-11-29 Censorship in Xina Has Reached New Levels of Ridiculousness! - cfc > .

22-11-28 In a rare show of defiance, crowds in Xina gathered for the third night as protests against COVID restrictions spread to Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. People held blank sheets of paper, symbolizing censorship, and demanded the Xinese president [Xi] step down.

2022 ..
Mahsa Amini protests - Iran ..
Unrest 2024 ..


The Tiananmen Square protests, known in Chinese as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件; liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing during 1989. In what is known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or in Chinese the June Fourth Clearing (六四清场; Liùsì qīngchǎng) or June Fourth Massacre (六四屠杀; liùsì túshā), troops armed with assault rifles and accompanied by tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. The protests started on 15 April and were forcibly suppressed on 4 June when the government declared martial law and sent the People's Liberation Army to occupy parts of central Beijing. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded. The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运; Bājiǔ mínyùn) or the Tiananmen Square Incident (天安门事件; Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn).

Friday, November 4, 2022

Adaptability Beats Authoritarian Arrogance

23-3-2 Authoritarian Regimes Copy & Spread Intolerance - Silicon > .
Although dealing with the specifics of Ruscia's military's abject failure, endemic cooperative-deception implicitly explains why authoritarian arrogance FAILS:
>> Authoritarianism >>>
Sociopolitical Manipulation - Lewis >> .

Monday, June 22, 2020

GSI - Global Security Initiative - X

22-7-9 Global Security Initiative -  XiXiP Propaganda > .
23-9-25 Xi's Transforming Xina [for the worse] - Xina's Changing Trajectory - Dig > .
23-9-24 $6.5T Problem: BRI, Unproductive, Decaying Infrastructure | EcEx > .
23-9-16 "Belt & Road to Death" - [XiXiP targeted corrupt governments] - Obs > .
23-4-16 Logan Wright Grasping Shadows X-Ec 1 - Update > . 2 > .
23-3-13 Yi Fuxian: The Chinese Century Is Already Over - Update > .
23-3-8 US-China: Qin & Conflict Warning - Update > .
23-1-20 Xi's Biggest Errors - Kevin Rudd | Update > .
22-11-27 Dragon's Claw: Xina's Next 10 Years - Kamome > . skip > .
22-11-22 Xina is Using [Western] Media Against [West]! - cfc > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-10-27 Xina is "Pretty Much Screwed" - laowhy86 > .
22-10-25 Xina's Q3 details - Update > .
22-10-24 Xi's [Probably Unachievable] Goals - Digging > . 
22-10-15 Xina's Economy is in Bad Shape - ColdFusion > .
Xitting the Wall - Buck >> .

00:00 Introduction
00:11 Beijing & Shanghai 
02:13 Global Security Initiative
05:25 South-to-North Water Diversion Project 
06:59 Chinese Economy: Caixin & Pettis Exchange Over PBoC

Xina’s Xi Proposes Global Security Initiative: Despite the hypocrisy, (outright dishonesty) and power politics at the foundation of the GSI, it would be foolish to dismiss it or assume that it will not garner support from other countries.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has come up with a new global security proposal questioning implicitly the logic of the Indo-Pacific strategy, as well as the Quad involving Australia, Japan, India, and the United States. Xi proposed a new “Global Security Initiative” at the Boao Forum for Asia’s annual conference in China on April 21, while calling out Cold War mentality, hegemonism, and power politics as issues that would “endanger world peace” and “exacerbate security challenges in the 21st century.” 

3:13 Xi's LIES [edited for accuracy]: "On the surface the Ruscia-Ukraine conflict that broke out [actually, invasion initiated by Ruscia, with the encouragement/complicity of the XiXiP] in February 2022 appeared to be initiated by a Russian attack [it was]. But [Xi's LIE] it was actually the result of the US promotion of NATO's eastward expansion [in response to Ruscian aggression] and the squeezing of Ruscia's strategic space [Xi's LIE]. Fundamentally the Ruscia-Ukraine conflict is of a hegemonic [Ruscist imperial ambitions] and anti-hegemonic [protection of a sovereign nation] nature and is also a battle between the old [Ruscist imperialist] and new [independent western democracies] systems. In the bigger context of an international power transfer [Ruscian power grab] after the conflict broke out, the United States and other western countries constantly fanned the flames [supported an invaded sovereign democratic ] using the provision of military aid to Ukraine and the staging [defense against Ruscia's] "proxy war" with the aim of [LIE] prolonging the [economically expensive] war as long as possible to [LIE] profit from it as the once in a century pandemic [which began in, and was covered up by Xina] and the Ruscia-Ukraine conflict intersect. The world dominated by a traditional western notion of security [decades of Pax Americana] is facing unprecedented turbulence and uncertainty unbalanced global development and increasingly apparent international contradictions [initiated by Ruscia, Xina, and certain Gulf nations] have spawned more unstable factors and international security issues. The traditional western security concept with bullying protecting the weak and protecting oneself at the expense of [when threatened by belligerent imperialist ambitions of others as its core is arousing the dissatisfaction and opposition of more countries and peoples [aversive to bullying authoritarian and totalitarian regimes] around the world against the backdrop of the accelerated adjustment of the international landscape countries around the world and developing countries in particular are urgently calling for the establishment of a new security concept based on [the rules based principle of liberal democracies] equality and mutual trust on a global scale based on [wariness of debt trap corruption underlying] Xi's "global security self-interest initiative" which aims at safeguarding the security interests of a wider range of people around the world [the Han Chinese] was born." 

Washington-based Bill Bishop warns that we need to follow this new foreign policy
initiative very closely. Expressing this week that the "global security initiative" recently launched by Xi is something that should be taken very seriously. It is another initiative to undermine the United States and its allies and their global order, and it is likely to have more takers [in underdeveloped, authoritarian, and corrupt nations] than the US would like to believe.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Energy Crisis - CoV+

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A-Tish-Oo! (1941-2)

1941 A Tish Oo! > .
Better quality (without irritating tabs) - Internet Archive > .

A [February] 1941 British film about how coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Some masks that can be worn to help stop the spread of diseases are shown. Produced by Verity Films for the Ministry of Information.

Why Londoners in the blitz accepted face masks to prevent infection – unlike today’s objectors ojectionables .

"For the countless Londoners driven into communal shelters by nightly German air raids, personal space had become a luxury. This was particularly so for those who sought shelter in the London underground. For its perceived subterranean safety, by the blitz’s peak, some 150,000 citizens were sleeping in tube stations.

Though the dangers of close personal contact were not the only thing on the minds of concerned public health officials, preventing epidemic disease in the overcrowded spaces of the tube stations was a major concern. The mask emerged as a common-sense solution to the problem of thousands of shelterers suddenly using the tube’s damp, poorly ventilated spaces as their nightly abodes.

Eager to prevent an epidemic before it started, the Ministry of Health set up an advisory committee to investigate conditions in air-raid shelters, with special reference to health and hygiene. The official call for masks came in December 1940, two months into the blitz and just as flu season was getting underway, in a white paper that recommended their use alongside a raft of other preventive health measures. British scientists conscripted to the Medical Research Council’s Air Hygiene Unit were convinced: the “principle of wearing masks for protection against droplet infection” was a sound practice.

The Ministry of Health endorsed three types of mask: the standard gauze type (similar to today’s homemade masks); a cellophane screen (like today’s visors, but only covering the mouth and nose); and the commercially available “yashmak” (in the style of the Muslim veil), for the “fashion conscious”. The ministry ordered 500,000 masks to be distributed as needed in the event of an epidemic and commissioned an instructional leaflet for shelterers.

British newspapers publicised the government’s new policy. On February 5 1941, the Times reported that Sir William Jameson, the chief medical officer, had endorsed the new masks, and, more colourfully, Ritchie Calder, a journalist for the Daily Herald tried one out in public. “After ten minutes yesterday my anti-flu ‘windscreen’ ceased to be a source of ribald remarks,” he reported. “People round me became used to seeing me working in what looked like a transparent eye-shade which had slipped down my nose.”

Predicting that masks would become “as commonplace as horn-rim glasses”, Calder wrote that he could even blow his nose with his mask on. The only thing he couldn’t do “in comfort”, he reported, was “have a cigarette”.
Sharp contrast

A short propaganda film commissioned by the Ministry of Information and released in February 1941 also saw the mask message as self-evidently good sense. “If the shelter doctor or nurse gives you a mask,” the narrator exhorted, “well, wear it!”
Despite protests to the contrary, the source of the COVID-19 mask controversy is not rooted in longstanding concerns about individual rights or British character. We need to look elsewhere to find its source: to the general breakdown in communication and trust between experts, the government and [wrong-wing] members of the public, that became a mainstay of contemporary life well after the blitz had passed and has been exacerbated by the pandemic." .

Sunday, April 24, 2016

EU's Future?

22-3-23 Polish citizens join army b/o Russian invasion of Ukraine - BBC > .
> EU >

● Geopolitics: Europe, Mediterranean ..BrexTWIT - Divided We Fall ..
BrexTWIT to Devolution? ..

Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..

Saturday, July 11, 2015

RCEP - Asia-Pacific trading bloc

20-11-15 RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world's largest trading bloc:

Fifteen countries have formed the world's largest trading bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The pact is seen as an extension of China's influence in the region. The deal excludes the US, which withdrew from a rival Asia-Pacific trade pact in 2017.

Members of the RCEP make up nearly a third of the world's population and account for 29% of global gross domestic product. The new free trade bloc will be bigger than both the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the European Union.

The RCEP is expected to eliminate a range of tariffs on imports within 20 years. It also includes provisions on intellectual property, telecommunications, financial services, e-commerce and professional services.

But it's possible the new "rules of origin" - which officially define where a product comes from - will have the biggest impact. Already many member states have free trade agreements (FTA) with each other, but there have been limitations = Businesses with global supply chains might face tariffs even within an FTA because their products contain components that are made elsewhere. Currently, a product made in Indonesia that contains Australian parts, for example, might face tariffs elsewhere in the Asean free trade zone. Under RCEP, parts from any member nation would be treated equally, which might give companies in RCEP countries an incentive to look within the trade region for suppliers.

UNpresident Puppet-in-Cheat pulled the (failing) USA out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) shortly after taking office. The TPP deal was to involve 12 countries and was supported by Putin's Puppet's predecessor Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), hosted by Vietnam.

India was also part of the negotiations, but it pulled out last year over concerns that lower tariffs could hurt local producers. Signatories of the deal said the door remained open for India to join in the future.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...