Showing posts with label global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Beyond 2024?

19-12-15 Canada wants 100 million people by 2100 - CaspianReport > .> > Economic Geopolitics > >23-8-15 Human Future: A Case for Optimism - melodysheep > .
24-8-2 [Tensions & Policy Considerations: USA & West vs X~T (2027?)] - Spaniel > .

Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 ➾ XIR Rumbling

23-12-26 2023, in 7 minutes - Vox > .
24-1-3 Global Year of 2023 - Small Circles Forward > .
23-12-31 Biggest news events that shaped 2023 and made history - PBS > .
Global Situation 
Слава Україні!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Economies 2023

23-12-23 2023 The Financial Year in Review - Patrick Boyle > .23-1-16 India's Plan to Stop Chinese Money - M&M > .> BRICS >>
G7 2023 
Military Economics 
Oil & Gas 
23-7-22 Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem - Real > .
Sanctions against Ruscia 
23-8-1 Sanctioning Russia | Effects: Dodging Sanctions, Brain Drain (subs) - Katz > .23-2-21 Sanctions, 1 Year Later - M&M > . skip > .23-1-8 War Economies don't collapse (until they do) - R&U persisting - Perun > .
23-1-10 White-Collar Woes: Layoffs Hitting Professional Workers | WSJ > .
23-1-9 Why a strong dollar isn't universally good | CNBC > .
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >>

Sunday, January 1, 2023

EU 2023

23-5-11 Will There Ever Be A United Europe? - Versed > .


22-12-31 Sydney fireworks mark start of 2023 > .

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Dystopian 2122 / Optimistic 2122

22-6-12 Year 2122. 100 days of war, 100 years after the war - gtbt > .
24-1-26 Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem - Hindsight > .
23-11-19 Niall Ferguson: How Civilizations Collapse - Triggernometry > .
23-11-11 [Out Parasites! Nikolai Patrushev's NoXious World Order] (subs) - Katz > .
23-11-4 [Ruscia Wants to Destroy] International Rules-based Order - Kuzio > .
23-10-25 Understanding NoXious World (Dis)Order - Kotkin | Hoover > .
23-10-25 NoXious World (Dis)Order 2 - Sergey Lavrov - STG > .
23-10-2 [Ztupidity: Mobiks' Forever Fight, Convicts' Unleashed Terror] (subs) - Katz > .
23-9-29 Decoding P00ti-PooXi blueprint for NoXious World Order | DW > .
23-9-25 Xi's Transforming Xina [for the worse] - Xina's Changing Trajectory - Dig > .
23-9-2 When the Elites Will Topple P00ti (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-30 Fear is the new normal in Russian politics - Anders > .
23-8-29 Dictatorships: From Spin to Fear | Ruscist Regression (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-17 [Twisted] History Book | [Lying] High School P00paganda (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-11 Saudi Arabia's Challenging Geography - Real > .
23-7-25 Why US Troops Fought Wagner Mercenaries in Syria - T&P > .
23-7-23 Defense Ministry vs Reality | P00pagandistic LIES (subs) - Katz > .
23-7-22 Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem - Real > .
23-7-19 Mutiny, Insurgency, Arrests, Economic Implosion - Konstantin Samoilov > .
23-7-4 P00paganda Bashing Wagner | [0pini0ns reversed] (subs) - Katz > .
23-6-17 Ruscia's Economic Forum: P00ti's hyocrisy & LIES @ SPIEF (subs) - Katz > .
23-6-5 [De-NaZifying Ruscia | P00ti's Self-Serving Scam] (subs) - Katz > .
23-5-13 [Ztupidity: P00, Babitchkas, Prickozhin, Fodder, nukes, Xi] - CBC > .
23-5-13 [P00pagandistic manipulation and public opinion] (subs) - Katz > .
23-4-16 R-U Hybrid Warfare: P00paganda, cyber, hybrid methods - Perun > .
23-3-15 Timothy Snyder on reasons for ICC "WAR CRIMES" decision > .
23-2-22 How Ukraine Saved Kyiv: Ruscian Missteps, Ukrainian Ingenuity - Spaniel > .
23-2-10 Political Apoothy | Blame Game, Coping Strategies (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-8 Ruscia’s Warpaint | Once “decent” people провоенный (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-5 Scary Stalinism vs Pathetic Pootinism [electioneering] (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-3 [Demented Krumblin Conspiracy Poopaganda] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-22 Politics Can Destroy Armies: Factionalism & R-U War - Perun > .
22-12-16 3 reasons why Pootin started the ztupid war (subs) - Katz > .
22-11-22 Why [the Ruscian Federation] cannot become a democracy - Caspian > .
22-12-5 Russians tired of poopaganda | Gardening beats Soloviev (subs) - MK > .
22-10-21 Ukraine War at End of the World | Peter Zeihan > .
22-10-16 The most pointless war of the century (subs) - Katz > .
> NATO Militaries >>> NoXious World Order >> XIR >>

Sunday, April 24, 2022

EWR - Economic Warfare ➾ Russia

23-8-10 Ruble Nosedives | Current Plight & Future Prospects (subs) - Katz > .23-1-8 War Economies - Russia and Ukraine won't collapse tomorrow - Perun > .18-5-29 Pre-Sanction Siberia: Most Valuable Airspace - Wend > .
>> XIR Evil >>>

Monday, January 31, 2022

What Cost War?

† The Fallen of World War II - NeHa > .
† Number of Dead In WW2 | Great War In Numbers | Timeline > .
† Numbers of deaths per nation in WW2 | Stats > .WW1: Loss of Life in WWI Visualized - Real > .† Simulation of a Nuclear Blast in a Major City - NeHa > .23-11-17 America's 3 New Nukes (weapons they counter) - Sandboxx > .
23-9-11 All The Times We Nearly Blew Up The World - Veritasium > .23-8-15 What If? P00ti's Nuke Targets - Show > .
22-12-4 [Dare Pooti] Use Nuclear Weapons? - Jake Broe > .22-10-21 Response if Russia uses a nuclear weapon in Ukraine? - J K-L > .22-11-8 Predicted Impact of High-Altitude Nuclear EMP on Power Grid - Practical > .

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Χίna ➾ Globe 2022

21-12-30 What will China do in 2022? - Economist > .
23-10-22 [Bilk & Raid Imperialism 2: Xi+P00 NoXious Arab Plans ] - Update > .    
23-8-26 Will BRICS Overthrow US Dollar | Xina Using BRICS vs West? - Update > .
23-8-15 Oppenheimer's nuclear warnings more relevant than ever - Caspian > .
23-7-15 Why Pakistan's on the Brink of Collapse - T&P > .
23-6-1 Sex Scandals - Untold stories of PLAN (2) - Lei > .
23-5-21 Should We Be Worried About The BRICS? | EcEx > .
23-1-20 Taiwan - Democracy and the digital world | DW Doc > .
23-1-20 Xi's Biggest Errors - Kevin Rudd | Update > .
22-12-20 US military in Pacific to prevent Xinese invasion of Taiwan - PBS > .
22-10-20 Xina’s global police stations: War prep, strategy vs Taiwan - Lei > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-10-28 How China Is Helping to Reduce Inflation - Patrick Boyle > .
22-11-6 Defending Taiwan vs Xina's looming war threat | 60 Min Aus > .
22-10-10 Coming Conflict with China | Michael Beckley > . full > .
22-10-25 Xina's Q3 details - Update > .
22-10-24 Xi's [Probably Unachievable] Goals - Digging > . 
22-10-20 Xina’s global police stations: War prep, strategy vs Taiwan - Lei > .
22-10-17 China Rebrands Confucius Institutes to Hide Subversive Past - Unc > .
22-10-15 Xina's Economy is in Bad Shape - ColdFusion > .
22-10-11 Condeleeza Rice - Xina and Taiwan - Hoover > .
22-10-9 "Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise" | Susan Shirk - CU > .
22-9-28 Beijing regrets "no limit" friendship with Pootin. Xi unhappy > .
22-9-27 "Unrestricted warfare" & weaknesses of Xinese military - Lei > .
22-9-21 Western scholars debate decoupling; Xi plots tech dominance - Digging > .
22-8-26 How Xina wages an unseen war for strategic influence | FT > .
22-8-25 Xi vs Li: Xina’s dual-leadership after the 20th Party Congress? - Lei > .
22-8-21 Japan Is (Again) Becoming a Military Powerhouse - gtbt > .
22-8-4 Situation Zoom: Pelosi Visits Taiwan | Goodfellows - Hoover > .
22-8-4 Nancy Peolosi’s trip ⇝ XXP and Xina-Taiwan relations - Lei > .
22-7-31 How PGII & IPEF could checkmate BRI - CaspianReport > .
22-7-13 Xina's Popularity Plunging |Geopolitical surveys - Lei > .
22-4-22 Xina Won't Bail Out the Russian Economy - VisPol > .
22-4-21 Russia–Ukraine war, US–China rivalry, Thucydides’s Trap > .
22-3-28 China's Economic Rise—End of the Road - cfr > .
22-3-28 Conversation with Australian Senator the Hon Penny Wong - CSIS > .
22-3-25 US & World Should Have A 'Coherent, Bipartisan' Strategy For China - Rudd > .
22-3-10 China's Embarrassing Flip Flop on Russia - laowhy86 > .
22-2-14 Arrogant Bullying Punishment of China's Enemies - VP > . skip ad > .
> PLA > 
φ8c 2022+ China = Crisis, Threat - anffyddiaeth >> .
China’s Xi Jinping seems likely to have his third term in office ratified by the Communist Party Congress in 2022. What could that mean for China, and for the rest of the world? 00:00 What will China do in 2022?
02:38 Chinese nationalism is at an all time high
03:39 The death of private enterprise in China?
04:15 China’s relationship with the United States
05:50 Will China invade Taiwan?
07:12 Understanding China is our most important job.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...