Showing posts with label fake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

P00paganda 2024

24-5-18 [Ruscian P00paganda Controls Narrative & Manipulates West] - Waro > .24-4-11 Ruscia: P00ti’s p00paganda machine - Manipulating people | DW Doc > .
24-4-11 Pro-P00 wing of US Ultra-Wrong in Unholy Alliance c Ruscia - Silicon > .
24-3-30 Deceptive Imagery Persuasion: MAGIC Disinformation Kill Chain - McBeth > .
24-3-29 Russian Bots and ESPN - A New Disinformation Tactic - McBeth > .
24-3-28 THE ART OF LIES: How Russia Manipulates the West - Ukraine Matters > .
ISW Denying Russia’s Only Strategy for Success - Institute for the Study of War ISW 
24-3-20 Ruscian Tech Transfers and Propaganda in the US || Zeihan > .24-3-11 Are Americans Paying to Write on Russian Shells? - McBeth > .
24-3-7 Information war against Russia - Anders > .
24-3-7 Ruscian Church: FSB Infiltrates the West - Propaganda Study Institute > .
24-1-29 Propaganda Study Institute | Introduction - PSI > .24-1-19 Unmasking latest Ruscist DISinformation scheme against Ukraine - Kyiv I > .
24-5-22 [XIR DISinformation: NoXious Zociopathic Divisive Gambit] - Applebaum > .
Exposing P00's LIES:
Twisted History 
24-3-6 Jade McGlynn: P00tin 100% believes Russia's distorted history - Kyiv Ind > .
UA Analytics - Propaganda Study Institute >> .

Spies & Algorithms 2024

24-5-4 MI6: How Chinese spies infiltrate Western governments - Times > .
24-5-8 [TikTok chaos as XiPaganda tool; microchips & Taiwan] - Feriss > .
24-5-3 Amy Zegart: Mossad; TikTok = National Security vs Free Speech - Hoover > .
Intelligence & Geostrategy 
Ruscia Espionage
Societal Manipulation 
USA Internal Surveillance 

XiPaganda 2024

24-1-12 How Xina Is Trying Tried to Sabotage Taiwan’s Elections | WSJ > .
24-7-23 'Historical Garbage Time'; Unprecedented Backlash against Xi - Dig > .
24-7-20 [XiXiP's fear of the people; Falun Gong] - Lei > .
24-5-22 [XIR DISinformation: NoXious Zociopathic Divisive Gambit] - Applebaum > .
24-5-8 [TikTok chaos as XiPaganda tool; microchips & Taiwan] - Feriss > .
24-5-1 [German Marshall Fund: X's Distortion of UN 2758 re Taiwan] - Update > .
24-4-17 [XiP00gandistic Hypocrisy & Strategic Dicklomatic Stumbles] - Digging > .
24-4-13 Bondi Junction Mall Incident and X-DISinformation - McBeth > .
24-3-27 Peter Hartcher - Xi tanking Xina's economy to prepare for war - SMH > .
24-3-19 Truth Behind Xina's Loss of Control - Talk > .
24-3-15 Xi’s Authoritarianism is Killing Xina’s Economy | DW > .
24-3-12 Wargaming likeliest PLA attack on Taiwan - WSJ > .
24-2-26 [Former Ambassador: Xi's Behavioral Shift to Dicktator] - Digging > .
24-2-19 Book of Lord Shang: Ancient Path to Power; Ongoing Suffering - Digging > .
24-3-13 Spies for Xina's Communist Party could have your data | 60 Min Aus > .

> TikTok >>

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Zocio-Manipulation - P00paganda, Surveillance

Elite's Discontent
Ruscist p00paganda 

Krumblin 2 ..

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

●● Propaganda, Publications, Broadcasts

● Censorship ..
● Communications, Signals ..
● Political Interference ..
● Propaganda ..
● Publications, Texts, Memoranda ..
● Social Media Propaganda ..
● Twisting History ..
Australia's War Effort (1940) ..
Banned Books ..
BBC ..
BBC - Guy Burgess ..How Civil Wars Start (2022) ..
Life and Fate (1959) ..Lying ΧίΧίРee ..
PooΧί & PooTin Propaganda (2022) ..
Propagandistic Censorship - Χίna ..Xills - Wumao Troll Farming ..


Bookshelf - 2023 ..
De Humani Corporis Fabrica - Vesalius (1543) ..
STG 2022 Books ..



Magazines (30s, 40s) - Chronology:

Pseudoscience, Anti-Science, LIES


Social Media Propaganda Campaigns

Youth Magazines

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...