25-2-15 [Procurement: US Defense Acquisitions] - Justin T > .
24-11-10 Ranking USA's Most Important Military Bases - Aaron Watson > .
24-9-8 Ruscian War Economy 2024: sanctions, inflation, mounting risks - Perun > .
24-8-13 Economics of War - CNBC I > .
24-5-14 USA+NATO: MIC & Strategic Power vs XIR - OBF > .
24-4-14 US Arms Production - Strategy to Restore Arsenal of Democracy? - Perun > .
24-1-20 Can Ruscia win the military production race? - Anders > .
23-12-5 Most Dangerous [XIR] Moment: America’s Role in the Pacific | Hoover > .
23-10-28 Poland's military dream: A tank too far? - Geo Perspective > .
23-10-6 Poland orders US HIMARS & SK Chunmoo systems - Binkov > .
23-9-18 South Korean Factories Churning Out Armaments for NATO | WSJ > .
23-9-10 Industrial Competition & Consolidation, Military Procurement - Perun > .
23-9-5 Strategic Autonomy: Will Europe Ever Be Able to Defend Itself? | Waro > .
23-8-31 Poland: powerhouse in the making - Caspian > .
23-8-20 NATO's Rearmament & Spending - NATO's R-U Response - Perun > .
23-8-13 Game Theory Of Military Spending | EcEx > .
Why military aid to Ukraine has a positive effect on Western economies: In the short term, the increase in military spending due to the war in Ukraine has a stimulating effect on the GDP of the Western allies’ countries. This was reported by Ukrainian media, quoting the National Bank of Ukraine’s Inflation Report (July 2023). Various factors have been mentioned in the report.
According to the report, one US dollar spent by donor governments on military needs generates $0.79-0.87 of GDP in these countries within one to two years, and the overall positive effect does not disappear even after five years.
There are several additional positive effects for nations providing military aid to Ukraine, such as the possibility of sharing military experience, more efficient allocation of defence resources, a boost for arms exporters, and increased productivity due to additional investment in research and development.
23-7-31 Ruscia Cannibalizing Its Economy - Still Not Enough - gtbt > . skip > .
23-7-28 Why America Needs a Space Force - McBeth > .
23-7-25 Can Germany Really Become Europe's Great Military Power? - Waro > .
23-7-18 Futureproofing for changing threats; Defence Command Paper - Forces > .
23-7-9 How Wars End - Negotiations, Coercion, War Termination Theory - Perun > .
23-6-18 Procurement vs Efficacy - Requirements, R&D pitfalls - Perun > .
23-3-19 Britain's Shrinking Military - Cold War to Cash-Strapped Shadow - mfp > .
23-2-20 Military spending: UK may offer some insights - CNBC > .
23-1-26 Germany's military in dire state. Fix? | DW > .
23-1-22 Politics Can Destroy Armies: Factionalism & R-U War - Perun > .
23-1-13 No more doubts for the West | Ukraine weaponized (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-8 War Economies - Russia and Ukraine won't collapse tomorrow - Perun > .
22-11-27 Polish military modernisation & buying Korean kit - Perun > .
22-10-24 National Military Spending - Circles > .
22-10-5 US Military’s Massive Global Transportation System - Wendover > .
22-9-4 6 Months of Ukraine War - Economics, Endurance, Energy War - Perun > .
22-8-6 How Many BCTs can the US Army Form for a Large Scale War? - CoCa > .
22-7-22 Poland could become strongest land force in the EU - Binkov > .
22-7-21 How the economy of Russia is dying (English subtitles) - Максим Кац > .
22-12-29 German Rearmament: Is it going wrong? - mah > .
22-6-29 2022 adjusted MoD's Military Budget - UK > .
22-6-23 Germany's $100 Billion Military Upgrade - CaspianReport > .
22-6-19 Economics of war - Russia vs Ukraine - sanctions, shelling - Perun > .
22-5-11 Lend Lease 2.0 - Ukraine's 'Arsenal of Democracy?' - Perun > .
22-4-14 Lithuanian Army Ready For War? Task & Purpose > .
22-3-31 Germany: Where did the 100 billion go? - mah > .
22-3-30 How will Germany spend its massive €100 billion military budget? | DW > .
22-3-24 Ukraine's War Economy - Into Europe > .
22-3-14 How the Ukraine invasion drives military spending worldwide | DW > .
2022 Defense Budgets by Country 2022 - Military Spending - Mega 3D > .
21-12-25 Economics of War - Learn Economics > .
2022 Fort Bragg: Largest Military Base in the World - Megaprojects > . skip ad > .
24-3-6 EU Defense Union: How Far Should We Integrate? - Simple > . skip > .24-2-20 Why Europe is Reinstating Conscription - TLDR > .23-12-23 Future of EU Defense: NATO or the EU? (ft. UEF) - Simple > .
The DoD is prioritizing China as the top pacing priority, as it remains the only U.S. competitor able to combine its economic, diplomatic, military, and technologic power to mount a sustained challenge to the international system. The rapid development and operational focus of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) constitutes a significant and long-term security threat to the United States and to our allies and partners. This threat is a consequence of nearly two decades of intense effort by China to modernize and reform the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and other forces into an increasingly capable joint force able to conduct the full range of military operations across every warfighting domain.
In addition to a significant buildup and modernization of its strategic forces, the PLA is advancing its capabilities and concepts for conducting information, cyber, space, and counterspace operations. China is also mobilizing vast resources to become a global leader in emerging technologies and is leveraging those advances in support of its military modernization.
1960-2020 Percentage of GDP going to Defense Budget - Stats > .
24-3-31 Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers, trends in race to rearm - Perun > .
24-1-24 Importance of 155mm shells - WSJ > .
> EuM - European Defense >> EU Army?
24-5-17 Poland Preparing for War - T&P > .
24-4-14 US Arms Production - Strategy to Restore Arsenal of Democracy? - Perun > .
exercitus pecūnia - pro libertate >> .
00:00 - Intro (22-3-31)
00:45 - Topics of this video
01:33 - German F-35
05:37 - Defense planning announcement
07:09 - Germany's shopping list
11:36 - €100bn: Setup
13:49 - €100bn: Analysis
20:01 - Outro
exercitus pecūnia - pro libertate >> .
Geostrategic Projection
Funding NATO ..
On 22-3-1 Germany announced €100 billion for the Armed Forces and an increase to +2% GDP on military spending one month ago.
00:45 - Topics of this video
01:33 - German F-35
05:37 - Defense planning announcement
07:09 - Germany's shopping list
11:36 - €100bn: Setup
13:49 - €100bn: Analysis
20:01 - Outro
China has made clear that it expects the PLA to be a global military actor capable of securing China’s growing overseas interests and advancing other PRC objectives abroad. These changes are accompanied by aggressive and at times coercive activities that seek to expand the PRC’s military influence by forging closer ties with foreign militaries, developing overseas military bases, and expanding the PLA’s presence worldwide.
China’s robust military modernization activities have, in recent decades, sought to erode the ability of U.S. forces to project power in the region, and China has continued to accelerate the development of capabilities specifically designed to counter key U.S. strategic and operational advantages. The continued erosion of U.S. military advantages relative to China remains the most significant risk to U.S. security interests. If left unimpeded, this continued erosion could fundamentally challenge our ability to achieve U.S. defense objectives and to defend the sovereignty of our allies, the consequence of which would be to limit DoD’s ability to underpin other U.S. instruments of power.
According to the report, one US dollar spent by donor governments on military needs generates $0.79-0.87 of GDP in these countries within one to two years, and the overall positive effect does not disappear even after five years.
There are several additional positive effects for nations providing military aid to Ukraine, such as the possibility of sharing military experience, more efficient allocation of defence resources, a boost for arms exporters, and increased productivity due to additional investment in research and development.