Showing posts with label χ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label χ. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2022

Economic Shifts ➾ 2022

22-5-10 End of the Dollar Monopoly? - gtbt > .
23-8-10 How Taiwan Accidentally Became an Economic Superpower - Casual > .
23-8-10 Ruble Nosedives | Current Plight & Future Prospects (subs) - Katz > .
23-7-31 Ruscia Cannibalizing Its Economy - Still Not Enough - gtbt > . skip > .
23-5-21 Should We Be Worried About The BRICS? | EcEx > .
23-1-20 Xi's Biggest Errors - Kevin Rudd | Update > .
23-1-8 War Economies - Russia and Ukraine won't collapse tomorrow - Perun > .
23-1-2 Dutch Disease | Resource Wealth, Currency Inflation, Economy | EcExEss > .
22-12-5 German Development Model: Rise, Merkel, Ru, Crisis, Scholz, Xina - gtbt > .
22-11-22 Energy in Europe: Ukrainian Consequences - PZ > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-17 Russian Tech Workers’ Latest Exodus ⇓ Pootin’s Economy | WSJ > .
22-11-16 G20 2022: Agreements reached - anti-ruscia, food, energy | DW > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-11-12 [Desperate ruscia hopes to 'Douhet-z'] Ukraine into surrender - CR > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-10-28 How China Is Helping to Reduce Inflation - Patrick Boyle > .
22-10-25 Xina's Q3 details - Update > .
22-10-21 Londongrad - Dirty Money Capital of The World - Patrick Boyle > .
22-9-27 Energy Crisis: Pain or Opportunity? - gtbt > .
22-9-4 6 Months of Ukraine War - Economics, Endurance, Energy War - Perun > .
22-8-18 Ruscism: World's Last Colonial Empire: Collapse or Survival - gtbt > .
22-8-3 Economic Disaster is Already Here - Peter Zeihan - Triggernometry > .
22-7-31 How PGII & IPEF could checkmate BRI - CaspianReport > .
22-7-21 How the economy of Russia is dying (English subtitles) - Максим Кац > .
22-5-12 Why oligarchs choose Londongrad for their dirty money | Economist > .
22-5-11 Lend Lease 2.0 - Ukraine's 'Arsenal of Democracy?' - Perun > .
22-4-28 Diesel Is Driving Up The Cost Of Everything - CNBC > .
22-4-25 Conversation about Russian Sanctions and Future of Sanctions - Hoover > .
22-4-22 Xina Won't Bail Out the Russian Economy - VisPol > .
22-4-22 London laundromat - dirty money capital of the world | FT > .
22-4-5 Do Sanctions Work? - Economics Explained > . skip ad > .
22-3-30 Cold War 1, Russian Invasion of Ukraine - Ċold Ŵar 2 Sanctions > .
22-3-29 The Sanctioned Russian Economy 🇷🇺 : A new Russia? - Action > .
22-3-28 Xina's Economic Rise—End of the Road - cfr > .
22-3-26 Why Russia’s War Drove Up US Gas Prices - CNBC > .
22-3-25 Will The New Cold War Crash The U.S. Economy? - CNBC > .
22-3-24 Ukraine's War Economy - Into Europe > .
22-3-23 Sanction-Fueled Destruction of the Russian Aviation Industry - Wendover > .
22-3-22 Cold War 2.0? Global Economic Impact of Sanctions Against Russia | WSJ > .
22-3-18 The Rather Pathetic Economy of Russia - EcEx > .
22-3-8 Can the Ukrainian Economy survive the Russia invasion? - VisPol > .
22-3-11 Jonathan Pie: How Putin Weaponized London’s Greed | NYT Opinion > .
22-22-4 Surge in Oil Prices Could WILL Drive Inflation Even Higher | WSJ > .
22-2-22 Sanctions being imposed on Russia over Ukraine - BBC > .
Recession, Depression, Crisis - anffyddiaeth >> .

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pakistan + Χί ➾ India

23-9-22 75-Yr Conflict India (+USSR) vs Pakistan (+USA) vs Kashmir (+X) - gtbt > .
24-9-7 [India~Xina Border Disputes: No Direct Flights] - PolyMatters > .
24-5-8 Xina’s Land Grab in Bhutan Threatens India | WSJ > .
24-4-12 India | [Modious's] Dying Democracy? - Prof J K-L > .
23-12-11 India Rising? Xina Reversing? Asian Tigers - gtbt > .
23-10-15 Special Operators - Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) - Waro > .
23-9-30 US vs Xina in Race to Secure Lithium | WSJ > .23-7-15 Why Pakistan's on the Brink of Collapse - T&P > .
Last week, China made two deliveries in India's backyard. The Pakistani Navy received 4 Chinese frigates - while Myanmar's Military Junta acquired a Chinese submarine. Now 3 Indian neighbours have Chinese weapons.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Χίna ➾ Taiwan 2022+

0:00 Intro
1:14 Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier
8:39 Arms Race
13:22 Barriers
17:15 Possible Scenarios
19:55 Outro
Indo-Pacific Militaries 
22-10-26 Tension between XXP and Taiwan increases after 20th Congress > .22-8-11 Xina and Taiwan: How their militaries compare - Forces > .

Annex by 2049? Born 15 June 1953, Xi Jinping would turn 96 in 2049. Thus, promising seizure of Taiwan by 2049 (100th anniversary of Mao's victory over the Kuomintang (国民党, KMT) and the founding of Taiwan's KMT government) would almost certainly be another politician's problem. Meanwhile, aggressive posturing is politically useful.

What will China do in 2022? - Economist > .
China’s Xi Jinping seems likely to have his third term in office ratified by the Communist Party Congress in 2022. What could that mean for China, and for the rest of the world?
00:00 What will China do in 2022?
02:38 Chinese nationalism is at an all time high
03:39 The death of private enterprise in China?
04:15 China’s relationship with the United States
05:50 Will China invade Taiwan?
07:12 Understanding China is our most important job.

ROC military: As of March 2022, Taiwanese men are conscripted for four months of service. Taiwan's military has just doubled the length of call-back training, but some critics say the country is still sorely underprepared for battle.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

New Cold War

Structural Realism - International Relations (1/7) - Open University > .
John Mearsheimer "The Past and Future of the US-China Relations" (US-Russia) > .

In his new essay for the New York-based Foreign Affairs magazine, Mearsheimer argues that the US and China are locked in a dangerous security competition, more perilous than the first Cold War. In essence, once China grew wealthy, a US-China cold war was inevitable. Had US policymakers understood this logic in the early 1990s, they would have tried to slow down Chinese growth and maximise the power gap between Beijing and Washington.

However, the US did the opposite: it pursued a policy of engagement, which aimed to help China grow wealthier – based on the assumption that China would become a democracy and a responsible stakeholder, which would lead to a more peaceful world. Instead of fostering harmonious relations between China and the US, engagement led to an intense rivalry.

Is Australia and the world in deep trouble? Absent a major internal Chinese crisis, Washington and Beijing are consigned to waging a dangerous security competition. Can we manage on the margins to prevent disaster?

21-4-9 Cold War II—Just How Dangerous Is China? [bullying CCP] - Hoover > .

Australia, NZ

◊ Indo-Pacific ..

Resource War

Monday, August 9, 2021

TTP - Thousand Talents Scam - Qiming

21-12-23 How China's Biggest Spies were CAUGHT in 2021 - serpentza > .
23-8-27 [Qiming is new name for TTP intellectual poaching plan] - Update > .
23-4-16 R-U Hybrid Warfare: P00paganda, cyber, hybrid methods - Perun > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-9-21 Western scholars debate decoupling; Xi plots tech dominance - Digging > .
22-3-24 Chinese Influence Over Australian Universities | JoAnd > . full > .

TTP - Thousand Talents Scam ..

In response to widespread Western negative reaction and pushback, Xina has attempted to duck beneath the radar by relabeling its scheme to poach intellectuals and steal intellectual property. The current iteration of the program is called Qiming, administered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Qiming Venture Partners (啟明創投; Qǐmíng chuàngtóu) is a Xina based Venture capital firm. It primarily invests in Technology, Internet and Healthcare related companies across Xina. It is headquartered in Shanghai with offices in Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It mainly focuses on investments in China. Investors include Princeton University, Duke University and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In 2017, it set up its American branch, Qiming Venture Partners (USA). The branch is headquartered in Seattle, Washington with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts and San Francisco, California.

The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program (TTP), or Overseas High-Level Talent Recruitment Programs was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Both the United States and Canada have warned that China intends to use scientists who are involved with this plan to gain access to new technology for economic and military advantage.

The success of the program in recruiting U.S.-trained scientists back to China has been viewed with concern from the U.S., with a June 2018 report from the National Intelligence Council declaring an underlying motivation of the program to be “to facilitate the legal and illicit transfer of US technology, intellectual property and know-how” to China

In January 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, for lying about his ties to the program

In May 2020, the FBI arrested a former researcher at the Cleveland Clinic for failing to disclose ties to the Thousand Talents Program. 

In June 2020, it was reported that the National Institutes of Health had investigations into the behavior of 189 scientists. In November 2020, Song Guo Zheng, a TTP participant, pled guilty to making false claims to the FBI about his ties to the Chinese government during his employment at Ohio State University.

In November 2019, the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held an open hearing on the China's Talent Recruitment Plans, including the TTP, and called the programs a threat to national security. The report from the hearing cited TTP contracts as violating research values, TTP members willfully failing to disclose their membership to their home institutions, and cited numerous cases against TTP members for theft of intellectual property and fraud. One TTP member stole proprietary defense information on U.S. military jet engines. The report indicated that "TTP targets U.S.-based researchers and scientists, regardless of ethnicity or citizenship, who focus on or have access to cutting-edge research and technology."

In August 2020Canadian Security Intelligence Service warned both Canadian universities and Canadian research institutions of the TTP, saying that it recruited researchers and scientists around the world to persuade them to share their research and technology — either willingly or by coercion.

The program grew out of the "Talent Superpower Strategy" of the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2007. The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and State Council of the People's Republic of China elevated the program in 2010 to become the top-level award given through China's National Talent Development Plan to strengthen innovation and international competitiveness within China. In 2019, the program was re-branded as the "National High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Plan." The United Front Work Department's Western Returned Scholars Association is the official representative body for program participants.

1000 Talent Plan professorship is the highest academic honor awarded by the State Council, analogous to the top-level award given by the Ministry of Education. The program includes two mechanisms: resources for permanent recruitment into Chinese academia, and resources for short-term appointments that typically target international experts who have full-time employment at a leading international university or research laboratory.

The program has three categories:
  • Innovative 1000 Talents plan (Long term / Short term) – for Chinese scholars below 55 years of age
  • Foreign 1000 Talents plan (Long term / Short term) – for foreigners only below 55 years of age
  • Young scholar 1000 Talents plan or Overseas Young Talents Project of China — for those below 40 years of age
The program has been praised for recruiting top international talent to China, but also criticized for being ineffective at retaining the talent.

Conflict of interest and fraud concerns: Although the program has successfully attracted top international talent to China, its efficacy in retaining these talented individuals has been questioned, with many of the most talented scientists willing to spend short periods in China but unwilling to abandon their tenured positions at major Western universities. Additionally, some Thousand Talents Plan Professors have reported fraud in the program including misappropriated grant funding, poor accommodations, and violations of research ethicsDismissals due to undisclosed connections to the TTP have taken place. Individuals who receive either of China's two top academic awards, the Thousand Talents Professorship and the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar award, have become targets for recruitment by China's wealthiest universities so frequently that the Ministry of Education issued notices in both 2013 and 2017 discouraging Chinese universities from recruiting away top talent from one another [poaching].

Monday, July 26, 2021

CCP Expansionism

Xina Expanding its Empire into Russia's backyard? - VisPol > .
24-2-19 Book of Lord Shang: Ancient Path to Power; Ongoing Suffering - Digging > .
24-2-17 Taiwan Question & World Order | X Economy - Update > .
23-12-2 Xina’s Real Impact on Africa - Attempted Thought > .
23-12-11 India Rising? Xina Reversing? Asian Tigers - gtbt > .
23-10-25 Understanding NoXious World (Dis)Order - Kotkin | Hoover > .
23-10-24 [PooXi, P00ti Secrets at BRI Forum: NoXious World Order - Insight > .
23-10-21 [Bilk & Raid Imperialism 1: Xina Wants NoXious World Order] - Update > .  
23-10-20 Xina's PLAN Expansion vs USN's Hegemony - gtbt > . skip > .
23-10-17 [BRI Scam; Xina Using H-I War; MENA Policy] | Update > .
23-10-15 [NoXious Suppression of Autocratic Regime's Fodder] - serpentza > .
23-10-4 Expensive XiPaganda, Twisting History, Han Supremacy - Uncensored > .
23-9-29 Decoding P00ti-PooXi blueprint for NoXious World Order | DW > .
23-9-22 Xina’s New BRI $6B Railway in Laos: Massive Debt Trap | WSJ > .
23-9-9 Xina Preparing For War With USA? | BRI | US-X Relations - Update > .
23-9-7 Kidnappings, ghost towns: 10 years of Xi’s BRI masterplan | Tele > .
23-8-25 How Xi secured power by reforming Xina’s military - Lei > .
23-8-2 Xi's Anti-Corruption Purge of PLA Rocket Force | PLA structure - Digging > .
23-7-29 Ream, Hambantota, Tonga Naval Bases; Australia - Focus > .
23-7-28 PLAN's Indo-Pacific Bases - Ream, Djibouti, Hambantota, Tonga - Focus > .
23-7-8 Taiwan citizens preparing for war with Xina - SBS > .
23-6-1 Sex Scandals - Untold stories of PLAN (2) - Lei > .
23-5-31 Xina is Backstabbing Ruscia - Uncensored > .
23-4-16 Logan Wright Grasping Shadows X-Ec 1 - Update > . 2 > .
23-3-13 Yi Fuxian: The Chinese Century Is Already Over - Update > .
23-3-8 US-China: Qin & Conflict Warning - Update > .
23-3-8 [Slumping] Xina Blaming & Threatening USA - Focus > .
23-1-22 Politics Can Destroy Armies: Factionalism & R-U War - Perun > .
23-1-20 Xi's Biggest Errors - Kevin Rudd | Update > .
23-1-18 Middle Corridor - Inland Silk Road - Caspian > .
22-12-16 Xina vs India, Water Crisis, Xina Scared of India - BuBa > .
22-11-27 Dragon's Claw: Xina's Next 10 Years - Kamome > . skip > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-11-1 "Overreach" | Susan Shirk, Kevin Rudd | Asia Society > .
22-10-27 Xina is "Pretty Much Screwed" - laowhy86 > .
22-10-25 Xina's Q3 details - Update > .
22-10-18 Xi absolute power through Party Constitution and XXP princelings - Lei > .
22-10-15 Xina's Economy is in Bad Shape - ColdFusion > .
22-9-9 No, China is Not A Peaceful Nation - laowhy86 > .
22-8-31 Shocking Chinese Mercenary Groups Around the World - T&P > .
22-8-26 How Xina wages an unseen war for strategic influence | FT > .
22-8-25 Xi vs Li: Xina’s dual-leadership after the 20th Party Congress? - Lei > .
22-8-22 Does Afghanistan have a future? - Caspian Report > .
22-8-4 What Killed Sri Lanka's Economy? - Patrick Boyle > . skip ad > .
22-8-4 Situation Zoom: Pelosi Visits Taiwan | Goodfellows - Hoover > .
22-8-3 Housing Crisis Pulls Down China’s Huge Steel Industry | Pelosi | Update > .
22-7-31 How PGII & IPEF could checkmate BRI - CaspianReport > .
22-3-16 China: "No. 1 Threat" to the West | Heinrichs - JoAnd > . full > .
2021 Xi Presents his Own Ideology as Natural Next Path. Deng Despised | Digging > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...