Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Energy Front 2024

24-9-12 Ruscia’s Energy Crisis About to Become MUCH Worse - Icarus > .

Kharkiv Front 2024

22-11-27 Kharkiv is the most important location in Eastern Ukraine - Eastory > .
24-5-11 Ruscia begins offensive against Ukraine's Kharkiv region | ABC Aus > .24-5-13 THE KHARKIV GAMBLE: Russians Meet Fierce Resistance - Matters > .

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Attrition, Armaments, Mobilization 2024

24-8-9 Artillery: Mortars vs Howitzers - gtbt > .
24-8-5 List of Russia's Armored Fighting Vehicles in Storage - CoCa > .
24-8-1 [Ruscia Running Out of Tanks, Planes, People] - Icarus > .
24-7-28 Ukrainian Equipment Losses and Resupply (2024) - Perun > .24-2-14 Anders Nielsen on Ukraine's Strategy to Defeat Ruscia | Decoding Geopol > .
air shield 
24-1-19 Patriots & Franken-SAMs vs R A-50 & I Shaheds. What Ukraine needs - U24 > .
24-4-19 Swedish factory working 24/7 to make shells for Ukraine - Kyiv Independent > .24-4-14 US Arms Production - Strategy to Restore Arsenal of Democracy? - Perun > .
24-3-31 Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers, trends in race to rearm - Perun > .
Camouflage, Decoys 
> Innovation, R&D >>
24-5-12 Russia's Turtle Tanks Are Evolving - Armourer's Bench > .
24-9-8 Ruscian War Economy 2024: sanctions, inflation, mounting risks - Perun > .  > NATO Membership >> N Militaries >>> N Politics >> NATO~R >>
24-2-16 United States | No More NATO? - Prof J K-L > .
Orcine armaments / economy
24-2-22 Война 2024 | Ukraine's & P00's Plans for 2024 (subs) - Katz > .24-2-4 New Russian Weapons: Harpoon, Python, "Dandelion". Effectiveness - U24 > .
R-U troops 
24-7-18 Extra Pay and Tricks: Assessing [ruZZian] Wartime Recruiting - Preston > .24-3-11 Troop Losses - Ukraine, Ruscia - Kyiv Independent > .
24-4-13 Ukraine has a mobilization problem | Kyiv Independent > .23-2-9 Who could be conscripted to fight in Ukraine? | BBC > .
U$ Aid     
24-1-29 Ukraine War Aid: US Funds, Political Support Games | WSJ > .24-4-22 How NATO & Russia are Preparing to Fight Total War - Real > .> > Weaponry > > > Missiles >>

Axis ⇔ West 2024

24-6-11 Iran & XIR Aligning Against Israel & West | Jonathan Spyer | TBN > .
24-5-21 Погиб президент Ирана | Raisi Dead | Impact? (subs) - Katz > .
24-5-19 [Fingers crossed] Iranian President & Foreign Minister  chopper crash - 4 > .
24-4-19 Age of Wars:[Karaganov's Bellicose Ode to Axis of Envious Resentment - gtbt > .
24-4-16 [XIR] Iran's use of [terrorist] proxies to [harm] USA and Israel - Caspian > .
24-3-28 5 reasons Iran is involved in so many global conflicts - BBC > .
24-3-6 Could the Mossad Have Stopped Iran? | Unpacked > .
24-3-5 Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran - IDF > .
24-2-20 Roots of Iran’s Anger Against America - Context Matters > .
24-2-8 The Hezbollah-Iran Alliance - IDF > .
24-2-4 Iran would lose a war with the United States | Michael Clarke - Times > .
24-1-30 US and Iran: Deciding What to Bomb || Peter Zeihan > .
24-1-26 Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem - Hindsight > .
24-1-13 Iran, Xina, NK Supplying Ruscia's War Machine - drones+ | gtbt >
Chaos - Axis of Chaos 
24-3-24 Altai, Power of Siberia: Xina Outplayed Ruscia in Gas Negotiations - Res > .
> Europe >>   Economic & Climate Migrants 
24-1-27 If Russia Attacks, is Europe Ready? Fear of War - U24 > .
> Migrant Crises >>  >> Problematic Migration >>>
> NATO > > > Europe vs XIR >>
24-2-2 How P00ti Controls Every Aspect Of Ruscia | Decoded | Insider > .
24-1-28 Pillars of Russia. On What Does Russian Success or Failure Rest? - gtbt > .
24-8-20 Can America and China [post-Xi] be Friends Again? - gtbt > .
USA ⇔ > XIR >>
West vs X~T 
24-2-6 Matt Pottinger Sounds The Alarm On Asia | Hoover > .
West ⇔ > XIR >>
>> Xina >>>  > Xitting the Wall - Xina's Economic Decline >>
24-3-27 Peter Hartcher - Xi tanking Xina's economy to prepare for war - SMH > .
24-8-6 Anne Applebaum: XIR & Autocracy “Infecting US Politics” | A&Co > .

Pew Xina ? . ? Pew Iran ? .  ? Pew Ruscia ? . 
Pew Americans Remain Critical of China: About 80% of Americans report an unfavorable view of Xina and Xi. (24-5-1)
Pew In East Asia, many people see China’s power and influence as a major threat: In most places surveyed, more people name China’s influence as a major threat than any of the other geopolitical issues asked about. (23-12-5) 

Elections 2024

24-4-6 What a 2nd tRUMP Term Could Mean | Sam Harris and Jonathan Rauch > .24-6-16 ANC has fallen. Next for South Africa? - My Take > .24-7-18 Von der Leyen Wins EU Presidency! Her Vision for Europe - Simple > .
24-7-1 French [Snap, Round 1] Election Results Explained - Simple > . comment .
24-6-5 What Happens After the EU Elections - Into Europe > . 
24-5-10 Von der Leyen [might] be dethroned - But by whom? - Simple > .
24-3-10 Who Will Be The Next EU President? - Simple > .
24-3-3 How France Could Influence the EU Elections - Simple > .
24-2-25 Weak Polish PiS Could Impact EU's 2024 Elections - Simple > .
24-4-13 India elections: Money, Manipur, [Modious's] south push | ABC Aus > .24-4-9 Narendra Modi vs Rahul Gandhi | India Votes 2024 | ABC Aus > .
In what was described as "one of the biggest political upsets in Dutch politics since World War II", the right-wing populist Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, won 37 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives, becoming the largest party for the first time. All four parties of the incumbent coalition government suffered losses.
After the election, a cabinet formation began to determine which parties would form the next government. Subsequently on 16 May 2024, a coalition agreement was settled upon by PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB. Furthermore, immigration policy has been heavily prioritised on the incoming government's agenda, as coalition representatives stated they would embrace the "strictest" asylum policy. Numerous reforms are also expected across areas such as welfare and health, as emphasised upon by NSC leader Pieter Omtzigt during the election campaign, similar to addressing issues having surfaced in the aftermath of the Dutch childcare benefits scandal. Several observers have described the new government as the most right-wing in recent history.
24-3-15 Dare Ruscians Protest Fake-Election? | Belton, Litvinenko - Times > .24-4-12 Superpowers watching the Solomon Islands election | ABC Aus > .24-4-8 Erdoğan’s crushing local election defeat in ‘heartland’ - Times > .

⇒ 2024 ..

Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Russia in March 2024. In accordance with electoral law, the first round will be held on Sunday, 17 March

2024 Taiwanese presidential election w  
ROC (Taiwan) presidential elections are scheduled to be held on 13 January 2024.

2024 United States presidential election will be the 60th quadrennial presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Thirteen Keys ..  The Keys to the White House is a checklist of thirteen true/false statements that pertain to the circumstances surrounding a presidential election. When five or fewer of the following statements are false, the incumbent party is predicted to win the election. When six or more are false, the incumbent party is predicted to lose. Alan LichtmanBiden can ‘absolutely’ win the US election > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...