Showing posts with label X-R. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X-R. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ċold Ŵar 2 ➾ 2022

USA vs China vs Russia ......................................................................................................
Χίna 中国 Zhōngguó
23-9-29 Decoding P00ti-PooXi blueprint for Noxious World Order | DW > .
23-7-2 Ruscia and Xina seek Eurasian dominance - CaspianReport > .
23-4-29 [Macron's Xina Visit => Lu Shaye] - Baltic World > .
23-3-23 5 Takeaways [Xi’s P00petry visit] - Stubb - STG > .
23-3-18 Sociopaths have useful idiots, not "friendship" - Warographics > .
22-11-27 Dragon's Claw: Xina's Next 10 Years - Kamome > . skip > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-11-1 "Overreach" | Susan Shirk, Kevin Rudd | Asia Society > .
22-10-24 Xi's [Probably Unachievable] Goals - Digging > . 
22-10-15 Xina's Economy is in Bad Shape - ColdFusion > .
22-10-9 "Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise" | Susan Shirk - CU > .
22-9-28 Beijing regrets "no limit" friendship with Pootin. Xi unhappy > .
22-9-9 No, China is Not A Peaceful Nation - laowhy86 > .
22-8-25 Xi vs Li: Xina’s dual-leadership after the 20th Party Congress? - Lei > .
22-7-13 Xina's Popularity Plunging |Geopolitical surveys - Lei > .
22-4-21 Russia–Ukraine war, US–China rivalry, Thucydides’s Trap > .
22-4-7 Χίna isn't overtly supporting PoooTin in Ukraine - VisPol > .
22-3-28 China's Economic Rise—End of the Road - cfr > .
22-3-16 China: "No. 1 Threat" to the West | Heinrichs - JoAnd > . full > .
22-3-10 China's Embarrassing Flip Flop on Russia - laowhy86 > .
22-3-2 China Wants War More than Russia! Celebrates Invasion Online! - serpentza > .
22-2-16 The Aces up Putin’s Sleeve in Ukraine - VisPol > .
22-2-7 NATO's Ukraine Mistake | John Mearsheimer > .
22-1-29 Visualizing a Russian Assault on Ukraine - CaspianReport > .
Propaganda - пропаганда - 宣传, Xuānchuán .

Cold War 201 - Eyes Red >> .

φ8b 2022+ Ukraine ~ Russia vs NATO - anffyddiaeth >> .

2022 ..
Ċold Ŵar 2 ➾ 2022 ..
Infestation - Month 2 ..US ➾ China 2022 ..

Mystery of alleged 22-2-23 Chinese hack on eve of Ukraine invasion

The Times first reported that hackers, alleged to be based in China, began targeting Ukrainian websites on 23 February, the day before the invasion. That [suggests] they had advance notice of Moscow's plans and if their intention was somehow to support Russia.

A broad set of Ukrainian government and commercial organisations were said to have been targeted by hackers, including organisations linked to nuclear power. It is unclear how far this activity was scanning for vulnerabilities online and how many websites were actually compromised. The aim looks to have been espionage - stealing secrets - rather than the kind of sabotage operations which Russia was accused of carrying out just before the invasion, and when it started.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Democracies ⇔ Totalitarianism

Axis of Evil
22-3-7 Xina's role in the Russia-Ukraine war? PooTin-PooXi relations | ABC > .
24-8-24 [XiR: US~Xina Ċold Ŵar?] - PolyMatter > .
24-4-12 India | [Modious's] Dying Democracy? - Prof J K-L > .
24-3-6 Could the Mossad Have Stopped Iran? | Unpacked > .
24-2-17 Taiwan Question & World Order | X Economy - Update > .
24-1-22 How [Viktator] Orbán Took Over Hungary - Context Matters > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military & Power Projection - Perun > .
23-10-25 Understanding NoXious World (Dis)Order - Kotkin | Hoover > .
23-10-24 [PooXi, P00ti Secrets at BRI Forum: NoXious World Order - Insight > .
23-10-14 [Independent Taiwan versus Imperialist Dicktatorship] - Real > . 
23-9-10 Could Belarus Be P00’s Consolation Prize? - VisPol > .
23-9-2 When the Elites Will Topple P00ti (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-30 Fear is the new normal in Russian politics - Anders > .
23-8-29 Dictatorships: From Spin to Fear | Ruscist Regression (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-20 NATO's Rearmament & Spending - NATO's R-U Response - Perun > .
23-8-17 [Twisted] History Book | [Lying] High School P00paganda (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-2 Xi's Anti-Corruption Purge of PLA Rocket Force | PLA structure - Digging > .
23-7-31 Iron Curtain to Iron Fist: Viktor Orbán Redefining Hungary - Pers > .
23-7-2 Ruscia and Xina seek Eurasian dominance - CaspianReport > .
23-5-31 Xina is Backstabbing Ruscia - Uncensored > .
23-5-30 Ruscia, Xina, Iran - Authoritarian Alliances vs Populations > .
23-4-27 [Xi-Zelinskyy Discussion & Xi's Duplicitous Manipulations] - Update > .
23-4-16 Logan Wright Grasping Shadows X-Ec 1 - Update > . 2 > .
23-4-16 R-U Hybrid Warfare: P00paganda, cyber, hybrid methods - Perun > .
23-3-18 Sociopaths have useful idiots, not "friendship" - Warographics > .
23-3-15 Timothy Snyder on reasons for ICC "WAR CRIMES" decision > .
23-3-13 Yi Fuxian: The Chinese Century Is Already Over - Update > .
23-3-8 US-China: Qin & Conflict Warning - Update > .
23-3-1 [Seven Losses of P00tin: How to Fail Ztupidly as Dicktator - Matters > .
23-2-26 Tragic Reality of Brain Drain's Impact on Poor Countries - EcEx > .
23-2-25 “Ruscians fell victim to their own propaganda” | Starsky | Times > .
23-2-9 Russians vs Ruzzians - "Public" Opinion re Pooti - Times > .
23-2-8 Ruscia’s Zociopathy | Once “decent” people провоенный (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-5 Scary Stalinism vs Pathetic Pootinism [electioneering] (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-3 [Demented Krumblin Conspiracy Poopaganda] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-29 [Pooti's Sociopathic Rewriting of History] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-26 Xinhua & Xina's Most Obnoxious Karen - serpentza > .
23-1-26 Ruscist poopaganda 0 : Ukrainian propaganda 1 - Forces > .
23-1-24 Pooti's Ztupid R-U Miscalculation: Self-Inflicted Disaster - Spaniel > .
23-1-22 Politics Can Destroy Armies: Factionalism & R-U War - Perun > .
23-1-19 Kremlin's Bizarre Ideological Mission for 2023 - Vlad > .
23-5-14 Month 10 | Fake News: Ruscian Poopaganda for Beginners | ARTE > .
22-12-28 Beware: Soft Ruscist Poopaganda and Fake YTers = Danger - Anna > .
22-11-27 Dragon's Claw: Xina's Next 10 Years - Kamome > . skip > .
22-11-22 Why [the Ruscian Federation] cannot become a democracy - Caspian > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-8-3 Economic Disaster is Already Here - Peter Zeihan - Triggernometry > .
22-4-22 Xina Won't Bail Out the Russian Economy - VisPol > .
22-1-29 Russia-China-US relations - Russia-Ukraine crisis - Lei > .
Dragon-Bear > P00petry >>
22-10-29 Xi's autocracy: XXP reaffirms ties with Ruscia - Revealed > .22-1-29 Role Russia-Xina-US relations play in the Russia-Ukraine crisis - Lei > .
22-3-10 Xina's Embarrassing Flip Flop on Russia - laowhy86 > .
22-2-24 Global Power Rivalry | Michael Buckley > .
Eagle & West
Proxy War  
SiSo - Xina-Russia - enDürer >> .

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cold War 2

21-4-9 Cold War II—Just How Dangerous Is China? [bullying CCP] - Hoover > .
24-5-14 Calder Walton's "Spies": Century-long East-West Espionage War - SiCu > .
23-12-2 Xina's Modern Military - Big, Imperialistic, Unproven - Armchair > .
23-11-17 America's 3 New Nukes (weapons they counter) - Sandboxx > .
23-10-24 [PooXi, P00ti Secrets at BRI Forum: NoXious World Order - Insight > .
23-9-14 Hx Japan vs Xina: Why Xina and Japan are headed to war - BuBa > .
23-8-30 Internet Backbone = Hidden Infrastructure - B1M > .
23-8-29 Dictatorships: From Spin to Fear | Ruscist Regression (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-25 How Xi secured power by reforming Xina’s military - Lei > .
23-8-17 [Twisted] History Book | [Lying] High School P00paganda (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-7 Xina's Reliance On Western Innovation | John Lee > .
23-8-5 New Ċold Ŵar? With Robert Kaplan | Intelligence Squared > .
23-7-29 Taiwan: Japanese & US Moves | Update > .
23-7-9 How Wars End - Negotiations, Coercion, War Termination Theory - Perun > .
23-5-1 Australia’s nuclear submarines enough to deter Xina? | ABC > .
23-4-16 R-U Hybrid Warfare: P00paganda, cyber, hybrid methods - Perun > .
23-4-6 Technology Disrupting the Intelligence World | Amy Zegart - fa > .
23-3-18 Sociopaths have useful idiots, not "friendship" - Warographics > .
23-3-13 Yi Fuxian: The Chinese Century Is Already Over - Update > .
23-3-8 US-China: Qin & Conflict Warning - Update > .
23-3-8 [Slumping] Xina Blaming & Threatening USA - Focus > .
23-2-28 Xina & ROC war prep: martial law, nuclear emergency, wartime controls > .
23-2-8 Ruscia’s Zociopathy | Once “decent” people провоенный (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-3 [Demented Krumblin Conspiracy Poopaganda] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-29 Ruscist Information Warfare - LIES, Confusion, Credulity - Perun > .
23-1-24 Pooti's Ztupid R-U Miscalculation: Self-Inflicted Disaster - Spaniel > .
23-1-19 Kremlin's Bizarre Ideological Mission for 2023 - Vlad > .
23-1-12 Stories for children vs aggressive poopaganda (subs) - Katz > .
22-12-28 Beware: Soft Ruscist Poopaganda and Fake YTers = Danger - Anna > .
22-12-20 US military in Pacific to prevent Xinese invasion of Taiwan - PBS > .
22-12-18 Poopaganda calls for "people's war" | [Message Shift] (subs) > .
22-11-27 Poopaganda: Soviet Future Faking to "Correct Past" (subs) - MK > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-19 Splinternet - Xina 1st of 35+ Countries Leaving Global Internet - Tech > .
22-11-17 Poopagandistic malice | [Demented] reactions to Kherson (subs) - Katz > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-10-31 How could war between Xina & Taiwan play out? | Four Corners > .
22-11-1 "Overreach" | Susan Shirk, Kevin Rudd | Asia Society > .
22-10-27 Xina is "Pretty Much Screwed" - laowhy86 > .
22-10-24 Xi's [Probably Unachievable] Goals - Digging > . 
22-10-11 Dear Elon, Please SHUT UP - laowhy86 > .
22-10-11 Condeleeza Rice - Xina and Taiwan - Hoover > .
22-10-7 What If Pootin Nukes Ukraine? - OBF > .
22-9-24 Xina's and Australia’s power plays in the Pacific - Caspian > .
22-8-26 How Xina wages an unseen war for strategic influence | FT > .
22-8-25 Xi vs Li: Xina’s dual-leadership after the 20th Party Congress? - Lei > .
22-8-18 Ruscism: World's Last Colonial Empire: Collapse or Survival - gtbt > .
22-8-15 Taiwan could repel invasion; wargamed cost high to Taiwan and US > .
22-8-3 Economic Disaster is Already Here - Peter Zeihan - Triggernometry > .
22-8-4 Situation Zoom: Pelosi Visits Taiwan | Goodfellows - Hoover > .
22-8-4 Nancy Peolosi’s trip ⇝ XXP and Xina-Taiwan relations - Lei > .
22-7-21 Why Every NATO Member Joined (Why Others Haven't) - Spaniel > .
China is a nation with 1.3 billion people, an economy projected to become bigger than the United States’ in just a few years, and a rapidly growing military. Hong Kong has already fallen under its authority. Meanwhile, Taiwan looms in the distance—with a population of almost 24 million, it’s a technology hub and the world’s leading manufacturer of microchips and other items essential to high tech. What are China’s ambitions toward Taiwan? And if they are ominous, what should the US response to Chinese aggression be? To answer these questions, we’re joined by two experts: former national security advisor (and current Hoover Institution senior fellow) H. R. McMaster and former US deputy national security advisor (and current Hoover distinguished visiting fellow) Matthew Pottinger. They also discuss the Biden administration’s recent diplomatic encounters with China, and which countries might be allies in a conflict with China—and which ones would not be.

● Future? ..

The defence ministry said the aircraft, including nuclear-capable bombers, entered its air defence identification zone (ADIZ) in two waves. Taiwan responded by scrambling its jets and deploying missile systems. China sees democratic Taiwan as a breakaway province, but Taiwan sees itself as a sovereign state. Taiwan has been complaining for more than a year about repeated missions by China's air force near the island.

Australia, NZ


Geostrategic Projection
European Geostrategic Projection ..

Resource Conflicts


sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...