Showing posts with label resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resources. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Economic Front 2024

24-3-21 Ukraine attacks Ruscian oil and gas sites to slash P00ti's war chest - Forces > .
24-9-8 Ruscian War Economy 2024: sanctions, inflation, mounting risks - Perun > .
24-7-25 +33,991,753 [orc] Deaths [& tanked economy] to Take Ukraine - Span > .
24-7-12 [Hung Parliament] France Plunged Into Political Uncertainty - Bloomberg > .
24-6-8 Ruscia-Xina Pipeline Dispute is Big Problem for Krumblin - Spaniel > .
24-6-3 [Unsurprising] US microchips in Ruscian weapons | WSJ > . 
24-4-28 New U$ Military Aid for Ukraine - content & impact? - Perun > .
24-4-28 [Orcine response] when Ukraine receives more weapons? - Anders > .
24-4-27 $115 Billion From US & Europe Gives Ukraine Hope - gtbt > .
24-4-19 Swedish factory working 24/7 to make shells for Ukraine - Kyiv Independent > .
24-4-19 Age of Wars:[Karaganov's Bellicose Ode to Axis of Envious Resentment - gtbt > .
24-4-18 [Biden Administration Suggests Tripled Tariffs on Xina] - Update > .
24-4-13 Ukraine's strategic bombing of Russian oil refineries - Anders > .
24-3-30 Ruscia's Declining Oil Capacity; Deeper Problems of Cartel Politics - Spaniel > .
24-3-23 Ukraine's drone campaign against Ruscian oil infrastructure | Kyiv Ind > .
22-11-24 Conflict in Ukraine's Donbas Region: Geology & Resources - E&SS > .

   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Resource Competition 2024

24-5-1 How Xina Threatens Europe via EU's Green Deal - gtbt > .
24-8-20 Can America and China [post-Xi] be Friends Again? - gtbt > .
WW2 amphibous challenges

Sunday, December 3, 2023

23-12-3 Venezuela vs Guayana Esequiba

24-3-5 Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran - IDF > .
24-1-26 Why Venezuela wants to annex Guyana - Caspian > .
23-12-26 Oil Wars and the Venezuela-Guyana Crisis - Spaniel > .
23-12-11 Venezuela's Invasion Armada, What You Need To Know - HIS > .
23-12-10 Venezuela, Guyana & Essequibo Crisis - Posturing, XIR SMO? - Perun >
23-12-7 Venezuela To Annex 70% of Guyana's Territory? - gtbt > .
23-12-7 [XIR] Ruscia-backed Venezuela to start war in South America? | DiD > .
23-12-7 Venezuela-Guyana Hostilities Rise | Oil War? | Palki Sharma > .
23-12-5 Why Venezuela wants to annex a huge chunk of Guyana - CBC > .

People around the globe are witnessing the disintegration of an oil-rich country. Venezuela had the world’s fourth-highest per-capita income in 1950. Now it’s being ripped apart by record levels of poverty.
More than 90% of Venezuelans struggle to subsist. How did Hugo Chávez drive this once affluent, democratic country to ruin? This documentary ... investigates the political, economic, societal and geostrategic reasons for Venezuela's crisis. The film features interviews Debray did with then presidential candidate Chávez in 1998, and with Juan Guaidó in 2019. Multiple countries recognize Guaidó as Venezuela's president, rather than the man who occupies the office, Nicolás Maduro

Guayana Esequiba, sometimes also called Esequibo or Essequibo, is a disputed territory of 159,500 km2 (61,600 sq mi) west of the Essequibo River. The territory is claimed by both Guyana and Venezuela, but it has been administered and controlled by Guyana since the 1899 Paris Arbitral Award. The boundary dispute was inherited from the colonial powers (Spain in the case of Venezuela, and the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in the case of Guyana) and has been complicated by the independence of Guyana from the United Kingdom in 1966.

On 31 October 2023, the government of Guyana filed a request with the International Court of Justice (ICJ), requesting intervention against a proposed referendum approved by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council on 23 October 2023, asking to support its position in the dispute, arguing that the referendum served as a pretext for the Venezuelan government to abandon negotiations with Guyana. The proposed referendum was condemned by the Commonwealth of Nations and Caribbean Community (CARICOM), who both issued statements in support of Guyana and the agreed ICJ process for dispute resolution. In response to the increased tensions, the Brazilian military on 29 November 2023 "intensified defensive actions" along its northern border. On 1 December 2023, the ICJ ordered Venezuela to not make any attempts to disrupt the current territory controlled by Guyana until the court makes a later determination. The referendum took place on 3 December, and the National Electoral Council initially reported that Venezuelans voted "yes" more than 95% of the time on each of the five questions on the ballot. International analysts and media reported that turnout had been remarkably low and that the Venezuelan government had falsified the results.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Bigger Picture - Ċold Ŵar 2

23-7-12 China Prepares (economics, resources) for War: A Timeline - Hudson > .
24-5-1 [German Marshall Fund: X's Distortion of UN 2758 re Taiwan] - Update > .
24-4-19 Age of Wars:[Karaganov's Bellicose Ode to Axis of Envious Resentment - gtbt > .
24-4-17 [XiP00gandistic Hypocrisy & Strategic Dicklomatic Stumbles] - Digging > .
24-2-17 Taiwan Question & World Order | X Economy - Update > .
23-12-19 Could Ruscia Rebuild And Threaten NATO by 2027? - gtbt > .
23-12-7 5 Hard lessons West should learn from dealing with XiXiP - Lei > .
23-12-2 Xina's Modern Military - Big, Imperialistic, Unproven - Armchair > .
23-12-2 Huawei: [Subsidized Weapon in Chip War versus USA] - Update > . 
23-11-19 Niall Ferguson: How Civilizations Collapse - Triggernometry > .
23-11-17 Return of Wars: Explained | Yuval Noah Harari > .
23-11-14 XIR: Hezbollah terrorists: Iran, Ruscia, Assad funded militants - T&P > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military & Power Projection - Perun > .
23-11-4 [Ruscia Wants to Destroy] International Rules-based Order - Kuzio > .
23-10-25 NoXious World (Dis)Order 2 - Sergey Lavrov - STG > .
23-10-21 XIR H-I WAR - Terror from Gaza, Inspired by Ruscia and Iran - U24 > . 
23-10-20 Pentagon Report [re X(IR) threat] & Chip Curbs - Update > .
23-10-19 BRI, Hamas fit into XiXiP's Middle East [NoXious] strategy - Lei > .
23-10-12 Causes of the Crisis between Hamas and Israel - Spaniel > .
23-10-12 Xina Supporting Hamas in the Israel/Palestine Conflict - laowhy86 > .
23-9-29 Decoding P00ti-PooXi blueprint for NoXious World Order | DW > .

> PLA > 
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >>

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Energy ➾ 2023

23-1-7 Pooti Tried to Blackmail Europe... it failed - TLDR > .

Energy ➾ 2023 ..

Xina ⟺ Ruscia 2023

> IPM - Indo-Pacific Militaries >>
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >> > H-I War >

Xina2023 ..
Xina ⟺ Middle East 2023 ..
XinaRuscia 2023 ..

Xina ⟺ Middle East 2023

23-4-27 Xina's Middle East Strategy - gtbt > .
23-12-5 Most Dangerous [XIR] Moment: America’s Role in the Pacific | Hoover > . 
>> Supply Chains >>>
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >> > H-I War >

Monday, December 26, 2022

Attrition 2022

23-1-13 Ruscia LIED About Destroying [Absent] M2 Bradley Vehicles - Jake > .
23-1-13 No more doubts for the West | Ukraine weaponized (subs) - Katz > .22-11-21 'Demoralised and demobilised Russian army' lost the upper hand - T > .22-10-1 What Ukraine Needs to Win - Animarchy > .
22-9-4 6 Months of Ukraine War - Economics, Endurance, Energy War - Perun > .
22-6-19 Two Economies: Ukraine, Russia - 100 days of sanctions & shelling > .
22-5-17 War of attrition: Not a frozen conflict — 17MAY2022 - Anders > .

Budgets (Military) ..

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Coming Resource Conflicts

22-7-30 Хina's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem - Real > .
24-5-24 Xina's 3-Child Policy - Recipe for Social Instability? Digging > .
24-1-26 Why Venezuela wants to annex Guyana - Caspian > .
23-12-26 Oil Wars and the Venezuela-Guyana Crisis - Spaniel > .
23-10-25 Understanding NoXious World (Dis)Order - Kotkin | Hoover > .
23-10-17 Xina’s Illegal Man-Made Military Islands = Ecological Disaster - Map > .
23-10-14 [Independent Taiwan versus Imperialist Dicktatorship] - Real > . 
23-9-21 A Xinese blockade against Taiwan 'won't work' | Tim Cross > .
23-8-10 How Taiwan Accidentally Became an Economic Superpower - Casual > .
23-7-28 Rebuilding Ukraine - Into > .
23-7-24 Xina's Nine-Dash Line: [Illegal Claims in South China Sea] - Geoff > .
23-6-14 [Unambiguous US-T commitments - thwarting invasion] - Hoover > .
23-2-20 Record Deficit Heralds the Collapse of the Russian Economy - gtbt > .
22-9-27 Energy Crisis: Pain or Opportunity? - gtbt > .
22-9-4 6 Months of Ukraine War - Economics, Endurance, Energy War - Perun > .
> > MENA > > >> Asia >>>

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Middle East - Powermongering

23-11-10 Qatar Angling to Be World’s Lead Hostage Negotiator | WSJ > .23-8-6 Turkish Strategy & R-U War - Arms, Economics - Perun > . skip > .22-12-17 How Qatar uses the World Cup for nation building - Caspian > .22-12-14 Xi’s Saudi trip & Sino-Arab relations; X-¥ oil vs petrodollar - Lei > .22-11-25 Why Saudi Arabia is Gladly Helping Russia - T&P > .
22-6-30 Wonky Saudi-US relationship - VisPol > .

02:10 The New Generation / Saudi Arabia & UAE
10:44 Sultan in crisis / Turkey
16:35 Iranian Dilemmas / Iran
21:19 Israel and the Syrian Triangle / Israel
23:05 Arab Spring 2.0
26:05 Outro

Why Arabs Lose Wars :: Middle East Quarterly .

Why Arabs Lose Wars > . Why Arabs Can't Fight - The Arab Culture Theory:

The Theory asserts that the poor performance of Arab armies in battle is caused by culturally-regular behavior and patterns of thought among Arab military personnel, particularly junior officers. It focuses on a number of particular traits which sociologists, anthropologists, and political psychologists of the Middle East agree are salient elements of the dominant Arab culture.

  • Promotion of conformity with group norms over innovation and independent thinking.
  • Promotion of a rather extreme deference to authority which discourages initiative among subordinates.
  • Promotion of avoidance at all costs, of shame -- discouraging an individual from accepting responsibility and encouraging the manipulation of information to conceal shameful acts.
  • Promotion of  fierce loyalty to the group which encourages individuals to shield friends and relatives from from shame and reinforces the emphasis on conformity.
  • Regarding manual labor as shameful, and considering technical and scientific work as a form of manual labor.

Arab Culture Theory predicts that these patterns of culturally-regular behavior will produce identical patterns of behavior on the battlefield which are crippling to Arab armies and air forces. These patterns of military ineffectiveness can be boiled down to four pervasive problems:

  • Militaries display severe problems with tactical leadership. Junior officers demonstrate little initiative, creativity, flexibility, or capacity for independent action in combat. Thus ground and air forces appear incapable of fighting maneuver battles or improvising ad hoc operations in the heat of battle.
  • Militaries suffer paralysis due to poor information flows. Junior officers and enlisted personnel regularly dissemble, exaggerate, obfuscate, and lie to conceal mistakes and unpleasant news, no matter how large or small.
  • Military personnel possess very limited technical skills. As a result, armed forces can rarely take full advantage of their weapons and equipment. 
  • Because Arab technicians do not understand how to properly care for sophisticated machinery, militaries have difficulty maintaining their equipment. Few military operators understand the need for constant preventive maintenance. [Rather than addressing the problem, militaries blame the suppliers.]

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...