Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label industry. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Attrition, Armaments, Mobilization 2024

24-8-9 Artillery: Mortars vs Howitzers - gtbt > .
24-8-5 List of Russia's Armored Fighting Vehicles in Storage - CoCa > .
24-8-1 [Ruscia Running Out of Tanks, Planes, People] - Icarus > .
24-7-28 Ukrainian Equipment Losses and Resupply (2024) - Perun > .24-2-14 Anders Nielsen on Ukraine's Strategy to Defeat Ruscia | Decoding Geopol > .
air shield 
24-1-19 Patriots & Franken-SAMs vs R A-50 & I Shaheds. What Ukraine needs - U24 > .
24-4-19 Swedish factory working 24/7 to make shells for Ukraine - Kyiv Independent > .24-4-14 US Arms Production - Strategy to Restore Arsenal of Democracy? - Perun > .
24-3-31 Global Arms Exports - Winners, losers, trends in race to rearm - Perun > .
Camouflage, Decoys 
> Innovation, R&D >>
24-5-12 Russia's Turtle Tanks Are Evolving - Armourer's Bench > .
24-9-8 Ruscian War Economy 2024: sanctions, inflation, mounting risks - Perun > .  > NATO Membership >> N Militaries >>> N Politics >> NATO~R >>
24-2-16 United States | No More NATO? - Prof J K-L > .
Orcine armaments / economy
24-2-22 Война 2024 | Ukraine's & P00's Plans for 2024 (subs) - Katz > .24-2-4 New Russian Weapons: Harpoon, Python, "Dandelion". Effectiveness - U24 > .
R-U troops 
24-7-18 Extra Pay and Tricks: Assessing [ruZZian] Wartime Recruiting - Preston > .24-3-11 Troop Losses - Ukraine, Ruscia - Kyiv Independent > .
24-4-13 Ukraine has a mobilization problem | Kyiv Independent > .23-2-9 Who could be conscripted to fight in Ukraine? | BBC > .
U$ Aid     
24-1-29 Ukraine War Aid: US Funds, Political Support Games | WSJ > .24-4-22 How NATO & Russia are Preparing to Fight Total War - Real > .> > Weaponry > > > Missiles >>

Chips, FABs, Tech 2024

24-4-23 Race to Secure Taiwan’s AI Chips vs Xinese Invasion | WSJ > .
22-10-20 Chris Miller: Chip War & Battle Between USA & Xina > .
24-5-28 Chip War: X-US Tech War Heats Up - Update > .
R&D&M Wars - Tense >> .

Saturday, December 30, 2023

West ⟺ XIR 2023

23-5-30 Ruscia, Xina and Iran - [NoXious] New Axis - K&G > .
24-7-11 Matt Pottinger: Searching for an Endgame With Xina | FA > .
24-2-8 Israel: High-Tech Military; Intelligence Failure - Caspian > .
24-2-1 William Burns: Foreign Affairs "Spycraft & Statecraft" [rX threats] - Update > . 
24-1-13 Iran, Xina, NK Supplying Ruscia's War Machine - drones+ | gtbt > . 
24-1-11 PLA worried about military capabilities of SpaceX Starlink - Update > .
23-12-28 Geopolitics 2024 CE: World in [XIR] Chaos - gtbt > .
23-12-20 What Happens in Gaza Does Not Stay in Gaza - Preston Stewart > .
23-12-20 Why Weakness Empowers P00tin | Konstantin Kisin | John Anderson > .
23-12-19 Could Ruscia Rebuild And Threaten NATO by 2027? - gtbt > .
23-12-13 US House Select Committee: Economic Competition vs PRC - Update > .
23-12-9 EU-China Relations - [EU firm, X hypocritical] - Update > .
23-12-7 5 Hard lessons West should learn from dealing with XiXiP - Lei > .
23-12-7 [XIR] Ruscia-backed Venezuela to start war in South America? | DiD > .
> NATO > >
> PLA > 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

War Economies

23-9-15 R-U War: Ukraine's Greatest Economic Catastrophe AND Opportunity - gtbt > .
24-9-8 Ruscian War Economy 2024: sanctions, inflation, mounting risks - Perun > .
24-8-13 Economics of War - CNBC I > .
24-7-28 [Brain Drain & Employment Statistics in Wartime Ruscia] | Researcher > .
24-6-3 [Unsurprising] US microchips in Ruscian weapons | WSJ > . 
24-6-1 Exposing Military Industrial Complex - Ryan McBeth > .
24-4-28 (Realistic) [Ruscian Demographics & Economy Imploding] - Inside R > .
24-4-14 US Arms Production - Strategy to Restore Arsenal of Democracy? - Perun > .
24-3-21 Ukraine attacks Ruscian oil and gas sites to slash P00ti's war chest - Forces > .
24-3-3 R-U War 2024 - Military & Economic Balance of Long War - Perun > .
24-1-20 Can Ruscia win the military production race? - Anders > .
23-12-19 Could Ruscia Rebuild And Threaten NATO by 2027? - gtbt > .
23-12-6 Shadow Fleet Fueling Ruscia’s War | Bloomberg > .
23-12-5 Most Dangerous [XIR] Moment: America’s Role in the Pacific | Hoover > . 
23-12-3 [Fatigue, Politics, Resources & R-U War - Public, Governments] - Perun > .
23-12-2 Huawei: [Subsidized Weapon in Chip War versus USA] - Update > . 
23-11-7 Scientific Progress & War - [Counterproductive for Ruscia] (subs) - Katz > .
23-10-8 West's Commitment to the Defeat of Ruscia? - K&G > .
23-10-6 Konstantin - MiC Kwap & Ruscia's Economy Rubbling - Silicon > .
23-10-2 [Ztupidity: Mobiks' Forever Fight, Convicts' Unleashed Terror] (subs) - Katz > .
23-9-18 South Korean Factory Churning Out Armaments for NATO | WSJ > .
23-9-17 Ruscian Defence Production 2023 vs R-U equipment attrition - Perun > .
> Brain Drain >> & Human Resources 
23-7-30 Skills Wars Are The New Trade Wars | EcEx > .
> Future Combat >>  >> Future >>>
> Krumblin >>  >> Krumblin >>> & Sanctions
23-8-1 Sanctioning Russia | Effects: Dodging Sanctions, Brain Drain (subs) - Katz > .23-2-21 Sanctions, 1 Year Later - M&M > . skip > .
Dodging Sanctions - Weighs 'n Means >> .
> EcWarfare >>

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

EWW - Economic Warfare ➾ West

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Globalization ➾ 2022 ➾ Deglobalization

24-3-21 Elisabeth Braw: Globalization Failing; R-UUnpredictable | Silicon > .
24-3-20 What a Deglobalized Economy Will Look Like - M&M > .

Saturday, July 24, 2021

ECE - Economic Corridors - Europe

Geostrategic Projection

Into Europe: The Blue Banana is Europe's first economic corridor. As well as being home to Europe's main financial and political centres, it was the first place where economic integration took place in the European single market. Now other economic corridors are emerging outside of the bloc and the European Union is financing infrastructure Giga-Projects as part of the Trans-European Transport Network. They to connect the economies of its different member states. These economic corridors are connecting Europe together, providing new opportunities for European and International Trade, particularly with Africa.

The Blue Banana (also known as the European Megalopolis or the Liverpool–Milan Axis) is a discontinuous corridor of urbanization spreading over Western and Central Europe, with a population of around 111 million. The concept was developed in 1989 by RECLUS, a group of French geographers managed by Roger Brunet.

It stretches approximately from North Wales through the English Midlands across Greater London to the European Metropolis of Lille, the Benelux states and along the German Rhineland, Southern Germany, Alsace-Moselle in France in the west and Switzerland (Basel and Zürich) to Northern Italy (Milan and Turin) in the south.

The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is a planned network of roads, railways, airports and water infrastructure in the European Union. The TEN-T network is part of a wider system of Trans-European Networks (TENs), including a telecommunications network (eTEN) and a proposed energy network (TEN-E or Ten-Energy). The European Commission adopted the first action plans on trans-European networks in 1990.

TEN-T envisages coordinated improvements to primary roads, railways, inland waterways, airports, seaports, inland ports and traffic management systems, providing integrated and intermodal long-distance, high-speed routes. A decision to adopt TEN-T was made by the European Parliament and Council in July 1996.[2] The EU works to promote the networks by a combination of leadership, coordination, issuance of guidelines and funding aspects of development.

These projects are technically and financially managed by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), which superseded the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency Agency (TEN-T EA) on 31 December 2013. The tenth and newest project, the Strasbourg-Danube Corridor, was announced for the 2014–2020 financial period.

In addition to the various TENs, there are ten Pan-European corridors, which are paths between major urban centres and ports, mainly in Eastern Europe, that have been identified as requiring major investment.

The international E-road network is a naming system for major roads in Europe managed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It numbers roads with a designation beginning with "E" (such as "E1").

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...