Showing posts with label naval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naval. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Black Sea Front 2024

23-12-25 Feodosia: AFU Destroys Explosive Packed Russian Ropucha-Class Ship > .
24-9-16 [AFU Seizes Black Sea Oil Rig, Downs Ruscian Su-30] - Reporting > .
24-7-22 Russia's Navy = Serious Crisis | Icarus > . skip > .
24-7-22 Red Sea & Black Sea - Shipping > .
24-6-2 Black Sea Domination: Bridge, Drones - Budanov, Maliuk, Federov - U24 > .
24-5-19 Natya-class Minesweeper & Karakurt-class ship Tsikolon ATACM'd - Such > . 
24-5-6 Ukrainian Marine Drones Sink R Boat in Vuzka Bay, Crimea - Such > .
24-4-16 Orcs Advance Despite Heavy Losses - P00's [Doomed] Invasion - K&G > .
24-4-15 New Weapon Of War: Armed Underwater Drones - UUV/AUV - HI Sutton > .
24-4-3 SatIm: Sevastopol & Novorossiysk Naval Bases - Ivan Khurs Missing - Such > .
24-3-30 Ben Hodges - Siege of Crimea Begins: Black Sea and Coastline - Silicon > .
23-3-25 SatIm: Damaged Ropucha Ship Damaged Heading to Dry Dock - Such > .
24-3-24 Ukraine Claims to Have Hit 2 Ropucha-Class: Azov & Yamal -Such > .
24-3-24 Two more russian ships wasted in Crimea | Starsky > .
24-3-21 Ruscia’s New Black Sea Base in Ochamchire, Abkhazia, Georgia - Such > .
24-3-20 [Naval Drones: Ruscia losing to country without a navy] - Real > .
24-3-8 Group 13: Ukraine's ship killer specialists vs R's Black Sea Fleet - Forces > .
24-3-5 Project 22160 Sergey Kotov Sunk By 3 Marine Drones - Such > .
24-3-3 Ukraine War 2024: Military & Economic Balance of the Long War - Perun > .
24-2-17 P00ti loses ‘untenable’ Black Sea | Dr Sidartb Kuashal - Times > .
24-2-16 Naval Drones Not Yet Dominant (Who Might Win?) - nwyt > .
24-2-14 [Tsezar Kunikov sunk by Magura V5 maritime strike drones] - Forces > .
24-2-12 Top hits of Ukraine’s campaign against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet - Kyiv Ind > .
24-1-26 Battle for Crimea: RuM Bases on Fire, Planes Crashing, Ships Sinking - U24 > .

Black Sea exports (MoD report, 24-5-22)

   Air Front 2024 ..
   Black Sea Front 2024 ..
   Dnipro Front 2024 ..
   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..

Drone Front 2024

24-7-17 Compared: New Ukrainian And Houthi Weapons in Naval Warfare - HI S > .
24-5-8 Sea drones and AI are reshaping naval warfare - CBC > .24-4-16 How Ukraine's Cheap Drones Hit Targets Deep Inside Ruscia - HI S > .24-4-15 New Weapon Of War: Armed Underwater Drones - UUV/AUV - HI Sutton > .
NATO Drones 
24-1-2 Inside US Military’s New Drone Warfare School | WSJ > .
> Cargo Drones >>
Military Robotics - Talus Gort >> .

   Drone Front 2024 ..
   Eastern Front 2024 ..
   Economic Front 2024 ..   
   Kharkiv Front 2024 ..

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Taiwan 2024

24-6-9 Kevin Rudd: Xina, USA, Taiwan: Deterrence in Scenarios Short of War > .
24-5-17 Tsai Ing-wen: legacy, Xina, future - BBC > .
24-5-8 [TikTok chaos as XiPaganda tool; microchips & Taiwan] - Feriss > .
24-4-28 Taiwan's Tale of Resilience - Living Free in the Face of Conflict - WELT > .24-4-3 Taiwan Crisis: G7-XiXiP Sanctions & Tools - Update > .
24-4-3 M7.4 Taiwan Quake: Simulation in real time - EarthquakeSim > .
24-3-8 Taiwan v China: A Fragile Democracy - Free Doc > .
24-2-17 Taiwan Question & World Order | X Economy - Update > .24-1-22 Taiwan Strait: Ocean’s Most Contested Place - U.S. Naval Institute > .
24-1-12 How Xina Is Trying to Sabotage Taiwan’s Elections | WSJ > .

24-1-10 Global Cost of War Over Taiwan - 40% of GDP - Update > .
US vs X~T 
XIR - NoXious - Axis of Evil >>


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

24-2-14 Tsezar Kunikov sunk

24-2-14 [Tsezar Kunikov sunk by Magura V5 maritime strike drones] - Forces > .
24-3-8 Group 13: Ukraine's ship killer specialists vs R's Black Sea Fleet - Forces > .
24-2-15 How Ukrainian Sea Drones Destroyed Caesar Kunikov - AiTelly > .
24-2-14 AFU Sinks Biggest Ruscian Ship of Black Sea Fleet; Avdiivka | Reporting > .
24-2-17 P00ti loses ‘untenable’ Black Sea | Dr Sidartb Kuashal - Times > .

24-2-14 Tsezar Kunikov sinking .
According to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, a successful mission to destroy Tsezar Kunikov was carried out by the special forces of Group 13 of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine. The enemy ship was attacked by Magura V5 maritime strike drones off the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea near the city of Alupka.

The Tsezar Kunikov (BDK-64) was a large amphibious assault ship of  Project 775 . It was used by terrorist Ruscia during the wars against Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine. The search and rescue operation of the occupiers was unsuccessful. The crew comprised 87 sailors.

Black Sea Front 2024 ..

Friday, August 4, 2023

23-8-4 Drone Attacks

23-8-5 Marine Drone Attacks Ruscian Oil Tanker SIG -- BSF's Capabilities - Such > .
23-9-7 Pentagon announces Replicator cheap-AI-drone program vs Xina - Binkov > .
23-9-7 Naval Kamikaze Drone 3D - Unmanned Surface Vessel - AiTelly > .
23-9-1 Ukrainian Drones: New Issue for Ruscia and Xina || Peter Zeihan > .
23-8-31 P00ti’s Black Sea blockade is a sham | Defence in Depth - Telegraph > .
23-8-20 Naval Drones | New Unmanned Warfare Capabilities (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-16 Ukr releases video of 23-7-17 Sea Baby attack on Crimean bridge > .
23-8-10 AFU sea drones work - Physics & PsychOp vs Ruscian fleet | Tele > .
23-8-9 High-tech Warfare - Magura 5 & Naval Drone advances - UA > .
23-8-7 Ruscia's Largest Port Comes Under [Naval Drone] Fire | Peter Zeihan > .
23-8-7 Naval Drones; Ruscia's Oil Wells Endangered - M&H > .
23-8-6 SatIm: Olenegorsky Gornyk Repairs; SIG Tanker with Tugs - Such > .
Drones (UAVs) ..

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Militaries ➾ 2023

Taiwan - Xina
23-1-10 Did the Xinese military [PLAAF] reveal one major weakness? - Lei > .
23-1-13 Xina’s Military Actually Sucks - laowhy86 > .
Baltic, Nordic 
> I-P Coalition of the Willing >>
23-12-9 Does Japan Need a New Army? - Vis Pol > .
23-10-25 US & [I-P-CW] vs Xina: Preparations to Fight War - Real > .
23-9-18 South Korean Factory Churning Out Armaments for NATO | WSJ > .
NATO militaries 
23-6-13 NATO IAMD | NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence > .
Orcine Ineptitude 
23-8-2 Xi's Anti-Corruption Purge of PLA Rocket Force | PLA structure - Digging > .
23-8-31 Poland: powerhouse in the making - Caspian > .
Ruscia - Ukraine
23-8-19 US-Japan-Korea - Biden, Kishida, Yoon 23-8-18 Camp David - Update > .
23-7-23 South Korean Defence Strategy - Mass, Firepower, Industry - Perun > .
Ukraine's Military 
23-1-14 Ukraine's Heavy Infantry Explained (Squad to Brigade) - Battle > .
US Indo-Pacific 
23-6-11 US expanding presence in the Philippines = 9 bases - Binkov > .
22-1-13 Sea control and sea denial — naval vs land warfare - Anders > .
23-9-12 What Will It Take? - Modern Breaching Operations in R-U - Invicta > .
X vs Japan 
West - Eurasia
Western Security 
Xina Geostrategy
Conflicts 2023

Military ➾ 2022 ..

Why military aid to Ukraine has a positive effect on Western economies:

Cargo 200 (Груз 200, Gruz dvésti) is a military code word used in the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet states referring to the transportation of military fatalities. Officially, the term Cargo 200 is military jargon to refer specifically to the corpses of soldiers contained in zinc-lined coffins for air transportation. Unofficially, Cargo 200 is used to refer to all bodies of the dead being transported away from the battlefield, and has also become a euphemism for irreversible losses of manpower in a conflict.

Cargo 100: ammunition .
Cargo 300: wounded .
Cargo 400: concussion or captured .
Cargo 500: medicines .
Cargo 600: oversized cargo .
Cargo 700: cash .
Cargo 800: "special" or chemical weapons .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...