Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2025

NATO 2025

25-1-21 Sky Soldiers - Paratroopers of NATO - NATO > .
25-2-6 [DUH] and the risk of a NATO-Ruscia war - Anders > .
25-2-4 NATO Gridlock: Ukraine Could Exploit a Short-Term Advantage - Sp > .
2024 .. 
>> NATO >>>   > > NATO > >
Armaments Industries - Buck >> .

Nordic, Baltic, Arctic 2025

24-11-27 Ruscia [attempting to change] Baltic Sea borders - Caspian > .
25-1-24 [Greenland's Military-Strategic Value] - Binkov > .
25-1-15 [Greenland's Value: Arctic Geostrategy, Natural Resources] - Warfronts > .
20-3-24 Europe’s plan to checkmate Russia - Caspian > .

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Geopolitics 2024

24-6-12 US "Hellscape" Plan to Dissuade Xi's Taiwan Lust - Update > . skip > .
24-6-11 Iran & XIR Aligning Against Israel & West | Jonathan Spyer | TBN > .
24-6-6 [Desperation behind Tsar Runt's Empty Threats: Cowardly Bully - Katz > .
24-5-27 Emmanuel Macron's Russia Strategy: 4D Chess or [Bluff]? > .
24-5-23 [Iranian power vacuum after Raisi's accidental death] - Caspian > .
24-5-10 [P00pet P00ti as PooXi's Useful Idiot] - DiD > .
24-4-19 Age of Wars:[Karaganov's Bellicose Ode to Axis of Envious Resentment - gtbt > .
24-4-10 Anti-P00 Opposition & Ukraine: Vladimir Milov c HR McMaster > .
24-3-28 5 reasons Iran is involved in so many global conflicts - BBC > .
24-3-22 Deleterious Subsidies: Xina is About to Start a Trade War - PolyMatter > .
24-3-12 Wargaming likeliest PLA attack on Taiwan - WSJ > .
24-3-5 Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran - IDF > .
24-3-2 Kim Jong-Un’s New Strategy - PolyMatter > .
24-2-20 Roots of Iran’s Anger Against America - Context Matters > .
24-2-10 KOREA | A Final Separation? - Prof J K-L > .
24-2-9 Is North Korea Seeking Conflict With SK [XIR vs West]? - gtbt > .
24-2-1 William Burns: Foreign Affairs "Spycraft & Statecraft" [rX threats] - Update > .
24-2-1 Why [despite weakist antisemitism] US Supports and Funds Israel | WSJ > .
24-1-30 US and Iran: Deciding What to Bomb || Peter Zeihan > .
24-1-30 Would Ending the Gaza War End the Red Sea Crisis? [no] - Spaniel > .
24-1-28 Pillars of Russia. On What Does Russian Success or Failure Rest? - gtbt > .
24-1-26 Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem - Hindsight > .
24-1-16 Democracy by Margaret Atwood | Democracy 2024 - FT > .
24-1-13 Iran, Xina, NK Supplying Ruscia's War Machine - drones+ | gtbt > .
24-1-13 Gaza, Ukraine & Xina’s Global Strategy | Update > .
1983 Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society > .
> PLA >>
24-4-28 [Orcine response] when Ukraine receives more weapons? - Anders > .
24-4-11 Ruscia: P00ti’s p00paganda machine - Manipulating people | DW Doc > .
24-4-11 Pro-P00 wing of US Ultra-Wrong in Unholy Alliance c Ruscia - Silicon > .
24-4-10 Anti-P00 Opposition & Ukraine: Vladimir Milov c HR McMaster > .
24-3-3 Ukraine War 2024: Military & Economic Balance of the Long War - Perun > .
Russia's Mistakes in Ukraine - The Icarus Project >> .
24-6-19 Ruscia Ceding Land to Xina (future of Siberia) | Warburg > . 
24-6-8 Ruscia-Xina Pipeline Dispute is Big Problem for Krumblin - Spaniel > .

NATO 2024

24-12-12 NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte on Military Investment > .
24-11-12 Sweden is Becoming Ruscia's Worst Nightmare - Icarus > .24-4-4 NATO - Largest military alliance in world | DW Doc > .
24-4-2 NATO Free Riding; [DJT's Stupidity re] Collective Defense - Spaniel > .
23-12-23 Future of EU Defense: NATO or the EU? (ft. UEF) - Simple > .
24-2-16 United States | No More NATO? - Prof J K-L > .

NATO Inception: The Treaty of Dunkirk was signed by France and the United Kingdom on 4 March 1947, during the aftermath of World War II and the start of the Cold War, as a Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance in the event of possible attacks by Germany or the Soviet Union. In March 1948, this alliance was expanded in the Treaty of Brussels to include the Benelux countries, forming the Brussels Treaty Organization, commonly known as the Western Union. Talks for a wider military alliance, which could include North America, also began that month in the United States, where their foreign policy under the Truman Doctrine promoted international solidarity against actions they saw as communist aggression, such as the February 1948 coup d'état in Czechoslovakia. These talks resulted in the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 by the member states of the Western Union plus the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. Canadian diplomat Lester B. Pearson was a key author and drafter of the treaty.

The North Atlantic Treaty was largely dormant until the Korean War initiated the establishment of NATO to implement it with an integrated military structure. This included the formation of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in 1951, which adopted many of the Western Union's military structures and plans, including their agreements on standardizing equipment and agreements on stationing foreign military forces in European countries. In 1952, the post of Secretary General of NATO was established as the organization's chief civilian. That year also saw the first major NATO maritime exercises, Exercise Mainbrace and the accession of Greece and Turkey to the organization. Following the London and Paris Conferences, West Germany was permitted to rearm militarily, as they joined NATO in May 1955, which was, in turn, a major factor in the creation of the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact, delineating the two opposing sides of the Cold War. ............... 

21st centuryArticle 5 of the North Atlantic treaty, requiring member states to come to the aid of any member state subject to an armed attack, was invoked for the first and only time after the September 11 attacks, after which troops were deployed to Afghanistan under the NATO-led ISAF.

The NATO Response Force (NRF) is a high-readiness NATO rapid deployment force comprising land, sea, air, and special forces units capable of being deployed quickly within short notice. The NRF currently comprises up to 40,000 troops, with plans to increase its manpower to over 300,000 troops. Its forces include units from several non-NATO member partners, including Sweden (since 2013), Ukraine (since 2014), and Georgia (since 2015).

The NRF was formed in June 2003 per endorsements at the 2002 Prague summit. Units assigned to the NRF were only used for disaster relief and security until February 2022, when it was activated for the first time in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The NRF structure consists of four parts:
  • Command and Control element: Based on a deployable Joint Task Force HQ.
  • Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF): High-readiness "spearhead force" that can deploy wherever needed at short notice.
  • Initial Follow On Forces Group (IFFG): High-readiness forces that can deploy following the VJTF in response to a crisis.
  • Response Forces Pool (RFP): A broad spectrum of military capabilities encompassing command and control, combat forces, and support units, drawn from the national forces of NATO members and non-member allies.

Terrorism 2024

24-10-16 How Egypt’s Army Smoked ISIS - T&P > .24-8-22 Hamas’ Exploitation of Schools - IDF > .24-4-8 Ruscia, America, & West: Security Concerns = Islamic Radicalism - TBN > .
24-4-8 [Hamiganda]: How Terrorists in Gaza Manipulate the World - IDF > .
24-2-25 Iran's Bold Claim on Antarctica & Egypt's Gaza Barrier | TBN > .  23-2-27 Alternate Techniques to Fight Pirates in Mid-Ocean - Fluctus > .
23-10-10 Hamas: Gazan terrorist militants behind atrocities in Israel | ABC > .

24-4-25 Red Sea | US Strategy Against the Houthis - Shipping > .
Resisting Terrorists - αλλο >> .

Most modern terrorist attacks occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria. 

This is your brain on terrorism - Vox > .

Versus Terrorism ..

Most terrorism experts would probably agree that terrorism is an ideologically non-specific tactic, used to achieve political change, and in play since prehistoric times. It is non-specific (neutral), although not necessarily acceptable, in that it has been used by militants embracing most political ideologies – except for pacifism – and by authoritarian as well as liberal states such as Great Britain, France and the USA.

Although no universally accepted definition exists, there is agreement about its main elements. Terrorism is the threat or use of violence, it is politically or ideologically motivated and the violence is used to communicate a message of political change and intimidation to individuals or groups beyond its immediate victims. In short, terrorism is best understood as violence used as a form of political communication manipulation.
Although modern terrorism followed the emergence of modern mass politics and mass media, terrorist violence has probably been used as a political tactic since time immemorial. The Jewish Zealots and the Islamic Assassins were ancient terrorists. They used violence to communicate messages of freedom from opposition and resistance to submission.
Terrorism’s modern meaning and use to label an intentional political tactic came with the French Revolution. During The Terror, Robespierre described it as a virtuous form of violence, to be used by the new revolutionary democratic state against its domestic enemies.

Following this, the labels of terrorism and terrorists were used by 19th century newspapers to describe intimidation and violence by states against their subjects, such as “the terrorism practiced by the police” in Russia and the “oppressive system of military terrorism” in Poland.

Modern terrorism, which implies the systematic use of violence against the state, rather than by it, emerged in Europe in the 1870s. The person generally recognised as the first terrorist was the 26-year-old social revolutionary Vera Zasulich, who shot the Governor of St Petersburg in 1878 to protest the Russian state’s repression of domestic political protest.
The new violent political practice was soon institutionalised with the emergence of organised terrorist groups. First came Narodnaya Volya (The People’s Will), a group of Russian social revolutionaries and self-proclaimed terrorists, who in 1881 succeeded in assassinating Tsar Alexander II with a dynamite bomb.
Britain's first bomb disposal expert: Colonel Vivian Majendie and the original ‘war on terror’.

On the last day of February 1884, the then home secretary Sir William Harcourt rose in the UK parliament to answer a question about a series of bomb attacks on two of London’s major railway stations. He read out details of an initial investigation of two bombs, one which had detonated at Victoria Station and another which had been discovered, unexploded, at Charing Cross.

The bombs, which had been deposited in the stations’ left luggage offices, were of a similar design, and resembled the remains of bombs that had detonated, Harcourt said, in Glasgow, Liverpool and elsewhere in London. The unexploded device, discovered by a vigilant ticket clerk at Charing Cross, and the remains of the bomb that had detonated at Victoria were rushed to the Woolwich Arsenal.
It is almost impossible to pinpoint the very first act of terrorism carried out within British territory. The most famous incident in early modern history is probably the gunpowder plot of 1605 when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the House of Lords. And although he is the best remembered (on November 5), Fawkes did not act alone. He was part of a larger network of 13 conspirators who sought to destroy parliament and trigger a popular uprising.

In the second half of the 19th century, European anarchism introduced the idea of “propaganda by deed” as a tactic of anti-government resistance. This consisted of the assassination of government officials and bomb attacks in public places such as cafes and theatres.

Although anarchist attacks were actually more common in continental Europe, England was an important hub for anarchist thought. The less restrictive laws of the United Kingdom made it a haven for radicals fleeing political repression in their own countries.

In the same period, the heavy death toll of the Great Famine in Ireland from 1846 to 1852 prompted calls for Irish home rule and resulted in the formation of networks of radical revolutionaries, the Fenians.

Although the largest Fenian campaigns were waged in Canada and in Ireland itself, attacks within England included the bombing of Clerkenwell Prison in London in 1867, in which 12 people were killed and more than 100 injured. The result was a severe backlash by British authorities and the public, which undermined the political reforms that would have made future attacks less likely.
Recent acts of spectacular violence, such as the mail bombs sent by a tRUMP-supporter to American anti-tRUMP critics, or the mass killings by Canadian “incel” misogynist Alek Minassian, demonstrate a widespread reluctance among media outlets, politicians and authorities to label some acts of ideologically motivated violence as “terrorism”. Such hesitations might give the faulty impression that “terrorism” is reserved purely for anti-Western or Islamist political violence. That is a wrong and dangerous conception.

The first examples of people being labelled “terrorists” were almost exclusively reserved for acts of non-Western terrorism. When terrorist tactics were used against governments and civilians in Western Europe or the USA – by Fenians and anarchists or anti-colonial separatists in British India, for example – "terrorism" was generally not mentioned. Instead, such violence was more often described in terms of "outrage" or "assassination".

This is despite the fact that these groups used the same terrorist tactics and technologies as the Russian terrorists. The new terminology was apparently reserved for the Russian revolutionary cause. It was only after WW1 that these other forms of terrorism in and against Western governments started to more generally be labelled as "terrorism".

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...