Saturday, December 31, 2011

●●● Topics

●●τ 1900 through 1929 .. ●●τ 1930 through 1960 .. ●●τ 1961 through 1990 .. ●●τ 1991 through 2021 ..

●● WW2 // ● '39 / ● '40 / ● '41 / ● '42 / ● '43 / ● '44 / ● '45 /

1900-1929 | 1930-1960 | 1961-1990 | 1991-2021 | Agriculture | Air | ArmyAsymmetric Warfare, CyberwarAtrocities & APD | Blitz, Bombing | British Empire ⇒ Commonwealth | Broadcasts, Propaganda | Campaigns | Capture | Characters | Cold War & Balance of Power | Cyberwar | Defence | Education, Training | Engineering - Civilian, Military | Future? | Geopolitics: Africa | Geopolitics: Americas | Geopolitics: Arctic | Geopolitics: Asia | Geopolitics: Atlantic | Geopolitics: Europe | Geopolitics: Global | Geopolitics: Middle East, Caucasus | Geopolitics: Oceans, Seas, Water | Geopolitics: Pacific | Geopolitics: Russia | Government | Home Front | Industry | Infrastructure | Intelligence | Interbellum Economies, Politics | Interbellum Years |Kit, Equipment | Locations | Logistics | Medical Training, Services | Military Training, Kit | Occupation | Post-Soviet | Post-War Military | Post-War Power Vacuums | Propaganda, Publications | R&D - Research & Development | Resource Logistics | Sea | Services | Sinkings | Society| Sociopolitical | Technology | Theatres | Timelines | Treaties | Volunteers | Warfare | Weaponry | WW1 | Zones |

●● 1990s | ●●τ 1900 through 1929 | ●●τ 1930 through 1960 | ●●τ 1961 through 1990 | ●●τ 1991 through 2021 | ●● Air | ●● Army | ●● Asymmetric Warfare, Cyberwar | ●● Atrocities & APD | ●● Blitz | ●● Campaigns | ●● Capture, Occupation | ●● Characters | ●● Defence | ●● Education, Training●● Engineering - Civilian, Military | ●● Farming, Food Supply | ●● Future? | ●● Government, Society | ●● Home Front | ●● INDEX | ●● Industry | ●● Infrastructure | ●● Intelligence, Espionage | ●● Interbellum Events | ●● Interbellum Politics | ●● Kit, Equipment | ●● Land | ●● Logistics, Tactics | ●● Medical Training, Services | ● Military Training | ●● Post-War Military | ●● Post-War Power Vacuums | ●● Propaganda, Publications, Broadcasts | ●● R&D - Research & Development●● Resource Logistics | ●● Sea | ●● Services | ● Sinkings | ● Society | ● Sociopolitical Issues | ●● Technology | ●● Theatres | ●● Timeline WW2 | ●● Treaties | ●● Volunteers | ●● Warfare | ●● Weaponry | ●● Zones |

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

● What If?

2030 ..
Against Appeasing Sociopathy 
AUKUS, China - War ..
Cold War 2 ..
Pandemic Economic Risks ..Wargaming - 21st ..
●● Future? ..


Force Design 2030, also known as FD2030, is a force restructuring plan by the United States Marine Corps to reshape its combat power for future near-peer adversary conflicts. It is designed to prepare the Marine Corps for a naval war against Xina's military. The plan's key goals are to modernize equipment, to work more closely with the United States Navy and become more amphibious, to become more of a light strike force, and to manage personal talents better.
WW2 amphibous challenges

2030 ..

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hypothetical US-Iran War

2019 What a [US] war with Iran could look like (wargame) - Caspian > .
24-3-5 Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran - IDF > .
24-2-4 Iran would lose a war with the United States | Michael Clarke - Times > .
24-1-26 Saudi Arabia's Catastrophic "Iran" Problem - Hindsight > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military, Proxies, Power Projection - Perun > .
23-10-14 [Nefarious Hybrid XIR "want to destroy America" Plot] - Versed > .
23-10-12 Killing Civilians: The New Normal | Wonder Land: WSJ > .
23-5-31 Promise (and Pitfalls) of Wargames for Policy | Hoover > .
23-5-2 Why Iran is Helping Ruscia’s Invasion of Ukraine - Real > .
23-3-13 Iran, Xina, Saudi Arabia - Influence  Wangling - Update > .
22-12-15 Mahsa Amini protests - Islamic Republic of Iran Fights to Live On - gtbt > .
Military Wargaming: A wargame, generally, is a type of strategy game which realistically simulates warfare. A military wargame, specifically, is a wargame that is used by military organizations to train officers in tactical and strategic decision-making, to test new tactics and strategies, or to predict trends in future conflicts.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...