Sunday, May 26, 2024


Tensions - Oceans, Water - BPow >> .

BoP - Americas (Arctic) ..
BoP - NATO vs Russia ..

Canada - Geopolitics

25-2-15 15th February 1965: Canada officially adopts national flag - HiPo > .
24-2-24 Canada Can't Solve It's Population Problem with Immigration - EcEx > .

Canada - Economy

25-1-23 What would a Canada-U.S. tariff war actually look like? | CBC > .
24-4-6 Australia & Canada - 2 Economies, 1 Set of Flaws | Econ > .
24-2-24 Canada Can't Solve It's Population Problem with Immigration - EcEx > .
23-11-23 How much federal debt can Canada carry? | About That | CBC > .
23-11-13 How US Lost Thousands Of High-Skilled Workers To Canada - CNBC > .
23-7-23 Arctic is heating fast! - Just > . Arctic Straits > .
23-7-21 Canada’s Arctic Patrol Ships Will Secure the Northern Frontier - USNI > .
23-3-1 CSIS & How Xina Bought Canada’s Elections - Uncensored > .
22-12-28 Demographics Part 2: The Canadian Treadmill...Stops - PZ > .
21-3-27 Economy Of Canada: Northern Powerhouse? - EcAlt > .
Canada : The water superpower - AtCan > .

The Canadian Economy is a paradox, highly advanced but dependent on natural resources. As the world’s second largest country, land has always played a huge role. Though over time, this has led to speculation over just how dependent Canada’s Economy is on land directly, possessing the third largest oil reserves in the world and increasingly, a booming housing market.
Raising some key questions. Such as how dependent is Canada on oil? What role have Canada's free trade agreements played? And is the Canadian housing market a bubble?

Canada is one of the richest and most prosperous countries in the world, and has one of the highest levels of quality of life. However, things weren't always this good in Canada. Between the 80s and 90s the country suffered a severe crisis that shook its solvency.

Canada - Security

24-7-22 LNG Canada - B1M > .
24-4-6 Australia & Canada - 2 Economies, 1 Set of Flaws | Econ > .
24-4-3 How Canada lost its NATO edge - CBC > .
2017 Canada's New Shipping Shortcut - Wendover > .
Camp X - STS 103 ..
Canada - Geopolitics ..
Canada - Security ..
Canada - Trade ..
Canada & Arctic ..
Canada Politics ..

Canada - Trade


Anglosphere - CANZUK ..
Canada ..
Canada - Economy ..
Canada - Geopolitics ..
Canada - Security ..
Canada - Trade ..
Power Projection - US Military ..
USA's Borders ..

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...