Showing posts with label РŖС-Χ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label РŖС-Χ. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Democracies ⇔ Totalitarianism

Axis of Evil
22-3-7 Xina's role in the Russia-Ukraine war? PooTin-PooXi relations | ABC > .
24-8-24 [XiR: US~Xina Ċold Ŵar?] - PolyMatter > .
24-4-12 India | [Modious's] Dying Democracy? - Prof J K-L > .
24-3-6 Could the Mossad Have Stopped Iran? | Unpacked > .
24-2-17 Taiwan Question & World Order | X Economy - Update > .
24-1-22 How [Viktator] Orbán Took Over Hungary - Context Matters > .
23-11-5 [XIR] Corrupt, Sanctioned Iran's Military & Power Projection - Perun > .
23-10-25 Understanding NoXious World (Dis)Order - Kotkin | Hoover > .
23-10-24 [PooXi, P00ti Secrets at BRI Forum: NoXious World Order - Insight > .
23-10-14 [Independent Taiwan versus Imperialist Dicktatorship] - Real > . 
23-9-10 Could Belarus Be P00’s Consolation Prize? - VisPol > .
23-9-2 When the Elites Will Topple P00ti (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-30 Fear is the new normal in Russian politics - Anders > .
23-8-29 Dictatorships: From Spin to Fear | Ruscist Regression (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-20 NATO's Rearmament & Spending - NATO's R-U Response - Perun > .
23-8-17 [Twisted] History Book | [Lying] High School P00paganda (subs) - Katz > .
23-8-2 Xi's Anti-Corruption Purge of PLA Rocket Force | PLA structure - Digging > .
23-7-31 Iron Curtain to Iron Fist: Viktor Orbán Redefining Hungary - Pers > .
23-7-2 Ruscia and Xina seek Eurasian dominance - CaspianReport > .
23-5-31 Xina is Backstabbing Ruscia - Uncensored > .
23-5-30 Ruscia, Xina, Iran - Authoritarian Alliances vs Populations > .
23-4-27 [Xi-Zelinskyy Discussion & Xi's Duplicitous Manipulations] - Update > .
23-4-16 Logan Wright Grasping Shadows X-Ec 1 - Update > . 2 > .
23-4-16 R-U Hybrid Warfare: P00paganda, cyber, hybrid methods - Perun > .
23-3-18 Sociopaths have useful idiots, not "friendship" - Warographics > .
23-3-15 Timothy Snyder on reasons for ICC "WAR CRIMES" decision > .
23-3-13 Yi Fuxian: The Chinese Century Is Already Over - Update > .
23-3-8 US-China: Qin & Conflict Warning - Update > .
23-3-1 [Seven Losses of P00tin: How to Fail Ztupidly as Dicktator - Matters > .
23-2-26 Tragic Reality of Brain Drain's Impact on Poor Countries - EcEx > .
23-2-25 “Ruscians fell victim to their own propaganda” | Starsky | Times > .
23-2-9 Russians vs Ruzzians - "Public" Opinion re Pooti - Times > .
23-2-8 Ruscia’s Zociopathy | Once “decent” people провоенный (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-5 Scary Stalinism vs Pathetic Pootinism [electioneering] (subs) - Katz > .
23-2-3 [Demented Krumblin Conspiracy Poopaganda] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-29 [Pooti's Sociopathic Rewriting of History] (subs) - Katz > .
23-1-26 Xinhua & Xina's Most Obnoxious Karen - serpentza > .
23-1-26 Ruscist poopaganda 0 : Ukrainian propaganda 1 - Forces > .
23-1-24 Pooti's Ztupid R-U Miscalculation: Self-Inflicted Disaster - Spaniel > .
23-1-22 Politics Can Destroy Armies: Factionalism & R-U War - Perun > .
23-1-19 Kremlin's Bizarre Ideological Mission for 2023 - Vlad > .
23-5-14 Month 10 | Fake News: Ruscian Poopaganda for Beginners | ARTE > .
22-12-28 Beware: Soft Ruscist Poopaganda and Fake YTers = Danger - Anna > .
22-11-27 Dragon's Claw: Xina's Next 10 Years - Kamome > . skip > .
22-11-22 Why [the Ruscian Federation] cannot become a democracy - Caspian > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-8-3 Economic Disaster is Already Here - Peter Zeihan - Triggernometry > .
22-4-22 Xina Won't Bail Out the Russian Economy - VisPol > .
22-1-29 Russia-China-US relations - Russia-Ukraine crisis - Lei > .
Dragon-Bear > P00petry >>
22-10-29 Xi's autocracy: XXP reaffirms ties with Ruscia - Revealed > .22-1-29 Role Russia-Xina-US relations play in the Russia-Ukraine crisis - Lei > .
22-3-10 Xina's Embarrassing Flip Flop on Russia - laowhy86 > .
22-2-24 Global Power Rivalry | Michael Buckley > .
Eagle & West
Proxy War  
SiSo - Xina-Russia - enDürer >> .

Monday, January 24, 2022

Economic Shifts ➾ 2022

22-5-10 End of the Dollar Monopoly? - gtbt > .
23-8-10 How Taiwan Accidentally Became an Economic Superpower - Casual > .
23-8-10 Ruble Nosedives | Current Plight & Future Prospects (subs) - Katz > .
23-7-31 Ruscia Cannibalizing Its Economy - Still Not Enough - gtbt > . skip > .
23-5-21 Should We Be Worried About The BRICS? | EcEx > .
23-1-20 Xi's Biggest Errors - Kevin Rudd | Update > .
23-1-8 War Economies - Russia and Ukraine won't collapse tomorrow - Perun > .
23-1-2 Dutch Disease | Resource Wealth, Currency Inflation, Economy | EcExEss > .
22-12-5 German Development Model: Rise, Merkel, Ru, Crisis, Scholz, Xina - gtbt > .
22-11-22 Energy in Europe: Ukrainian Consequences - PZ > .
22-11-19 G20 '22 Biden-Xi meeting = "start of a new Cold War" - Times > .
22-11-17 Russian Tech Workers’ Latest Exodus ⇓ Pootin’s Economy | WSJ > .
22-11-16 G20 2022: Agreements reached - anti-ruscia, food, energy | DW > .
22-11-16 G20 '22 - Xina distancing itself from Ruscist fallout - Update > .
22-11-12 [Desperate ruscia hopes to 'Douhet-z'] Ukraine into surrender - CR > .
22-11-11 Fortress Xina - Xi's Plans for World Domination - laowhy86 > .
22-10-28 How China Is Helping to Reduce Inflation - Patrick Boyle > .
22-10-25 Xina's Q3 details - Update > .
22-10-21 Londongrad - Dirty Money Capital of The World - Patrick Boyle > .
22-9-27 Energy Crisis: Pain or Opportunity? - gtbt > .
22-9-4 6 Months of Ukraine War - Economics, Endurance, Energy War - Perun > .
22-8-18 Ruscism: World's Last Colonial Empire: Collapse or Survival - gtbt > .
22-8-3 Economic Disaster is Already Here - Peter Zeihan - Triggernometry > .
22-7-31 How PGII & IPEF could checkmate BRI - CaspianReport > .
22-7-21 How the economy of Russia is dying (English subtitles) - Максим Кац > .
22-5-12 Why oligarchs choose Londongrad for their dirty money | Economist > .
22-5-11 Lend Lease 2.0 - Ukraine's 'Arsenal of Democracy?' - Perun > .
22-4-28 Diesel Is Driving Up The Cost Of Everything - CNBC > .
22-4-25 Conversation about Russian Sanctions and Future of Sanctions - Hoover > .
22-4-22 Xina Won't Bail Out the Russian Economy - VisPol > .
22-4-22 London laundromat - dirty money capital of the world | FT > .
22-4-5 Do Sanctions Work? - Economics Explained > . skip ad > .
22-3-30 Cold War 1, Russian Invasion of Ukraine - Ċold Ŵar 2 Sanctions > .
22-3-29 The Sanctioned Russian Economy 🇷🇺 : A new Russia? - Action > .
22-3-28 Xina's Economic Rise—End of the Road - cfr > .
22-3-26 Why Russia’s War Drove Up US Gas Prices - CNBC > .
22-3-25 Will The New Cold War Crash The U.S. Economy? - CNBC > .
22-3-24 Ukraine's War Economy - Into Europe > .
22-3-23 Sanction-Fueled Destruction of the Russian Aviation Industry - Wendover > .
22-3-22 Cold War 2.0? Global Economic Impact of Sanctions Against Russia | WSJ > .
22-3-18 The Rather Pathetic Economy of Russia - EcEx > .
22-3-8 Can the Ukrainian Economy survive the Russia invasion? - VisPol > .
22-3-11 Jonathan Pie: How Putin Weaponized London’s Greed | NYT Opinion > .
22-22-4 Surge in Oil Prices Could WILL Drive Inflation Even Higher | WSJ > .
22-2-22 Sanctions being imposed on Russia over Ukraine - BBC > .
Recession, Depression, Crisis - anffyddiaeth >> .

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pakistan + Χί ➾ India

23-9-22 75-Yr Conflict India (+USSR) vs Pakistan (+USA) vs Kashmir (+X) - gtbt > .
24-9-7 [India~Xina Border Disputes: No Direct Flights] - PolyMatters > .
24-5-8 Xina’s Land Grab in Bhutan Threatens India | WSJ > .
24-4-12 India | [Modious's] Dying Democracy? - Prof J K-L > .
23-12-11 India Rising? Xina Reversing? Asian Tigers - gtbt > .
23-10-15 Special Operators - Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) - Waro > .
23-9-30 US vs Xina in Race to Secure Lithium | WSJ > .23-7-15 Why Pakistan's on the Brink of Collapse - T&P > .
Last week, China made two deliveries in India's backyard. The Pakistani Navy received 4 Chinese frigates - while Myanmar's Military Junta acquired a Chinese submarine. Now 3 Indian neighbours have Chinese weapons.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Russia ⇔ Χίna 2022

22-4-21 Russia–Ukraine war, US–Xina rivalry, Thucydides’s Trap > .
22-4-11 Dr. John Lee | Rising Tensions With Xina - John Anderson > .
22-4-7 Χίna isn't overtly supporting PoooTin in Ukraine - VisPol > .
22-3-28 Conversation with Australian Senator the Hon Penny Wong - CSIS > .
22-3-22 That’s What Xi (Jinping) Said | Hoover (full) > .
22-3-18 Putin & Xi: Will Xina double down on Russia? | DW > .
22-3-16 XXP Rhetoric, Conspiracy Theories, Russian DISinformation | Digging > .
22-2-24 Global Power Rivalry | Michael Buckley > .
22-2-7 NATO's Ukraine Mistake | John Mearsheimer > .

Mystery of alleged 22-2-23 Xinese hack on eve of Ukraine invasion . 

The Times first reported that hackersalleged to be based in China, began targeting Ukrainian websites on 23 February, the day before the invasion. That [suggests] they had advance notice of Moscow's plans and if their intention was somehow to support Russia.

A broad set of Ukrainian government and commercial organisations were said to have been targeted by hackers, including organisations linked to nuclear power. It is unclear how far this activity was scanning for vulnerabilities online and how many websites were actually compromised. The aim looks to have been espionage - stealing secrets - rather than the kind of sabotage operations which Russia was accused of carrying out just before the invasion, and when it started.

22-2-2 Against the backdrop of the Ukraine crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s first post-pandemic visit to Xina is of major significance. Sino-Russian relations have flourished in recent years, with Putin and Xinese leader Xi Jinping presiding over a rapid expansion of military, economic, financial, and technological ties.

— Will the escalation of the war in Ukraine drive Beijing and Moscow even closer together? — Is Beijing prepared to provide financial assistance to Moscow and to expand cooperation in the energy realm that might help the Russian economy withstand the pain of Western sanctions? 
— Would such cooperation further tilt the balance in Beijing’s favor, given the increasingly asymmetrical nature of the Sino-Russian relationship?

00:00:00 Xi Jinping
00:02:35 Cold war 2
00:04:00 Technology Wars
00:04:35 Iron Curtain
00:06:00 Nuclear Weapons
00:08:00 China will Never Westernize
00:10:35 Decoupling US/China Economy

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Tech Ċold Ŵar 2 ➾ Geoeconomics

χ China's Race for AI Supremacy - Bloomberg > .
24-6-27 How China Built a Semiconductor Industry - Asianometry > .
24-6-20 Hazardous Life of an Undersea Cable - Asianometry > .
24-6-3 [X's industrial policy, systemic weakness impair innovation] - Update > .
24-4-15 AI Deception: How Tech Companies Are [Scamming Investors] - ColdF > .
23-9-13 Huawei's 7nm Chip Isn't Big Chinese Breakthrough || Peter Zeihan > .
23-9-12 China's 7nm Semiconductor Breakthrough - Asianometry > .
23-8-18 AI Origins to Catastrophism vs Optimism - gtbt > .23-5-26 War for Computing Power Is In Full Swing - gtbt > .23-3-2 Xina Leads US in Key Technology Research: Report | Focus > .23-1-23 Xina’s Two-Year Tech Crackdown Winds Up | WSJ > .22-10-14 US-China: Tech | Semiconductors - Update > .22-10-12 Biden Bans Xina's Access to Advanced Semiconductors | Zeihan - now > .
22-9-21 Western scholars debate decoupling; Xi plots tech dominance - Digging > .
22-8-30 How ASML, TSMC And Intel Dominate The Chip Market | CNBC > .
Climate & Decoupling 
Industrial Theft 
Internet Cables 
Chips, FABs, Infrastructure - Means >> .R&D&M Wars - Tense >> .
Tech Competition - Tense >> .

2022 ..Energy ➾ 2022 ..

22-8-9 The CHIPS and Science Act (or Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Act), also known as simply the CHIPS Act, is a U.S. federal statute enacted by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on August 9, 2022. The act provides billions of dollars in new funding to boost domestic research and manufacturing of semiconductors in the United States.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...