Demographics Explained
22-12-28 Demographics Part 2: The Canadian Treadmill...Stops - PZ > .
22-12-29 Demographics Part 3: The Xer Cut - PZ > .
23-1-26 Demographics Part 6: The Orthodox Predicament - PZ > .
23-3-2 Demographics Part 7: The Northeast Asian Crash - PZ > .23-4-21 Demographic Problems in the Middle East (Water, Oil, Food) - PZ > .23-1-26 Demographics Part 6: The Orthodox Predicament - PZ > .
23-2-26 Tragic Reality of Brain Drain's Impact on Poor Countries - EcEx > .
22-4-1 Should Europe accept Russian Immigrants (ASAP)? - VisPol > .
Economic Impacts
Economic Impact of AI, Automation
> EU Migrant Crisis >> Economic & Climate Migrants
Malthusian Challenges
Poaching Brains post-WW2
Operation Paperclip: Recruiting Nazi Brains for the USA - 1 - WW2 Doc > .Wealthy Nations & Demographic Decline
Skill Wars
Weaponized Migrants
23-10-13 Xina's plunging birthrate - Update > .