Wednesday, December 21, 2016

'34 to '35

Peace Ballot 1934-5

1934-5 The Peace Ballot in Long Shadow - Impacts of WW1 - Timeline > .
Long Shadow & Impossible Peace → Global Conflicts - Bellum Praeparet >> .

The Peace Ballot of 1934–35 was a nationwide questionnaire in Britain of five questions attempting to discover the British public's attitude to the League of Nations and collective security. Its official title was "A National Declaration on the League of Nations and Armaments." Advocates of the League of Nations felt that a growing isolationism in Britain had to be countered by a massive demonstration that the public demanded adherence to the principles of the League. Recent failures to achieve disarmament had undermined the credibility of the League, and there were fears the National government might step back from its official stance of supporting the League.

The Ballot was run by the "National Declaration committee" set up by the League of Nations Union and spearheaded by the LNU's president, Lord Cecil of Chelwood. It was not sponsored by the government and was only an unofficial expression of opinion of about half the electorate. The main opposition came from Lord Beaverbrook, whose Daily Express newspaper repeatedly ridiculed the ballot; however most major newspapers were supportive.

According to Dame Adelaide Livingstone who wrote the official history of the ballot, the first objective of the Peace Ballot from the outset, even before the questions had been posed, was to prove that the British public supported a policy of the League of Nations as the central determining factor of British foreign policy. Starting in 1933 plans for polls were discussed and local polls were taken in 1934 to test the questions and the canvassing process. for nothing remotely on the same scale had ever been attempted in Britain.

Half-a-million supporters went door-to-door starting in late 1934, asking all those registered to vote in parliamentary elections. From February 1935 onwards through to May there was a rapid rise in the numbers of people voting in the Ballot. The poll was completed in June 1935 and the final results were announced on 27 June 1935, at a huge rally at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the Chair and Lord Cecil announced the results. The total number who voted was 11.6 million, 38% of the adult population and over half the 21 million who voted in the general election five months later.

1) Should Great Britain remain a Member of the League of Nations?
Yes, 11,090,387. No, 355,883.
2) Are you in favour of all-round reduction of armaments by international agreement?
Yes, 10,470,489. No, 862,775.
3) Are you in favour of an all-round abolition of national military and naval aircraft by international agreement?
Yes, 9,533,558. No, 1,689,786.
4) Should the manufacture and sale of armaments for private profit be prohibited by international agreement?
Yes, 10,417,329. No, 775,415.
5) Do you consider that, if a nation insists on attacking another, the other nations should combine to compel it to stop—
(a) by economic and non-military measures: 
Yes, 10,027,608. No, 635,074.
(b) if necessary, military measures: 
Yes, 6,784,368. No, 2,351,981.

The Ballot has been criticised by historians for the questions being apparently loaded and designed to elicit the response wanted. It has also been criticised for not asking the public if Britain should re-arm if other countries continued to re-arm.

Hitler And Night Of The Long Knives - 34-6-30 to 34-7-2

34-6-30 to 34-7-2 Night of the Long Knives -- Hitler purges the Nazi party > .
24-6-17 Life Under Adolf Hitler: The First Years Of Nazi Germany - War Stories > .
23-7-17 Nazis: A Warning from History | BBC Select > .
Rise of the Nazis - doc | BBC Select > .

The Night of the Long Knives (German: Nacht der langen Messer, also called Operation Hummingbird (German: Unternehmen Kolibri) or, in Germany, the Röhm Putsch, was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from June 30 to July 2, 1934, when the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazis, carried out a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate Adolf Hitler's absolute hold on power in Germany. Many of those killed were leaders of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazis' own paramilitary organization, colloquially known as the "Brownshirts" due to the color of their uniforms. The best-known victim of the purge was Ernst Röhm, the SA's leader and one of Hitler's longtime supporters and allies. Leading members of the Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party, including its figurehead, Gregor Strasser, were also killed, as were establishment conservatives and anti-Nazis, such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Bavarian politician Gustav Ritter von Kahr, who had suppressed Hitler's Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. The murders of SA leaders were also intended to improve the image of the Hitler government with a German public that was increasingly critical of thuggish Brownshirt tactics.

Hitler moved against the SA and its leader, Ernst Röhm, because he saw the independence of the SA and the penchant of its members for street violence as a direct threat to his newly gained political power. Hitler also wanted to conciliate leaders of the Reichswehr, the official German military who feared and despised the SA, in particular Röhm's ambition to merge the Reichswehr (German Army) and the SA under his own leadership. Additionally, Hitler was uncomfortable with Röhm's outspoken support for a "second revolution" to redistribute wealth. In Röhm's view, President Hindenburg's appointing of Hitler as German Chancellor on January 30, 1933, had accomplished the "nationalistic" revolution but had left unfulfilled the "socialistic" purpose of National Socialism. Finally, Hitler used the purge to attack or eliminate German critics of his new regime, especially those loyal to Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, as well as to settle scores with old enemies.[b]

At least 85 people died during the purge, although the final death toll may have been in the hundreds,[c][d][e] with high estimates running from 700 to 1,000.[1] More than a thousand perceived opponents were arrested.[2] Most of the killings were carried out by the Schutzstaffel (SS) and the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei), the regime's secret police. The purge strengthened and consolidated the support of the Reichswehr for Hitler. It also provided a legal grounding for the Nazi regime, as the German courts and cabinet quickly swept aside centuries of legal prohibition against extrajudicial killings to demonstrate their loyalty to the regime. The Night of the Long Knives was a turning point for the German government.[3] It established Hitler as the supreme administrator of justice of the German people, as he put it in his July 13 speech to the Reichstag.

Before its execution, its planners sometimes referred to the purge as Hummingbird (German: Kolibri), the codeword used to send the execution squads into action on the day of the purge.[4] The codename for the operation appears to have been chosen arbitrarily. The phrase "Night of the Long Knives" in the German language predates the killings and refers generally to acts of vengeance. German historians still largely use the term Röhm-Putsch to describe the killings, the term given to it by the Nazi regime, despite its unproven implication that the executions were necessary to prevent a coup. Authors often use quotation marks or write about the sogenannter Röhm-Putsch ("so-called Röhm Putsch") for emphasis.

Sniper channel

1934 jlde

1934 1/4 - “All Germans Were Nazis” - Hitler Creates 3rd Reich - B2W - tgh >

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...