Friday, December 23, 2016

1935 jlde

1935 1/4 - Czechoslovakia: Last Bastion of Democracy - B2W - tgh > .
Between 2 Wars - tgh >> .

Interbellum - economics, society - RaWa >> .
Appeasement, Isolationism vs Autocrats - RaWa >> .

35-9-15 Nürnberger Gesetze

1935-9-15 Nazi Germany introduces the discriminatory 'Nuremberg Laws' - HiPo > .
24-10-2 Why Denazification Failed - IWM > .
23-7-17 Nazis: A Warning from History | BBC Select > .

Since coming to power in 1933, the Nazi Party had produced large amounts of propaganda that discriminated against minorities, and which encouraged people in Germany to view Jews in particular as belonging to a separate race to other Germans. The Nuremberg Laws enshrined this discrimination in the legal framework of the country through two pieces of legislation.

The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour focused on individual relationships by banning marriages and sexual relationships between Jews and Germans. Furthermore it strengthened the concept of ‘German’ racial superiority in law by banning German women under the age of 45 from working in Jewish households.

Meanwhile the Reich Citizenship Law stripped Jews and many other racial minorities of their German citizenship since it stated that only people with German or related blood could be citizens of the country. The Reich Citizenship Law relied on a clear definition of ‘Jewishness’, which was not actually agreed upon until November. In the end, Hitler declared that anyone with three Jewish grandparents was to be classed as Jewish; anyone who had two Jewish grandparents would be considered Jewish under the law if they practised the faith or had a Jewish spouse. Proving racial heritage therefore became a vital part of life in Nazi Germany. 

Due to concerns about how the international community might interpret the laws, prosecutions did not begin until after the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

The Nuremberg Laws (Nürnberger Gesetze (listen)) were antisemitic and racist laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany on 15 September 1935, at a special meeting of the Reichstag convened during the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party. The two laws were the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which forbade marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans and the employment of German females under 45 in Jewish households; and the Reich Citizenship Law, which declared that only those of German or related blood were eligible to be Reich citizens. The remainder were classed as state subjects without any citizenship rights. A supplementary decree outlining the definition of who was Jewish was passed on 14 November, and the Reich Citizenship Law officially came into force on that date. The laws were expanded on 26 November 1935 to include Romani and Black people. This supplementary decree defined Romanis as "enemies of the race-based state", the same category as Jews.

Out of foreign policy concerns, prosecutions under the two laws did not commence until after the 1936 Summer Olympics, held in Berlin. After the Nazis seized power in 1933, they began to implement their policies, which included the formation of a Volksgemeinschaft (people's community) based on race. Chancellor and Führer (leader) Adolf Hitler declared a national boycott of Jewish businesses on 1 April 1933, and the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, passed on 7 April, excluded the so-called non-Aryans from the legal profession, the civil service, and from teaching in secondary schools and universities. Books considered un-German, including those by Jewish authors, were destroyed in a nationwide book burning on 10 May. Jewish citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. They were actively suppressed, stripped of their citizenship and civil rights, and eventually completely removed from German society.

The Nuremberg Laws had a crippling economic and social impact on the Jewish community. Persons convicted of violating the marriage laws were imprisoned, and (subsequent to 8 March 1938) upon completing their sentences were re-arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Nazi concentration camps. Non-Jews gradually stopped socialising with Jews or shopping in Jewish-owned stores, many of which closed due to lack of customers. As Jews were no longer permitted to work in the civil service or government-regulated professions such as medicine and education, many middle class business owners and professionals were forced to take menial employment. Emigration was problematic, as Jews were required to remit up to 90% of their wealth as a tax upon leaving the country. By 1938 it was almost impossible for potential Jewish emigrants to find a country willing to take them. Mass deportation schemes such as the Madagascar Plan proved to be impossible for the Nazis to carry out, and starting in mid-1941, the German government started mass exterminations of the Jews of Europe.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

'34 to '35

Peace Ballot 1934-5

1934-5 The Peace Ballot in Long Shadow - Impacts of WW1 - Timeline > .
Long Shadow & Impossible Peace → Global Conflicts - Bellum Praeparet >> .

The Peace Ballot of 1934–35 was a nationwide questionnaire in Britain of five questions attempting to discover the British public's attitude to the League of Nations and collective security. Its official title was "A National Declaration on the League of Nations and Armaments." Advocates of the League of Nations felt that a growing isolationism in Britain had to be countered by a massive demonstration that the public demanded adherence to the principles of the League. Recent failures to achieve disarmament had undermined the credibility of the League, and there were fears the National government might step back from its official stance of supporting the League.

The Ballot was run by the "National Declaration committee" set up by the League of Nations Union and spearheaded by the LNU's president, Lord Cecil of Chelwood. It was not sponsored by the government and was only an unofficial expression of opinion of about half the electorate. The main opposition came from Lord Beaverbrook, whose Daily Express newspaper repeatedly ridiculed the ballot; however most major newspapers were supportive.

According to Dame Adelaide Livingstone who wrote the official history of the ballot, the first objective of the Peace Ballot from the outset, even before the questions had been posed, was to prove that the British public supported a policy of the League of Nations as the central determining factor of British foreign policy. Starting in 1933 plans for polls were discussed and local polls were taken in 1934 to test the questions and the canvassing process. for nothing remotely on the same scale had ever been attempted in Britain.

Half-a-million supporters went door-to-door starting in late 1934, asking all those registered to vote in parliamentary elections. From February 1935 onwards through to May there was a rapid rise in the numbers of people voting in the Ballot. The poll was completed in June 1935 and the final results were announced on 27 June 1935, at a huge rally at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the Chair and Lord Cecil announced the results. The total number who voted was 11.6 million, 38% of the adult population and over half the 21 million who voted in the general election five months later.

1) Should Great Britain remain a Member of the League of Nations?
Yes, 11,090,387. No, 355,883.
2) Are you in favour of all-round reduction of armaments by international agreement?
Yes, 10,470,489. No, 862,775.
3) Are you in favour of an all-round abolition of national military and naval aircraft by international agreement?
Yes, 9,533,558. No, 1,689,786.
4) Should the manufacture and sale of armaments for private profit be prohibited by international agreement?
Yes, 10,417,329. No, 775,415.
5) Do you consider that, if a nation insists on attacking another, the other nations should combine to compel it to stop—
(a) by economic and non-military measures: 
Yes, 10,027,608. No, 635,074.
(b) if necessary, military measures: 
Yes, 6,784,368. No, 2,351,981.

The Ballot has been criticised by historians for the questions being apparently loaded and designed to elicit the response wanted. It has also been criticised for not asking the public if Britain should re-arm if other countries continued to re-arm.

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...