igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum
therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war
sī vīs pācem, parā bellum
if you want peace, prepare for war
Earth’s surface: The largest countries are Russia (17.1 m km2), Canada (10 m km2), USA (9.8 m km2), China (9.6 m km2), Brazil (8.5 m km2), Australia (7.7 m km2)
⃣ Eurasia 55 million square kilometres; 36.2% of the Earth's 149 million km2 total land area; over 5 billion people, equating to approximately 70% of the human population.
⃣ Africa 30.4 million square km; 20% of Earth's land area.
⃣ North America 24.7 million square kilometers; 16.5% of the Earth's land area.
⃣ South America 17.8 million km2 or almost 11.98% of Earth's total land area.
⃣ Europe (excluding Russia) 10.18 million km2; 6.8% of land area
70% of Earth’s surface is water, more specifically 27% territorial waters and 43% international waters or areas beyond national jurisdiction.