Sunday, July 21, 2024

24-6-27 Sad! 24-7-21 Better!

24-7-21 What Happens If A Presidential Nominee Drops Out - Versed > .
24-6-28 The exact moment Biden lost the debate | About That | CBC > .

Schade [failed assassination attempt, attendee killed] 24-7-13 ..

Biden's problem appears to be Parkinson's +/- Alzheimer's -- not merely the inevitable changes associated with advancing age. Too old? At 81, Biden is clearly too old, and appears to be suffering from Parkinson's, which, although symptoms can be ameliorated with medications, continues to worsen. Equally, despite daily  fluctuations in lucidity, Alzheimer's course is inexorable. 

DJT is almost as old, and is notorious for inane rambles >. So, it might be merciful for the future of America's democracy that ageing Wanna-be-Dicktator DUHnocchio is also close to a natural time out.

Predictable American 'what-about-me?' whining aside, the numbers indicate that, despite Biden's increasing difficulties and a global economic downturn, the Biden administration has performed quite well. 

The erratic, self-obsessed, convicted felon, on the other hand, has already instigated an unsuccessful insurrection > in which MAGAts chanted that they wanted to hang Mike Pence. Malignant narcissists USE people to achieve their purposes; and, being devoid of empathy and conscience, they don't care about them.

For the sake of America's and the globe's future, Democrats must defeat MAGAtry.

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sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...