Monday, January 1, 2024

24-8-6 Ukraine Invades Russia

Курск - Kursk Front - Bellum Gerere >> .

"So, you wake up one bad morning, and there is a yellow-and-blue flag waving over the city administration building. Just like in the TV.

But how come, given that SVO (Special Military Operation) is going on successfully, with little bloodshed, on a foreign territory, and the goals of the SVO (whatever they are) are being met on time?

Well, maybe yes, but not here. Here you have to live somehow under occupation.

It so occurred, that for some little renumeration provided by the government and Ministery of Sciences, I studied the subject and wrote books just on this topic. And later I saw something on my own. Let me explain you what's what.

Why it all happened?

Well, because nobody gives a damn. You and I, defending us is not listed among the goals of SVO, and is not a part of any report. There is not a single officer responsible for our safety, no military headquarter is working on it. They are interested in taking New York for the 5-th time (because the name is so nice), all the five houses that are there, and may be get a medal.

We are not interesting for the volunteers and war correspondents. We live a "wealthy peaceful life" and should donate our last ruble to the construction works in Mariupol.

We had conscripts and cops guarding the border. Not Rosguardia, just regular cops. When bombs started to fall on my city, a Russian city of a size of half-million people, we didn't get any Air Defence, not a single anty-drone weapon! Our hospitals are not for us, but for the soldiers. We also don't need electricity, yeah, right!

We are not interesting for Moscow, they don't even need Donbass any more. All they think of is Kiev, nothing else.

They will fight to take us back without any hurry, if at all. Because the one who screws up, will be stripped of his military rank. So, it's easier to hold it off until the peace talks.

For now we are only interestiong to ourselves. Let that sink in.

2. What's gonna happen?

There will be bad and restless Nothing.

You know, Ukrainians ("khohly" in the original text) don't need us, and we are of no interest to them. They won't "ukrainize" us as the TV says. Because it is expensive and they there is nothing to take from us.

Thanks to our government and political party, we have bread. Very useful thing, but Ukraine has that too. We have some parts of the gas pipe, but we were deprived of access to it anyways. We also have roads to Moscow, so, there you go.

They don't need our soil, because there is zero benefit from it. They are here just to mow down our army.

For Ukrainians we are just a furniture. They have their reasons to hate us, but actually they don't have time for that - Ukrainian army does sharp and dodgy maneuvers, this is how they stay alive. We are just a part of the landscape, and even that is not for a long time.

We will be targeted by Iskander and Caliber missiles. Actually, it's Ukrainians that will be targeted, but because we always lack fire correction drones, they gonna shot as they did in Kiev - wanted to hit an airbase, but struck a children's hospital. Because what can they do, they have to liberate us.

Then the liberators come. Since our direction is of the 3d priority, they will sent Z-Shtorm troops (prisoners) and other merry men, to clear the ground.

But don't worry. They will not come until Ukrainians leave.

AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) don't care about us, they actually wage war, not like Akhmatov troops. Therefore, they won't repair an electric substation or a water pump station wrecked by our missiles, except that let us do it ourselves. And when it comes to medical care, their combat medics will do that only on holidays or in their free time.

3. What to do?

You can try to leave, Ukrainians still provide "safe corridors". But I can tell you from my own experience, at Russian checkpoints you will be stripped of everything you manage to escape with, except the clothes and things you wear. And in any Russian city you won't be able to rent a place to stay. Because "you will anyways leave in a month"

"But you should still try.

And if you decide to stay, this is what you have to understand:

A) Stock up on water at any occasion. It will get difficult to clean it very soon. Ukrainians will let you use the same water pump as they use, but the queues will be long.

B) Stock up on food. Cereals. Canned food. Ask your parents how they lived in 90s. Very soon money will be out of use. Especially rubles - as soon as those who planned to leave finally do it.

C) Stock on medicines. What will be left after militaries, will be brought off the shelves by speculators.

D) You should always carry your ID. Always. Kids should have their own IDs, and they should carry them, not you. It's easy to get lost in a city with closed roads, and extremely easy if you have to get from a city to a suburb.

E) If you have a place to stay somewhere else, it's better to leave the city. If you don't, don't try because you will be driven away, in the best case.

F) Bunch up, it's better to stay with you fiends in a bigger apartment. Don't leave the apartment without extreme need. And not just by night, by day as well, as the SVO veterans sometimes want to eat as well.

G) Street patrols are not there for your safety but for their's. They are not a police, they don't have to drop everything and sor out your complaints, but in case of a dire need they may help you. But remember, you have to treat them with respect, say everything clear and repeat if asked so. They don't need you, but you might need them sometimes.

H) Don't you dare to have fun loudly. If you are into drinking - time to drop it. You like to get scandaluos with your neighbors - sew up you mouth. If you become a problem not for Ukrainians but for your surrounding - this problem will be dealt with quickly.

I) Don't wear any patches with Russian flag, St George strips (orange/black stripes) or Z-patches. Russia doesn't give a shit about it, no one will know about if, even if someone learns about it - he will laugh at you. But you don't have to irritate people on whom it depends how you gonna live. You won't get killed, but many questions will be asked.

J) Your complaints about you neighbor that he is a member of the party United Russia are pointless. No one will make you a city mayor, because no one needs a city mayor. But if a polite person with an SBU ID (Security Service of Ukraine) asks you where is a district police officer - you better answer. Because for the district police officer it makes no difference, but you don't need problems.

K) Ukrainians will manage all the job assignment. There are no illusions about that. For you this will make a little difference - either you keep your old job, if you are lucky or you are an electrician, for example. Or you don't have a job at all, like if you are into marketing. Of course you can proudly refuse to work, but no one gives a shit. But the Motherland won't feed your family. Neither now, nor any time later.

L) ZSU doesn't need translators. Policemen - I doubt it, and if so - not too soon. The jobs that can be prodived will be received by those whom no questions need to be asked.

M) But if you neighbor asks you to join a partisan squad - you better report on him. He is not wishing you any good. As we know from Kherson, Odesa and Kharkiv, SBU quickly catches these underground agents, and puts them in jail for a long term. You are serponsible for your kids, and for your parents actually too.

N) Make use of the experience from Ukrainians. When our army gets to bomb us - listen to Ukrainian air raid sirens, they are very precise. Take shelter and keep in mind the rule of two walls, hide in a shower room or in a corridor.

O) Btw, talking about the experience of Ukrainians. A power generator is a good thing for the time being, until you run out of gas. Everybody will run out of gas. Later the gas will get back, but not for everybody.

P) And finally - stop reading news. Ukrainian news are not for you - these people have different problems. Russian news are also not for you, there nobody gives a damn about us, we spoil the picture. This is the way and the only way to live through until the end of all this shit. And then ask our leaders and heroes, what the fuck was all this?

But they won't answer. Because who are we to hold them accountable?"

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sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...