Thursday, January 16, 2020

Metals - Supply

Ga, Ge 
23-7-9 Xina's Gallium & Germanium Export Controls - Asianometry > .
Mining & Refining - Resource Blackmail 

The Earth’s crust is abundant in minerals and ores. Some ores have proven to be a valuable resource for humanity. Iron, for example, derived from iron ore (Hematite), laid the groundwork for the industrial revolution. Aluminum, on the other hand, was a critical strategic resource for aviation during World War I and World War II.
China is the world’s largest consumer of iron ore, and despite being the third largest producer, it still imports around 80% of the iron ore it uses each year. The biggest producers of iron ore are Australia, Brazil and China, which collectively account for around two-thirds of global output, with India, Russia, Ukraine and Canada also significant producers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries 2022. China imported a total of 1.12 billion tons of iron ore in 2021, down slightly from 1.17 billion tons in 2020, according to government data. The drop in demand was largely driven by lower steel production in China, as the government placed constraints on the industry in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.

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