Tuesday, October 31, 2017

●● Propaganda, Publications, Broadcasts

● Censorship ..
● Communications, Signals ..
● Political Interference ..
● Propaganda ..
● Publications, Texts, Memoranda ..
● Social Media Propaganda ..
● Twisting History ..
Australia's War Effort (1940) ..
Banned Books ..
BBC ..
BBC - Guy Burgess ..How Civil Wars Start (2022) ..
Life and Fate (1959) ..Lying ΧίΧίРee ..
PooΧί & PooTin Propaganda (2022) ..
Propagandistic Censorship - Χίna ..Unredacted (2024) ..Xills - Wumao Troll Farming ..


Bookshelf - 2023 ..
De Humani Corporis Fabrica - Vesalius (1543) ..
STG 2022 Books ..



Magazines (30s, 40s) - Chronology:

Pseudoscience, Anti-Science, LIES


Social Media Propaganda Campaigns

Youth Magazines

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Achtung – Panzer! (1937)

Hans Guderian & "Achtung – Panzer" - WW2 > .

Achtung – Panzer! (Attention, Tank!" or, more idiomatically, "Beware the Tank!") by Heinz Guderian is a book on the application of motorized warfare. First published in 1937, it expounds a new kind of warfare: the concentrated use of tanks, with infantry and air force in close support, later known as Blitzkrieg tactics. The book also argues against the continued use of cavalry given the proven effectiveness of the machine gun, and advocates replacing the cavalry with mechanised infantry. It was never properly studied by the French or the English general staff, both of whom helped introduce the tank.

The first half of the book focuses on the advent of positional or 'trench warfare' in World War I, and the subsequent development of the first tanks. Here Guderian outlines the development of tanks and tank tactics throughout the Great War and during the interwar period. Later he discusses the effects of the Treaty of Versailles upon the German armed forces before detailing the recovery from the setbacks the Treaty caused in terms of development of mechanised forces. Guderian concludes by promoting the further development of the German tank force and providing suggestions concerning the future application of tanks and their relationship with other arms.

24-1-5 Heinz Guderian: Mastermind Of The Blitzkrieg | Tanks! | War Stories > .

AFPU - Army Film and Photographic Unit

On 6 June 1944, Sergeant Ian Grant was among the thousands of men landing on Sword Beach in Normandy on D Day, armed only with a revolver and a cine camera. He was part of the Army Film and Photographic Unit (AFPU) and captured this incredible mute footage of the landings. Fewer than a dozen men filmed the D Day landings. 

Grant's short silent footage, and more footage from D Day, on IWM's Film Archive: https://bit.ly/iwmfilm-swordbeach .

AjP - Antijüdische Propaganda

Lying About the Jews in Film - WW2 > .

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...