Monday, November 6, 2017

Warwickshire 1910

00:00​ Leamington Spa
00:33​ Kenilworth castle
01:21​ Warwick Guys Cliff Mill
01:42​ Warwick Castle
02:12​ On the road to Stratford Upon Avon
02:30​ Between Warwick and Stratford Upon Avon
02:48​ Beautiful old bridge at (?)
03:15​ Notice no tarmack but hardened dust roads!
03:21​ Some gate (location?) A unique construction!
03:42​ Stratford Upon Avon
03:51​ Anne Hathaway's Cottage (pity we don't see the lovely garden!)
04:09​ Shakespeare's birth place
04:28​ His Grammar School
04:45​ Shakespeare Memorial Theater
04:58​ Home of Marie Corelli
05:16​ On the river Avon
05:50​ Boating along the banks of the river Avon
06:12​ Slightly over-exposed film footage (could not be corrected). Location (?)

Westminster Palace

.Westminster Palace: One Thousand Years of History - Mega > .

Wisley & Ockham Commons

Lowland heathland - dwarf shrubs & acid grassland species - heathers, gorse, broom

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

●● Propaganda, Publications, Broadcasts

● Censorship ..
● Communications, Signals ..
● Political Interference ..
● Propaganda ..
● Publications, Texts, Memoranda ..
● Social Media Propaganda ..
● Twisting History ..
Australia's War Effort (1940) ..
Banned Books ..
BBC ..
BBC - Guy Burgess ..How Civil Wars Start (2022) ..
Life and Fate (1959) ..Lying ΧίΧίРee ..
PooΧί & PooTin Propaganda (2022) ..
Propagandistic Censorship - Χίna ..Unredacted (2024) ..Xills - Wumao Troll Farming ..


Bookshelf - 2023 ..
De Humani Corporis Fabrica - Vesalius (1543) ..
STG 2022 Books ..



Magazines (30s, 40s) - Chronology:

Pseudoscience, Anti-Science, LIES


Social Media Propaganda Campaigns


Youth Magazines

sī vīs pācem, parā bellum

igitur quī dēsīderat pācem praeparet bellum    therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war sī vīs pācem, parā bellum if you wan...